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I base that on the problem that the only rationale I can think of for her appearence in the panty scene in episode 5 (other than to look good standing there, of course happy.gif ) is that she'll end up being involved in a plot point between Altoh and Sherryl in the future

Actually I think Klan was at the mall for two reasons:

1) It's a Zendradi Mall; and ultimately as "coincidential" as it seems, one can't fault the show creators for actually placing the main and supporting characters into each episode.

2) So Mikhael could stare at her breasts for a moment :)

We'll see where all this goes.


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Actually I think Klan was at the mall for two reasons:

1) It's a Zendradi Mall; and ultimately as "coincidential" as it seems, one can't fault the show creators for actually placing the main and supporting characters into each episode.

2) So Mikhael could stare at her breasts for a moment :)

1.) Yeah, but the writers could have left her over by the escalator if they just wanted to show her "around". Instead, she spends several minutes staring at Sherryl writing on Zentraedi undergarments without doing anything more than saying, "Huh?"

2.) I thought Mikhael looked the other way as soon as he saw her, and asked Ranka if she wanted some ice cream? :p

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Well I am curious about Klan Klan's further role in the series - that's for sure. She just hasn't really had much of anything to do. I'd say her role so far has been comparable to Canalia - but she's just made a bigger splash than the former :)


She's most probably going to have some involvement with Mikhail given (Frontier's version of Max x Millia), if you haven't noticed, most, if no all her appearances have Mikhail involved somehow.

I like the Pixie's a lot too! Still don't know how they fit into the Q-Raus though, looks very unconfortable!

Her dismounting from the Q-Rea in ep. 4 showed how she was seated in the suit. The shot in ep. 6 however was out of proportion as the only way she would have fit with the way they did it is if she were sawed in half.

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Actually I think Klan was at the mall for two reasons:

1) It's a Zendradi Mall; and ultimately as "coincidential" as it seems, one can't fault the show creators for actually placing the main and supporting characters into each episode.

2) So Mikhael could stare at her breasts for a moment :)

We'll see where all this goes.


I'd have to agree with Junior on this one. (not necessarily that things will go the way he predicted, but with respect to the significance of Klanklan being with Alto and Sheryl that day).

so let's say later on, if alto is suddenly MIA, sheryl would be seen in public crying and hugging a gigantic panty, to everyone's dumbfounded confusion, macronized klan klan would come in an say, "Ah. don't worry. she's remembering alto-kun."

On the other hand, if it were micronized KlanKlan, she would just blurt out "Eeeeeecchi!!!!"

But i agree with your second reason. just a split-second of staring at those breats, and Mikhail already had a sensory overload, hence turning away immediately. haha. :p

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Klan Klein seems to know Micheal from when they were kids. Michael was the classic little boy who cried all the time and KK had to cheer him up to tell him to be a man (when he was a toddler).

I'm guesing that they were childhood friends/enemies (she was the little girl who punched him everyday on the way to school) but she never grew up when micloned!

This also means she is the girl next store and they will end up together.

That's so awesome!!!

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Heh :) Now if the Mikhael/Klan Klan background is indeed true then that would be very sweet and endear me to the Klan Klan character.

Whatever the ultimate background - I just hope Klan Klan gets fleshed out soon - she is very much a blank slate now. She is the eye-candy of Macross Frontier.

She is the Megan Fox of the series - awaiting character development (albeit - at least Mikheala was kind'a cool in the 'I'm a bad girl with a criminal dad who hasn't had the best of lives but is loyal to her friends and doesn't like being treated like a bimbo although if you really push me I am a Bimbo and would gladly sit on your laps for the sake of seat belt safety' kind of way:) )


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Heh :) Now if the Mikhael/Klan Klan background is indeed true then that would be very sweet and endear me to the Klan Klan character.

Whatever the ultimate background - I just hope Klan Klan gets fleshed out soon - she is very much a blank slate now. She is the eye-candy of Macross Frontier.

She is the Megan Fox of the series - awaiting character development (albeit - at least Mikheala was kind'a cool in the 'I'm a bad girl with a criminal dad who hasn't had the best of lives but is loyal to her friends and doesn't like being treated like a bimbo although if you really push me I am a Bimbo and would gladly sit on your laps for the sake of seat belt safety' kind of way:) )


I resent that! Megan Fox has amazing character development!! From "'I'm a bad girl with a criminal dad who hasn't had the best of lives but is loyal to her friends and doesn't like being treated like a bimbo although if you really push me I am a Bimbo and would gladly sit on your laps for the sake of seat belt safety' kind of way." type of girl to a "I'm a sweet girl who is more than meets the eye with a criminal dad but whose juvi record has been wiped clean who hasn't had the best of lives but is loyal to her friends whether human or cyber-organism and doesn't like being treated like a bimbo although if you really push me I am a Bimbo and would gladly sit on your laps for the sake of seat belt safety' kind of way, and make out on the hood of your cyber-organism/car" type of girl. HEL-LO!!

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But i agree with your second reason. just a split-second of staring at those breats, and Mikhail already had a sensory overload, hence turning away immediately. haha. :p

No, sensory overload would be Luca sitting next to Nanase everyday. No wonder the boy can't stop blushing, he's got Nanase's "tuna-buns" on the brain 24/7.

Besides, Mikhail sure as heck got enough in episode 6. I'm pretty sure he's got a reason for standing in the gantry by Klan's Queadluun.

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Klan is about the only character in MF that is likable because she doesn't put up a front and is the physical embodiment of the tsundere. ^_^

edit: No graphic or vulgar descriptions/depictions of sex or sexual content.

(ie typical mod stupidity. it was censored!)

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I don't get the appeal of this character. At least in micron sized.

I mean if a human wants to get busy with her. She'll have to shrink and then physically she's a child.

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I don't get the appeal of this character. At least in micron sized.

I mean if a human wants to get busy with her. She'll have to shrink and then physically she's a child.


Max was macronized in DYRL. Is it ever stated in anything else that it can't be done to humans?

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Max was macronized in DYRL. Is it ever stated in anything else that it can't be done to humans?

Graham in Dynamite 7 was macronized as well. Of course, he's not exactly human, per se...but I don't see why it wouldn't be possible.

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YEAAAH so let me divert the conversation then, in the thread asking which Macross F girl you liked I choose the Meltrandi on the right, because shes hot and Michael has Klan Klan, I vote for an anti Michael sub fan club atleast till he grows on us.


EDIT Bonus Pics Note some arent Klan Klan but good none the less can you spot the oddity :lol:





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Ok picture heavy thread :) But I looked at 'em all:

Is that Luca stuck in Klan Klan's breasts? :) :) :) I'm sure he's having a good time - although it kind of reminds me of that Woody Allen film where Woody and the heroine were attacked by a giant breast that shot milk...

Alto Princess as a princess... well - shux... poor Alto - I imagine he's gonna be teased for that forever :)

Ranka as the new Minmey - hmm... I dunno...her hair clashes with the dress...

My favorite is Sheryl writing on Klan Klan's tie :)

I don't think this thread is perverse :) It's great fun and the girls are all cute.

However - my favorite rendition of Klan Klan is the "gritty realism" one that focuses on her being a tired Meltran warrior more than a sex symbol or loli comic relief...

Speaking of which - why is it that as a Loli Klan Klan dresses like a 12th century court jester? :)

(Runs away quickly as the cans and tomatos start flying)


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