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Gave Away My Robotech DVDs. . .


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My storage cabinet was flooded today because of a leak under my neighbor's apartment. The plumber came by to check on things and had his son with him since today is a holiday.

The kid came in and saw all my Yamato 1/48s and other Macross stuff and started just f'ing asking me to give him stuff. Now, I at once thought, "what an arrogant little jerk". . . but at the same time, I can't say no to kids who express interest in the same stuff I like. So, I went into my closet and grabbed a CF Super-Poseable and gave him that. He was disappointed to not get a transformable one. . . but hey. . . ya can't win 'em all.

He started asking what they were from. . . so I suddenly thought: What the heck do I need these Robotech DVDs for other than to remind me how annoying the voice acting was? So. . . I sent the kid off with them as well. But I warned him. . .

"Kid, these will seem cool now at your age. But as you get older, and they start to get cheezier and more embarassing to watch, remember that the original Japanese versions of this stuff is much cooler and made more for adults. So as you get older, remember to look up "Macross" on the internet."

Maybe I set the kid on the right path. Regardless, I needed to get rid of some stuff to make room for my girlfriend who's moving in next month. So, everyone's a winner. :)


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haha, nice.

at the AX, I was over by one of the booths selling DVDs and one guy wanted the remastered robotech DVDs but was disapointed all the episodes weren't out yet... so after he walked away from the booth I told him and about the Animego set and he seemed pretty happy about it.



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I woulda slapped him.

That's too violent. I'd throw him outa window.

Nice dad, nice dad.

Seriously, Hurin did a good job.

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how old was this kid, he just came in and started pointing sayin "can i have that?" to you?

I think he was around 11 or so. I'm terrible at judging the age of kids.

Yeah. Truth be told, the kid was quite a brat. If he were my kid. . . well, let's just say I wouldn't have a kid like that. Anyways. . . while he lacked manners and was quite demanding, I also had to respect him for his taste in toys. Also, keep in mind that I don't think he realized that he was talking about expensive toys. I mentioned that they were imported from Japan. But I didn't want to quote a price to shut up the "gimmes" 'cuz my landlord was right there. . . and it's best not to advertise that you have that much disposable income around lest she decide I'm not paying quite enough in rent.

The kid was a brat. But he liked the toys. I was torn. :)


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One other thing. I found this odd. The kid kept asking: "When will you be giving them away". . . as though it was a foregone conclusion that I would be doing so in the near future.

It went like this:

"So, when will you be giving them away?"

"Never, I like them. I'm still collecting them."

"Yeah, but when will you stop."

"I don't think I'll ever get rid of them."

"Yeah, but you have to some day."


"You know. . ."


"When you. . ."

"Die? I'm 30. I got about fifty years left!"

"Well, I was trying to be polite. . ."

Holy crap. . . I had no idea that kids talked like that. What a precocious little demon! That's being polite?!? The kid didn't have a polite bone in his body! :)

At this point, I just laughed my ass off and thanked God he wasn't my kid.

Reading this, I realize it sounds far-fetched. . . but that's the actual conversation I just had with an 11(?)-year old.

Oh, then he asked if I would be giving them to my kids. Does this kid wanna be on a waiting list or something? :lol:


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My storage cabinet was flooded today because of a leak under my neighbor's apartment. The plumber came by to check on things and had his son with him since today is a holiday.

The kid came in and saw all my Yamato 1/48s and other Macross stuff and started just f'ing asking me to give him stuff. Now, I at once thought, "what an arrogant little jerk". . . but at the same time, I can't say no to kids who express interest in the same stuff I like. So, I went into my closet and grabbed a CF Super-Poseable and gave him that. He was disappointed to not get a transformable one. . . but hey. . . ya can't win 'em all.

He started asking what they were from. . . so I suddenly thought: What the heck do I need these Robotech DVDs for other than to remind me how annoying the voice acting was? So. . . I sent the kid off with them as well. But I warned him. . .

"Kid, these will seem cool now at your age. But as you get older, and they start to get cheezier and more embarassing to watch, remember that the original Japanese versions of this stuff is much cooler and made more for adults. So as you get older, remember to look up "Macross" on the internet."

Maybe I set the kid on the right path. Regardless, I needed to get rid of some stuff to make room for my girlfriend who's moving in next month. So, everyone's a winner. :)


When I got my animeigo macross set.Instead of giving away used my old robotech dvds,I just used them as a substitute for clay pegions, on the shooting range, by my old job.It was one of the most joyiest moments of my life.

