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Dawn Of The Dead


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...uneditted and uncut...

Tune in to Final Destination TONIGHT at 8/7C, when USA presents a television first: the terrifying first 10 minutes of the upcoming motion picture Dawn of the Dead - uncut, uncensored, and before it hits theaters.

They'll probably show it towards the last half hour of Final Destination which is a cool movie too. Viewer discretion is advised.

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dang! i'm stuck at work tonight!

i will have to figure out how to finally set the stupid PVR that came with the dish since my vcr finally took a crap.

i'll tell my wife to watch it too since she was debating going with me or not.

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I will definately go to see Dawn of the Dead, and thankfully my new gf is a big movie person, she'll watch most anything, even wants to watch some of my anime!!! I will also most likely end up taking my brother and act as ticket source for his cohorts.

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I guess I'll decide whether to see it or not after I see the first minutes. It's pretty bold for them to be showing that much of it for free. There's a chance they could turn people off if they don't like what they see. Final Destination is a fun watch too.

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I'm not too sure if I'll see Dawn of the Dead this weekend. The new trailer doesn't make it seem that frightening, I'm a fan of the George Romero "Dead Trilogy", last week I finally got to pick up the original Dawn of the Dead DVD. B)):D

Slow brooding zombies > Fast animal like zombies

From what I've heard Tom Savini and the two SWAT guys (that starred in the original) are going to make cameos in the new DotD. ;)

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I'm not too sure what to think of this new remake... after all the original DotD was released unrated and contained (at that time) unheard of gore and digusting images. Given today's CG and special effects, I would expect no less than a ton of exploding heads, entrails ripped from torsos, limbs pulled off and pools and pools of blood...

... but guess what? Ten bucks says we don't get that. The new film went through the ratings system and I know the MPAA will not allow most of the images that this movie needs to be hammered home. Add to this all the changes to the original story that I keep hearing have been made and it sounds like just another hollywood rape of a classic movie. I plan to go see it friday with my fiancee (if she is up for a gory movie, which she might not be) and I think I will either love it or hate it... being such a fan of the original I feel there is no middle ground on this one for me.

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I would expect no less than a ton of exploding heads, entrails ripped from torsos, limbs pulled off and pools and pools of blood...

... but guess what? Ten bucks says we don't get that. The new film went through the ratings system and I know the MPAA will not allow most of the images that this movie needs to be hammered home.

[Obi Wan] Your insight serves you well [/Obi Wan]

It looks like the theatrical cut, even though it is getting an R rating, won't be as hard core as it could be. There will be a gorier DVD release, but it does not look like there's been an all out, balls to the wall gore fest cut.


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I wonder if this new Dawn Of The Dead movie is going to have the same cheesy music like the original. That mall music was classic.

If it's half as gory as the original, I will be happy. However, I tend to view remakes of classic movies with a very critical eye. We'll see how this ends up coming along.

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I wonder if this new Dawn Of The Dead movie is going to have the same cheesy music like the original. That mall music was classic.

Hehehehehe. I watched the DVD a couple of days ago and the music was the first thing I laughed about. You gotta remember that during the late 70's synthesized music was F'N huge. Sure they could have gone with an orchestra, but they wanted something that was "high tech" and new. :p

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I saw an advance screening about a week ago. It's not as gory as the original (and by that, you don't see some guy get his intestines ripped out) but it has it's moments. The goriest part isn't till the end where...


One of the dudes pretty much slices a girl in half with a chainsaw.

END SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check it out. Really tense flick.

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Whew. I tried my hardest to avoid Vinny's spoilers.

Anyone on MW gonna catch DotD today?

I just caught some radio commercials for it.

"Are they dead?"

"Well. Deadish."

:unsure: That's some great dialogue there.

Anyways...I might catch it this weekend.

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Whew. I tried my hardest to avoid Vinny's spoilers.

Anyone on MW gonna catch DotD today?

I just caught some radio commercials for it.

"Are they dead?"

"Well. Deadish."

:unsure: That's some great dialogue there.

Anyways...I might catch it this weekend.

Yeah, me and spousal unit are catching it tonight with some friends. We bought the Dawn of the Dead remastered DVD just to refresh the memory of the original.

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I thought it was pretty good. Of course, it's a rip-off from...forgot that other zombie movie where they used the local mall as refuge from all the local zombies.

What zombie movie was that again?

the original dawn of the dead... mad ein the 70's

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I just got back from the theater, had to go see it while my fiancee was away... she wanted nothing to do with it, I don't blame her.

First off, the movie is not what I thought it was going to be. Aside from having a shopping mall and the original concepts of Romero's zombies this movie is nothing like it's grandfather namesake. That can be seen one of two ways: the way I saw it was that this is not a remake but sort of an alternate story with the same name... and some people are seeing it as a normal hollyweird "remake" which it most certainly is not.

