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  1. hello dear collector today i will share my collection who took 22 years to compose enjoy
  2. Mari Iijima ya vino al DF, su estancia fue corta pero en general muy especial. Les dejo el link donde estoy subiendo info de su visita. Saludos!!!! http://dekarucha.blogspot.mx/2013/11/mari-iijima-set-list.html
  3. Here's another HIGH QUALITY commission piece I AgaveCacuts had do. We can ALL say he's one of the BEST when it comes to MACROSS Valkyries. I Present The Variable Glaug UN Spacy. It's another OBSCURE one, but I fell in LOVE with it when I saw it in the OPENING of MACROSS M3. It's a KICK-ASS Design and I really APPRECIATE the time AGAVECACUTS does with these. This was ANOTHER Difficult model because source Material was Scare but he has another HOME RUN. More Renders to come. So I present the Variable Glaug UN Spacy.
  4. With all the painting I have been doing of late - and the fact that this Tomcat Model was dropped into my life complete, however No Decals. My Passion for Macross - and Roy Fokker's VF-1S I wondered what the Last Tomcat might have looked like when the VT's were brought into service... 11 hours of masking and here is the result...so far! I would love all of your input on this direction of model building - imagination, but with thought.
  5. Greetings everyone! First time poster here at MW. Been lookin at this site for a while & thought I'd jump in with all you fine folks! So, like many of you guys, I got the new 1/72 BANDAI Variable Valk kit & was, well, a bit dissapointed. But I have to say, coming from a long time modeler's point of view who does it mainly for the love of it, its not that bad of a kit. Sure it has its problems but we as modelers can just do what we do best...improvise, adapt & overcome right? So saying, I'm planning a little something "special" for my kit but first I need to address some of the problems it has...parts fit, looseness, lack of detail in some spots etc etc..all stuff I'm sure you guys have already come across! The First thing I tackled was the wonky fit of the legs in fighter mode & how they don't fit quite perpendicularly to the fuselage. The main problem is, like I'm sure most of you have figured by now, the grey retention tabs that lock the arms in place in fighter mode. The top edges of these are rubbing the sides of the legs & keeping them from sitting in where they should. Instead of cutting these off entirely tho, I thought if I could shave down one side sufficiently on a diagonal angle it might allow the leg to seat better & have a more perpendicular angle to the fuselage when viewed end-on. Here's what I shaved off: Secondly I thought, again, like most of you I'm sure, that the arms are too spindly & need fixed. I plan on beefing up the upper arms, shoulders & forearms. The first thing I started with was the degree of bend to the elbows. With a little tweaking of the lower part of the upper arm where it joins with the elbow joint, I was able to give it a lot more bend, so much so that now the Battroid mode will have the ability for the Gunpod to actually touch the shoulder armor: Next ( because I'm a hopeless scratchbuilder & can't leave anything alone straight out of the box ) I'm gonna lite this guy up with micro LEDs. The first thing I worked on was the optics section on the head. Since this particular build is gonna be a "one-off" style, i wanted something different. He's gonna be a predominantly really dark low-vis Valk & I thought he'd look kick-@ss with a blue Optic sensor: A veeeeeery long time ago, when the Hasegawa VF-1 kits came out, the only way you could get a pilot figure was to get the add-on weapons set. So, I got one & and while the figure wasn't bad, it could be remade better. Now, don't get me wrong, the pilot figure the new kit comes with aint bad but I'm anal when it comes to miniatures & detail & I looooooves me some detail work... at that point I remembered my old VF-1 Hase pilot. I dug the little guy outta storage & I think with a little tweaking I can make him fit in the new kit: So, thats where I'm at right now. Any ideas or comments are heartily welcomed & appreciated! Thanks for lookin guys n Cheers!! ~BK
  6. As I haven't posted here in some time, I have started an interest thread in a 1/72 Zentradi power suit project here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42217 If there are still any members hoping for more of my 1/72 models, this is your chance!
  7. Hello Zentrans and Meltrans! Sorry... that was corny. Anyone out there creating webcomics or their own comics based off of the Macross fandom or Macross universe? I know there is a fanfic thread and I was going to post a webcomic I did about Macross but I don't think if was the right forum to do so. And so I created this one. Please feel free to post your own Macross related work here or links to any Macross related webcomics out there. Only rules are to be nice, have fun, and don't be shy about posting your own work! Let me start it off with a link to a strip I just posted recently. Enjoy and I look forward to seeing lots of links but hoping to see more works from Macross World members! http://tako-salad.com/comic/flashback-2012 ~A Man and a Woman?! (@beensentoe)
  8. Real Macross & Robotech Helmet with DOT standard riding on the street!
  9. Spent about three hours getting this thing painted up..and hour to take off the masking TAPE... REALLY !!! HAPPY with how this turned out! Would you like to see the development shots of the masking process!
  10. Hi all here is some time-lapse drawings I did for macross and mospeada fans enjoy! Dont forget to subscribe !!
  11. OK...writer I am NOT!!! Model Builder, Yes! Here she is...well the start of things anyway. Been slugging away at this wonderful model off and on for about a week...in between all other projects, life, and so on... Assembly is going well...no major issues...some - watch the bloody direction - of the parts issues... So what I figured, is if YOU my fellow builders have questions as the build develops - ask, I will answer! Let the games begin! (in the background is the Hasegawa 1/72 VT for size conparison...and yes that is the main hull of a 1/350 Enterprise A)
  12. gunbuster76