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Hurin. You seem to be a pretty giving person, the little runt should be thankful to get ANYTHING. There's nothing more itchy than arrogant little pricks. :lol:

Oh well. At least you gave him Robotech merchandise. BTW. Was there any water damage to your property? :(

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Wait a minute? Free DVD's & toy? His dad better have hooked you up with extra hot water or a super high flow toilet. At least an offer for a free future plumbing fix.


Or maybe threats...

"Look buddy, your kid wants these DVDs... If I think that bill is too high, he just may get them. And you wouldn't want that, would you?"

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Man...this thread made my day. And maybe I should try that if I ever visit Hurin's place.

"I want that!"

*points to Low Viz 1/48*

"When are you gonna urmm...sleep with the daisies? You someday will...won't you? Could you give them to me then? Hmmm?"

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Wait a minute? Free DVD's & toy? His dad better have hooked you up with extra hot water or a super high flow toilet. At least an offer for a free future plumbing fix.

That was just the thing. . . the kid didn't even seem happy to get what I was giving him. He just kept wanting "one that transforms" and kept looking all disappointed as I handed him free stuff! I said (and his dad said): "You should be happy that you're getting a free toy!" Well, I guess when I gave him the DVDs he seemed to actually want them. . . but still just kept asking for more. It was really amazing. I realized he was rude at the time, however, I was more in shock and amused by such an attitude. It was a sight to behold. :D

He really wanted my matchbox Warhammer actually, even though he didn't transform. He offered to trade the CF super-poseable for it several times. Then he wanted to know how to get the Super-Poseable to stand up straight. He seemed disappointed when I told him that it wouldn't. That's when it struck me to give him the DVDs, cuz I started to explain to him how those poses are what anime is sorta known for. . .

To his credit, his dad said: "You sure I can't give you anything for those?" as his kid just wandered off. . .

But it's the landlord's dime for the repairs. So, what was he gonna give me? ;)

And to answer someone else's question: Luckily, mostly what I had in there was empty boxes for my home theater stuff. Those were wrecked (no big whoop). Somehow, I managed to put the "valuable" stuff over to the right away from where the water dripped down. ("flooded" may have been too strong a word. More like "saturated"). But even the "valuable" stuff was only some nostalgic stuff like my Battletech Technical Readout books (the only books I kept from my BT collection). And those are fine.

Man. . . I started a strange thread. Just a little diary entry here. :)

Heh. I really should have just taken the time to recollect all the amusing parts about this story and put them in the first post lest you all think I'm just making this up. But anyways, the kid actually only needed to come into my place to use the bathroom (the leak is below my neighbor's tub. . . which drips down into our car-ports. . . where we have wooden "storage lockers" made out of wood built into the walls).

Anyways, the kid asks if I "have a bathroom". . . and I said uh, yes. Then he just barrells on in and was just spinning around in my little apartment like a dervish looking at all that stuff. . . I mean, almost immediately, he acted like he owned the place. Something else also troubled me. He didn't respect people's "bubble" or "social space" He just had no "shyness" that you would expect from a kid in a stranger's apartment. Just in your face. Picture a fat little red-headed kid (no foolin') with an attitude like one of the brats from Willie Wonka and the Chocoloate Factory (which I recently watched).

Anyways. . . I assumed he was going to do a #1. But then he was in there for a while. Dude. . . what do kids eat nowadays? Because after he left. . . and I had seen his dad and my landlord off. . . I went in there and. . . SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP. . . I haven't smelled anything like that in a long time. It defies explanation or verbal description. I swear the wallpaper was about to peel. :p

Okay, enough toilet humor. :)

This is just one of those stories that seems surreal as it happens. I wish I had it video taped.


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Holy crap, I'd have no idea what I would have done if a kid like that came to my house. And he took a #2 in a total stranger's place? Has he no decency? He should be released into the wild, and hunted :lol: If you don't mind me asking, how old are you Hurin? That kid sounded like a handful to deal with :p

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i'm shocked you felt inclined to reward this childs attidude with a dvd collection and an action figure.

if something like that had found its way into my apartment i would have kicked them both out and told the plumber to come back minus the family baggage.

i mean... i can just see the wheels crankin in that kids head: "gee i want that stuff.. he said i couldn't have it so.. what could happen that would allow me to get it.. OH .. if he died i could have his stuff. that would be neat, if only he'd die before i had to go home my dad would let me take some of his toys."

