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The Sword of Atlantis

Agent ONE

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Found the Sword of Atlantis on eBay a few weeks ago. Total deal on it, I payed $283 when it is available on conan.com for $1500.00.

Here is me holding it:


Better shot of just the sword:


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Maybe it's just the angle but in the second picture it looks, short.


42 inches long... its huge. I had to tilt the thing down to get it all in the pic.

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Nice Blade, is it combat worthy?  Might want to get the first pic retaken, you don't look good in it.

                      Cruel Angel's Thesis


The blade is not combat worthy, but I am. Whats wrong with the pic? Do I look TOO indestructible?

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In some ways, I understand buying swords. If you are acually planing to use them for defending yourself and others. I mean, they're far less accident-prone than guns, and it's easier to limit or increase harm based on the situation. But I don't see why people by them for their "collection." These turds have never seen the field of battle, they have no "collectable" value. Unless you want to use it to become king by your own hand, why by it?

This coming from a Highlander fan.

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In some ways, I understand buying swords.  If you are acually planing to use them for defending yourself and others.  I mean, they're far less accident-prone than guns, and it's easier to limit or increase harm based on the situation.  But I don't see why people by them for their "collection."  These turds have never seen the field of battle, they have no "collectable" value.  Unless you want to use it to become king by your own hand, why by it?

This coming from a Highlander fan.


And why do we buy these little valkyrie toys? It's not like we'll ever be flying them. As with most things we collect. . . we collect them because they are cool (to us). . . not for their utility.


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In some ways, I understand buying swords.  If you are acually planing to use them for defending yourself and others.  I mean, they're far less accident-prone than guns, and it's easier to limit or increase harm based on the situation.  But I don't see why people by them for their "collection."  These turds have never seen the field of battle, they have no "collectable" value.  Unless you want to use it to become king by your own hand, why by it?

This coming from a Highlander fan.


Wet blanket. :p

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Nice Blade, is it combat worthy?  Might want to get the first pic retaken, you don't look good in it.

                      Cruel Angel's Thesis


I think it's the JPG compression or just pixelization, but you look like you have a severe case of 'roid acne in that image.

Or maybe you're just having a bad skin week. :)


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In some ways, I understand buying swords.  If you are acually planing to use them for defending yourself and others.  I mean, they're far less accident-prone than guns, and it's easier to limit or increase harm based on the situation.  But I don't see why people by them for their "collection."  These turds have never seen the field of battle, they have no "collectable" value.  Unless you want to use it to become king by your own hand, why by it?

This coming from a Highlander fan.


No logic at all behind the purchase... I think the thing kicks ass, so I got it.

BTW: Hurin, just like you said, no different than VFs.

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Nice Blade, is it combat worthy?  Might want to get the first pic retaken, you don't look good in it.

                      Cruel Angel's Thesis


I think it's the JPG compression or just pixelization, but you look like you have a severe case of 'roid acne in that image.

Or maybe you're just having a bad skin week. :)



First of all 'roid' comment is uncalled for, but you are a snappy son, so I forgive you... But does my skin really look strange? I shave my chest, maybe that is making it look different.

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First of all 'roid' comment is uncalled for, but you are a snappy son, so I forgive you... But does my skin really look strange?  I shave my chest, maybe that is making it look different.


Well, I did say that it was the image, and not actually 'roid acne. :)

Seriously though, see how all your skin looks mottled (not just your face, but your entire arm). That's obviously a flaw in the image itself (low-quality camera or badly compressed). But, it makes your face look worse because it's largely in shadow and therefore it's hard to tell that that uneven-ness is caused by flaws in the image rather than you.


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First of all 'roid' comment is uncalled for, but you are a snappy son, so I forgive you... But does my skin really look strange?  I shave my chest, maybe that is making it look different.


Well, I did say that it was the image, and not actually 'roid acne. :)

Seriously though, see how all your skin looks mottled (not just your face, but your entire arm). That's obviously a flaw in the image itself (low-quality camera or badly compressed). But, it makes your face look worse because it's largely in shadow and therefore it's hard to tell that that uneven-ness is caused by flaws in the image rather than you.



Ah, yeah i don't know sh!t about photography... I figure my face looks great in every pic, lets just focus on my body.

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Its not your skin, its the shadows, your two steps short of sinister and scary. Right now you have the scary clown thing going, you want to laugh but just can't.

Wes, accident-prone lies more with the owner then the weapon. Two examples, one with a gun and another with a sword. Over on snopes.com is a link to vid of DEA agnet shooting himself with his Glock. The accident was the agnet's fault, Glock has a good reputation (despite being the most fugly gun ever made). He did not removed the magazine, when he was showing the gun, he had the slide back and locked, but had tripped the slide release loading a bullet, upon bringing the gun in line with his hip the gun discharged. Since Glock does not use external safeties you have to be careful, he neglected the first law of guns "Treat every gun as it was loaded" Luckily the bullet missed him, but it could've been worse.

