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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Rejoice, for the armor will be getting changed! According to Hissrich, the armor will be totally different - and hopefully actually look like armor! From this article - https://winteriscoming.net/2020/01/31/yes-nilfgaardian-armor-will-different-witcher-season-2/ - and the storyline will be more linear this time rather than jumping back and forth, and will pick up with the Blood of Elves. One thing I wished they had done was do it more chronologically from the start. Not completely certainly, but having Cintra fall more in the middle of the season would have had more emotional impact, and especially if they had done it in a more grand style. Seeing just the few high points robs it of that. And having never played the game or read the books, seeing the promos made me think it would be mostly all about Geralt and Ciri, so what seemed like 'tossing' in all these other characters with equally big parts was a little confusing. I kept waiting for Geralt and Ciri to meet up and the story to start! And that happened right at the last episode! Really psyched though as, after adjusting, I did like it a lot.
  2. You know, I bought the DVD for Willow not too long ago, and I have to say I enjoyed it just as much as I did when I was a kid! Being older now I can see the flaws, but I don't care. It was just fun!
  3. I'd trust JJ a lot more than RJ. RJ can't even write a good chase scene... Case in point, the Radus' escape pods were FTL capable and apparent;y went unseen by the First Order. But not even that, knowing only one ship was tracking them, why didn't the Resistance Fleet just scatter..? My hope, give it to someone else...
  4. Real nice concepts! I really like Rey with the double saber. The longer length would better allow her to leverage strength from both arms against a larger, physically stronger attacker. Also I like the idea of a Jedi using a weapon similar to Maul, esp since a staff technique would be easily adaptable to it. A lot of good ideas shown there, though yes, the execution is most important otherwise all they are, are still just good ideas... For Ben finding his way back, we'd have to use the Force-McGuffin. Perhaps his connection to Rey allowed him to find his way..? IDK. That's just guessing. Or, was the path stable enough that he could remember the way after having been through it once already? A map through a maze shows an established and stable path rather than one that continues to twist and shift from moment to moment. Otherwise the wayfinder would not work unless it was adaptive to the changing environment, which would be nearly impossible. Considering that Poe and the Resistance Fleet followed long enough after Rey went through for the route to have changed beyond any recognition, then I think it was stable enough in the long term for Ben to follow the remembered course. Good enough for me. Read 'Empire from the Ashes' by David Weber. An omnibus of his Mutineer's Moon series. Moon-sized, spherical warships dodging around like fighters. Some of his best work.
  5. Oh well, in my head it's one taken from the stolen cruiser. It works that way. As for the Militia Fleet finding their way to Exogol, Lando was leading them, as he was present when they found out that Rey was transmitting the way through the 'fire maze.'
  6. We don't know though if that was a TIE fighter from the dead Death Star or one from the cruiser the Storm Troopers stole when they deserted. I've seen the movie twice though I haven't looked close enough at the TIE he arrived in to see if it is an OT fighter or an FO fighter... If it came from the stolen cruiser then it does have a hyperdrive and I'll be sticking to that in my head-canon.
  7. I loved that scene! It was Ben reliving that moment and finally making the right choice, and ridding himself of Kylo Ren. I do have to say, up until that moment I wanted him to die! But coupling his transition back to the Light with that of Leia's death was a good idea. Leia sacrificed herself in order to finally reach her son, and I think she gave him an anchor in the Light by doing it. I think that was the reason her body did not disappear until her son's did and that's because she was with him that entire time.
  8. Well, we already had the Empire and then the FO blowing up planets willy-nilly, killing billions in the process. The only thing the bad-guys didn't do was curse while doing it. And then of course is the problem of making your heroes little different from your baddies, and using the context of anything for the 'cause.' It won't take too long before the only way to tell the difference between the good guys and the bad guys is the colors of their uniforms. I'd be rooting for them to kill each other out and leave everyone else alone.
  9. LOL!! Never really watched those movies, esp after seeing a muscle car flipping a full size bus. Definite high level of suspension of belief. Fun though.
  10. It would have been forever-after known as the Festival of Severed Arms! And that would have been great! As it is, I now pay less attention during the Ewok scenes, much the same as with the Canto Bight stuff and the endless chase in TLJ.
  11. No argument there. It was very well done! Sad and heroic. Bittersweet. But all the news headlines pictured Gustin's Barry, in that he was the one who vanished and not an alternate. Still hoping they'll surprise us with it finally happening for the season finale. As for the rest, definitely a fun crossover! From looking at the compilation as Ollie was doing the voice-over, I'm assuming that a number of alternate universes are still out there and that only the CW shows were merged. Which I like, it's having the best of both worlds!
  12. That was an awesome scene when the two Barry's got to meet. Still bummed that they wimped out of the Flash disappearance that had been hanging over the show almost from the start. They just tossed 90's Flash in as a sacrifice.
  13. The missing plot from Ep 8 was squeezed into this one. Definite two movie's worth of material. I'd like to see all three of them again, but if I had to choose then Rey would be the line I'd like to see in another Saga.
  14. Going to go see it again tomorrow. I loved that whole scene with them fighting on the wreckage, and then Ben talking with his father. Actually seeing Ford as Han again was a surprise to me, esp as I stay away from leaks and BTS news.
  15. I've never watched the anime and don't have much desire to. Did watch the movie and it was alright. Could have been better. As someone coming in still with no expectations of how the characters act and what actions they take, nor where the story is taken, I'll probably like it - unless it's a total crap show. But as stated above, Netflix does pretty dang good with their adaptations, so my trust is in them until they do something to lose it.
  16. Sounds good to me. As an example, there was no explanation needed as to how/why a Force-user is able to Force-pull an object. It was just done, and we got Vader slamming Luke with power equipment ripped off the walls. Cool scene.
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