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i'm shocked you felt inclined to reward this childs attidude with a dvd collection and an action figure.

No, no, no.

I gave him Robotech stuff. :p


I know, I know. Like I said, I was more shocked than anything else. . . and amused. It was bizarre.

Really though, he caught me in a really good mood. . . and the whole event lasted less than ten minutes. The plumber is coming back tomorrow with the parts to fix my neighbor's tub drain. Gotta say, I wouldn't be comfortable if I had the feeling the landlord might let him (with his kid) back into my apartment while I'm not there.

I get the feeling that the plumber may not actually be around the kid that much. He tried to get the kid to say "please" and "thank you" quite few times. But the kid acted like he wasn't there. He was too busy just talking to me like I was any other kid. :)


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how old are you Hurin?

Been 30 now for a couple of weeks. It's odd though. Once the kid saw my collection, he just suddenly started talking to me (and treating me) like I was just another kid his age. Maybe he treats other adults differently.

Hehe, I still have trouble thinking of myself as an "elder" as in "respect your elders."


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This kid does sound like a brat. Atleast you did the smart thing and watched him.

could just a imagine the kid saying can i have that, do you stilll need this.

atleast he didnt say "is this supposed to come off" with a 1/48 in his hand.

I'll give him this too: He never actually touched anything. He pointed, and came close. . . but he never touched. If he had even nudged one of my valks, it would have been Game Over. :)


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Reading all this reminds me of my neighbor's kids. They are elementary school age and behaved EXACTLY like that little punk. They'd rush into my place when I opened the door and start asking to have this and that, which is why I no longer allow them into the house. I gave them each a little toy and one of them had the nerves to ask to trade it for something much more expensive.

This is what you get when corporal punishment is not an option.


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I woulda bounced that kid off my front steps.


But the kid's behavior really made me wish I could've gotten away with a stunt like that. My God. Remember, folks..

.. it all begins at home. B))

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This actually happened to me, although it was my cousins, and they actually touched....

Lil brats tore into my room and started demolishing my models. Oops, there goes the Suzuki Katana... dang, there went the shuttle and the launch tower... hold on, did he just crush my LEGO collection? on and on... and all the while the parents are saying "oh you're too old for toys anyway, why not just give it to them?"

Total Body Count: F-91 (beam saber snapped, shield cracked), smaller F-91 (totally dismantled), Suzuki Katana, Honda dirt bike, F-14 (nose cone and gear snapped off, missiles removed), shuttle and launch tower crunched, LEGOs reduced to basic building blocks, etc..

The LEGOs weren't TOO bad, since I could always put them together. The models were irreplaceable. Nowadays, I got a display shelf with a glass door that is padlocked shut. I'm so happy that I hadn't gotten into Warhammer back then... would have pulled out the switch if they destroyed my Tau army.

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This actually happened to me, although it was my cousins, and they actually touched....

Lil brats tore into my room and started demolishing my models. Oops, there goes the Suzuki Katana... dang, there went the shuttle and the launch tower... hold on, did he just crush my LEGO collection? on and on... and all the while the parents are saying "oh you're too old for toys anyway, why not just give it to them?"

Total Body Count: F-91 (beam saber snapped, shield cracked), smaller F-91 (totally dismantled), Suzuki Katana, Honda dirt bike, F-14 (nose cone and gear snapped off, missiles removed), shuttle and launch tower crunched, LEGOs reduced to basic building blocks, etc..

The LEGOs weren't TOO bad, since I could always put them together. The models were irreplaceable. Nowadays, I got a display shelf with a glass door that is padlocked shut. I'm so happy that I hadn't gotten into Warhammer back then... would have pulled out the switch if they destroyed my Tau army.

ouh crap....my condolences to the F-91. :angry:

What !*@&(!&@ parents are those anyway? Teach your kids for chrissakes. Don't justify their behaviour with "ooooh...you're too old for toys anyway". You know...that just pisses me off. At least the plumber dude was wary of his kid's rudeness and tried to correct him.....(despite failing badly) but AT THE VERY LEAST he had an idea what was happening. Geeeeez....

thankfully for me...i had little bratty cousins who come crashing into my room excitedly to look at my stuff, but have the decency not to TOUCH anything. Well..probabbly that's cause i was there....but my mom knows how i treasure my stuff and would never let them up if i wasn't around anyway.

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