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  2. Actually, I thought about them but they don’t show up in the line art. It wouldn’t have been hard to add them in but they’re just not there. These details began to appear in Master Files books and Hasegawa kits so while they could have been there sooner I think I’d rather leave these out. 😉
  3. A Chinese/ USA party!
  4. Today
  5. strikevalk

    VF-17S bootleg

    This thing is as wacky as it gets. 1/65 VF-17S Nightmare bootleg/ KO. I really realllllyyy want to open this thing... I think I will......
  6. Based on what you've shared from it, that doesn't appear to be a script from the series. Are you quite certain? The text on the pages you've shared with us here appear to be a bare-bones outline of the show's premise and its setting, very basic descriptions of the main cast, and minimally-detailed summaries of the key points for the stories of the first seven episodes. It honestly reads like a writer's guide, the kind of outline document provided to a show's writers to give them the details of the setting and characters that they need to start work on screenplays... and an early one at that. The description of the Invit in there is very different from what's in the actual series. They're described in that document as a lot more malicious than they actually were in the final version of the story. This booklet describes them as actively hunting down and destroying human population centers and refugee caravans as they expanded outward from Reflex Point and doing more blatantly evil things like herding people who opposed them into concentration camps. The Invit in the series that aired were pretty hands-off when it came to Humanity and for the most part left Earth's population to its own devices once they had control of the place.
  7. Yesterday
  8. I'm looking forward to doing a lot of work on this once I have mine.
  9. Imagine Newton’s confusion when a road apple falls from the sky to hit him on the head.
  10. Too cliche Black and red for me. Done many times across many themes...
  11. Dang, Mushoku Tensei was one of the best episode of the series. I am still sad about it. I knew what was coming and it still hurt.
  12. That's a scheme that'll definitely never experience yellowing! But maybe red accents rather than green would better suit my taste.
  13. Your comparison reminded me of this from jenius' site... *picture borrowed from www.anymoon.com
  14. Sweet. Sadly I don't know Japanese, but would like to hear about trivias or production ideas that never got made.
  15. I really would like to know the reason behind Bandai's decision to sacrifice plane mode.
  16. Something like this as a DX or HMR, I wouldn't think twice about it... So wish Bandai would start exploring such cooler alternative repaints...
  17. Pengroid convinces me that Yamato spoiled us with a svelte, graceful looking fighter. Bandai will have to engineer the sh1t out of their version - we'll see soon enough.
  18. About Shawn's gift ( 7th april 2024), I'd like to thank you... So, surely some of you have seen them but this is a script from Mospeada serie...to share Well, sorry for these bad pics... Just try to enjoy
  19. Just bought a VF-1J that showed up on three zero's site yesterday....wouldn't be surprised to receive it before my KC Regult...
  20. Astro Note's penultimate episode finally resolved the search for the macguffin at the heart of the going-nowhere romcom between the oblivious female lead and the hopeless guy who can't tell the difference between flirting and just being polite. I knew it was going to be hidden somewhere obvious, but I have to admit the show's art team did an absolutely fantastic job of hiding it in plain sight. It's been onscreen in every episode at least two or three times and I doubt anyone noticed. The final episode seems set to change genres entirely as that macguffin has brought a massive Ideon-esque giant robot into the picture to fight the other species of aliens who've been chasing the macguffin all series. I'm not sure I'd say that its quirky and retro aesthetic has entirely offset how irritating several of the characters are. Feels like a solid 6/10 series at the end of the day. Vampire Dormitory's 11th episode has that very odd gender bender plot twist - something that feels bizarre and out of place in a series where the main premise was already that the protagonist was pulling a bent-gender disguise routine - dragging on in a way that makes its polygon of one-sided infatuations start to feel uncomfortably like watching an abusive relationship. (Ironically, this still makes it a more compelling LGBT+ storyline than Tadaima Okaeri.) Possibly multiple abusive relationships, considering how things have turned out with one of the male leads having forced a gender change on the protagonist and the other being deceived into a relationship with an imposter. (Also, does nobody notice this giant carriage in the sky? Or the horses pulling it? Someone is going to look up and catch a steaming pile of horsesh*t in the face at some point.)
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