Here is my character assassination of the new movie:

The characters fill the classic Romero zombie movie stereotypes quite well and I can't honestly say I was blown away by the story, dialogue or outcome of the movie. The zombies are a marked departure from the Romero norm, they are more akin to 28 Days Later meets Return of the Living Dead zombies in that they run, jump, slam-tackle and move like pro athletes rather than the shambling, stumbling clumsy undead of the original Romero trilogy. I can't say I like the caffinated zombies as it seems quite unnatural for something that is dead and decaying to be pulling off a 50 meter sprint... the old pokey zombies of yore IMHO are the way I'd imagine a walking corpse to be. Steering clear of spoilers or other plot points I will say that the movie has some gore, but nothing on the level of the original and not much outside things we have seen before in other movies. A very important positive note is that this movie does follow the three important factors of a Romero zombie movie: A) the movie has a strong black male lead, B) the movie at it's core is about the downfall of humanity and not about walking dead and C) there is a climactic zombie frenzy to cap it all off.

To sum up my opinion, this is not your father's oldsmobile or the original Dawn of the Dead... this is instead some bizzare alternate universe "revisioning" of the original. If you go in like I did expecting to see some hackneyed remake you will be pleasantly suprised that it is not that at all... but if you loved the "feel" of the Romero trilogy this movie has a different pacing and vibe to it that somewhat clashes with the originals. I liked it enough to see it again when it comes out on DVD (crossing fingers for some sort of an unrated director's cut) and I'd say if you are on the fence to just go see it once and make up your own mind.

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I just got back from the theater, had to go see it while my fiancee was away... she wanted nothing to do with it, I don't blame her.

First off, the movie is not what I thought it was going to be. Aside from having a shopping mall and the original concepts of Romero's zombies this movie is nothing like it's grandfather namesake. That can be seen one of two ways: the way I saw it was that this is not a remake but sort of an alternate story with the same name... and some people are seeing it as a normal hollyweird "remake" which it most certainly is not.

Here is my character assassination of the new movie:

The characters fill the classic Romero zombie movie stereotypes quite well and I can't honestly say I was blown away by the story, dialogue or outcome of the movie. The zombies are a marked departure from the Romero norm, they are more akin to 28 Days Later meets Return of the Living Dead zombies in that they run, jump, slam-tackle and move like pro athletes rather than the shambling, stumbling clumsy undead of the original Romero trilogy. I can't say I like the caffinated zombies as it seems quite unnatural for something that is dead and decaying to be pulling off a 50 meter sprint... the old pokey zombies of yore IMHO are the way I'd imagine a walking corpse to be. Steering clear of spoilers or other plot points I will say that the movie has some gore, but nothing on the level of the original and not much outside things we have seen before in other movies. A very important positive note is that this movie does follow the three important factors of a Romero zombie movie: A) the movie has a strong black male lead, B) the movie at it's core is about the downfall of humanity and not about walking dead and C) there is a climactic zombie frenzy to cap it all off.

To sum up my opinion, this is not your father's oldsmobile or the original Dawn of the Dead... this is instead some bizzare alternate universe "revisioning" of the original. If you go in like I did expecting to see some hackneyed remake you will be pleasantly suprised that it is not that at all... but if you loved the "feel" of the Romero trilogy this movie has a different pacing and vibe to it that somewhat clashes with the originals. I liked it enough to see it again when it comes out on DVD (crossing fingers for some sort of an unrated director's cut) and I'd say if you are on the fence to just go see it once and make up your own mind.

Wow! JsARCLIGHT, you sound like a movie critic! Great review!

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I just got back from the theater, had to go see it while my fiancee was away... she wanted nothing to do with it, I don't blame her.

First off, the movie is not what I thought it was going to be. Aside from having a shopping mall and the original concepts of Romero's zombies this movie is nothing like it's grandfather namesake. That can be seen one of two ways: the way I saw it was that this is not a remake but sort of an alternate story with the same name... and some people are seeing it as a normal hollyweird "remake" which it most certainly is not.

Here is my character assassination of the new movie:

The characters fill the classic Romero zombie movie stereotypes quite well and I can't honestly say I was blown away by the story, dialogue or outcome of the movie. The zombies are a marked departure from the Romero norm, they are more akin to 28 Days Later meets Return of the Living Dead zombies in that they run, jump, slam-tackle and move like pro athletes rather than the shambling, stumbling clumsy undead of the original Romero trilogy. I can't say I like the caffinated zombies as it seems quite unnatural for something that is dead and decaying to be pulling off a 50 meter sprint... the old pokey zombies of yore IMHO are the way I'd imagine a walking corpse to be. Steering clear of spoilers or other plot points I will say that the movie has some gore, but nothing on the level of the original and not much outside things we have seen before in other movies. A very important positive note is that this movie does follow the three important factors of a Romero zombie movie: A) the movie has a strong black male lead, B) the movie at it's core is about the downfall of humanity and not about walking dead and C) there is a climactic zombie frenzy to cap it all off.

To sum up my opinion, this is not your father's oldsmobile or the original Dawn of the Dead... this is instead some bizzare alternate universe "revisioning" of the original. If you go in like I did expecting to see some hackneyed remake you will be pleasantly suprised that it is not that at all... but if you loved the "feel" of the Romero trilogy this movie has a different pacing and vibe to it that somewhat clashes with the originals. I liked it enough to see it again when it comes out on DVD (crossing fingers for some sort of an unrated director's cut) and I'd say if you are on the fence to just go see it once and make up your own mind.

what he said.

this being said i actually laughed more than i was grossed out.

they poke ALOT of fun at the situation the humans are in, and the situation the zombies are in.

most of the gore has been replaced with "imagined gore" wich in most cases i think is a better choise

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