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Everything posted by Thom

  1. There were a couple lines of dialogue about the Falcon not being a 'clean' ship. So, if it can be tracked (because it has a tracking device on it) then Han finding it is not that hard to reconcile.
  2. It all comes back to them not having a strict story arc to follow through the movies. Johnson was literally handed plot threads and told to do whatever he wanted with them, no matter what the intent was in TFA. That's not how you do a series, that's how you do a loosely tied together anthology. In truth, that's where everything got *ucked up.
  3. This is either going to be incredibly epic, or an incredibly epic mess! I'm hoping that only half o these rumors come true, otherwise there won't be any time for the actual story!
  4. Considering how hard they got nuked, I doubt it. Axanar is dead, and the only good things that came out of was Prelude, and a cool ship model.
  5. And DUN! Some things didn't go so right, but more than enough did! Going to take a week off before I get back to the models, and the Falcon! Model on!
  6. It does look good. But my first question would be, why doesn't she have a clue that 'something' is up? I'm assuming she knows all about this too, esp being as old as she is, so when her whole family just shows up, shouldn't she be suspicious? Or did I just get to the twist end of the movie?
  7. Almost finished with the decals. Hit a couple of snags, but I think she looks okay, rather than great. But, still in-process! I'm looking into some new decal sheets for the next one. A little sneak-peak... Model on!
  8. I consider myself more of a dabbler-in-the moment... But thanks!
  9. Derex3592 Great looking Defiant! Those decals did settle down pretty nicely. As for the clear parts, mine went fine, so I must consider myself lucky. Except for the topside phaser emitters. I just couldn't figure out how they went on. But in the end found that they were set a little lower on the model than on the on-screen ship, so they were snipped and glued straight on. Cool looking Q! Are you gonna do her hot pink?!
  10. Not so much 'my' wessel. She was designed by Bill Krause, AKA Admiral Buck, to fit into a post TOS era but before TMP. The model was produced by Ugh! Models, but they have since been hit with a Cease and Desist, which stopped further production. I managed to get a few of them before that. Check on Resin Illuminati. Admiral Buck has several kit-bashes and scratch builds of same era ships there, and they are phenomenal! The one I like the best is his kitbash of a 1/350 TOS Enterprise into a USS Hood refit, after the episode with the M5 computer. Thanks Peng!! And that looks like a factory being set up, or a gate to Alaska Base..? With Saber, she is one step closer to finished, with the registry and name being worked out with Inkspace.
  11. Great looking start! The pics look good. One step before decals needed. Bussard domes...
  12. Woot Woot! About ready to fly. Those turrets looks sik! And in a good way. Hate to be staring down that barrell! Can't wait to see how they are turning out. For myself, paint is done on the Saber. Next is a gloss coat and then decals! Woohoo! Model on!
  13. They have plans for a trilogy - if the money was there... As is, they are about breaking even. I'm hoping it'll make enough to get at least one sequel to finish off the story with Nova. I would rather the movie had tied up the ending more tightly, just in case it does end up as a one-shot. Really hoping for one!
  14. I wish there was enough interest to do all that. As it is, I would be ecstatic for just one more movie to wrap up Alita's story, and finally deal directly with Nova/Zalum. But, until then, I can't wait for my 1/6 Hot Toy to show up! https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/alita-battle-angel-hot-toys-903755
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