Now the sword one involving me I have a Katana and was praticing with it. 4 hours later at work, i was washing up and saw a thin red line below my eyebrow behind my glasses. I examined it and it was blood. I had somehow incured a one inch cut, below my eyebrow, 2 inches away from my eye behind my glasses without damaging the glasses (still haven't figured this out, but there is a chip that could've come from it, but haven't been able to verify cause of where it is) and not realize it. Given the blade is about 29 inches long, its quite a feat that could've ended with me short a eye.

So its the not the weapon you have to worry about, its the person on the other end you have to worry about more.

Cruel Angel's Thesis

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awesome sword very nice I have seen this one and the Conan style one on ebay many times i only have one sword to my name but maybe someday soon i can get a better one. the pic looks weird for some reason, when i click on your username, on your profile picture your face looks different that is why i did not think it was you. you should take another picture. but a awesome buy none the less

Edited by zeo-mare
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Well, with a valk, I AM using it - it's a toy, and I like to fidget alot, so playing around with them is nice. Such is the purpose of a toy. And I'm only spending about $50 on it. No big loss.

Now I'm just guessing hear, but I assume the majority of the board-members here are middle-income types with or without families who can only afford the multi-hundred thrills on rare occassions, maybe twice a year. Now when I was getting the Highlander catalogs(my step-dad bought me some stuff from those guys one birthday and they didn't stop sending them it we changed our address :rolleyes: ) they were selling them for like $300-400. Now that isn't too bad, but it seems alot for what will amount for most people to be a wall ornament. Now A1's saying he has one that retails for $1500? :blink: An expensive hobby.

Although the way AgentOne talks about himself, whenever he's thirsty he just walks by children who wordlessly surrender their lunch money at his arrival, so maybe he has easier access to money. :lol:

But yeah, I was watching thru my Christmas-accured Highlander TV DVD sets and when those fools were like "Carring swords around?!? That's CRAZY!!" crap, I was thinking, how? I mean really, they don't run out of ammo, most people aren't going to rob you at a distance, and carring this big freaking broadsword is easily going to advertise that you're not to be messed with. Plus it's easy to use it for non-lethal defence. So why not use them? Of course most people who collect these recently-forged novelty swords aren't going to use them for that, except for those few who actually study weapon play for self-defence.

Wet blanket.  :p

Quite you... <_<

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I shave my chest, maybe that is making it look different.


Hey, hey, hey, HEY! TMI! I don't need to know that about another grown man. :ph34r:

Seriously though; what do you recommend to get rid of the dreaded "love handles"? I've been hitting the gym [not faithfully, mind you] for the past couple of months, but I've been trying to get rid of mine since college [longer than I care to admit].

LOL, I just remembered that skit from back in the day: "Conan, the Librarian." Anybody remember which show that was on? Was it Saturday Night Live, or Kids in the Hall?

Edited by reddsun1
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Seriously though; what do you recommend to get rid of the dreaded "love handles"? I've been hitting the gym [not faithfully, mind you] for the past couple of months, but I've been trying to get rid of mine since college [longer than I care to admit].

Run, or at least walk. Start slow, then move up to 45 min. And only drink water, no coke or anything. Seriously, this is what my best friend did, in a year he dropped massive weight. Shouldn't take you that long.

LOL, I just remembered that skit from back in the day: "Conan, the Librarian." Anybody remember which show that was on? Was it Saturday Night Live, or Kids in the Hall?

Actually, you're thinking of a movie, "UHF", Weird Al's pet project. Good stuff. :)


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In some ways, I understand buying swords.  If you are acually planing to use them for defending yourself and others.  I mean, they're far less accident-prone than guns, and it's easier to limit or increase harm based on the situation.  But I don't see why people by them for their "collection."  These turds have never seen the field of battle, they have no "collectable" value.  Unless you want to use it to become king by your own hand, why by it?

This coming from a Highlander fan.


I never understood people buying toys to collect. 98% of my weaponry is functional. I have a couple wallhanger props/replicas from films but that's about it. I don't consider using a sword as practical for defense in a home, exception being maybe a Wak.

Some of us have martial arts backgrounds, some of us are Asian and some of the swords have family ties...others are as mentioned for MA use or a hobby. There are still sword arts practiced today.

Those people who buy crap SLO swords to hang them on the wall and not do anything else with them would fit your comment. For that matter so would "lightsabers" and all the other lil toys.

Edited by Gaijin
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