    From the album: asdf

    sh*t i put together on my coffee table.
  13. From the album: My Macross Related Art

    Character concept drawn with Paper on the iPad.

    © 2014 Vince Alvendia

  14. From the album: My Macross Related Art

    Fan art sketch of Minmay drawn with the Sketchclub app on the iPad.

    © 2014 Vince Alvenida

  15. From the album: My Macross Related Art

    Drawn with Paper on the iPad.

    © 2013 Vince Alvendia

  16. From the album: My Macross Related Art

    Forum avatar drawn on paper and scanned and colored in Photoshop.

    © 2010 Vince Alvendia

  17. From the album: My Macross Related Art

    Character concept drawn with Paper on the iPad.

    © 2013 Vince Alvendia

  18. From the album: My Macross Related Art

    Character concept drawn with Paper on the iPad.

    © 2013 Vince Alvendia

  19. A_Man_and_a_Woman?!


    From the album: My Macross Related Art

    Drawn with Paper on the iPad.

    © 2013 Vince Alvendia

  20. So I'm a fan of the recent Ace Combat's damage model system called "Steel carnage". I had a few Hasegawa models lying around and I thought, "why not blow them up in Photoshop?". So that's what I did. I'm going to do more of these in the future because it's fun making metal bleed! Follow me as I post more of these on my tumblr and Deviantart! http://the-valkyrie-hangar.tumblr.com/ http://kylefalconkpd.deviantart.com/
  21. I happened to stumble across this bit of animation the other day and was wondering if anyone knew where its from!? It only runs for a few seconds but its still crazy awesome!! I noticed it runs a bit faster than normal whilst displayed here but you can still see it clearly enough..
  22. http://www.macrossworld.com/6321/new-macross-tv-series-announced/
  23. Macross anime last year was the 30th anniversary of the TV Director Shoji kawamori is PS3 game by singing to bridge the Macross 30-Galaxy, spent 35 laps c. is there, but so do signing activities were filled with fans waiting for the resurrection of the Macross 7, so. Is previously in the Macross 7 piece similar to dynamite 7 OVA, so it's not anime Macross flashback 2012 Lynn minmay revived as the 35th anniversary changed the name of the work piece is good. Protoculture ride Lynn minmay evolution as content from the Galactic whale four years after Sara who on Earth Music Festival are invited to the fact this trap in universe worst antimatter lifeforms (Devil), chase it the largest fleet in chased takes place will. You should expect. So the cast Director Shoji kawamori and? are you doing Macross song composer, singer and songwriter Mari Iijima Haruhiko Mikimoto teacher earlier in the original Macross and Macross 7 was doing character design and voice actor and everyone should be happy.So want to sign activities benefiting Macross production staff ago the launch this Committee also. Towards East Japan earthquake-hit people in 2016 in Macross frontier show ALE, so I badly to sign please help thank you http://youtu.be/kfQ8JuBoocU It is produced at a resolution 4 K video. Last year was the 30th anniversary of the TV Director Shoji kawamori is PS3 game, spent in the singing voice to bridge the Macross 30-Galaxy 35 laps or c. is there, but by all means in signing activities Director Shoji kawamori and broadcasters to convince in is not will. Please ask about signing. change.org petition site https://www.change.org/ja/%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9A%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3/i-want-you-to-broadcast-on-the-35th-anniversary-of-the-macross-work-of-illusion facebook-Macross 35 production Committee project signature activities https://www.facebook.com/Macross.new.project https://www.change.org/ja/キャンペーン/i-want-you-to-broadcast-on-the-35th-anniversary-of-the-macross-work-of-illusion
  24. Hey guys, returning after a long hiatus. Quick question, I remember back in the day the Animeigo version of SDF Macross was THE version to get, however in my cash strapped student days that was a difficult pill to swallow. These days the Animeigo version is out of print. Is there anything comparable on the market now? I've heard the ADV version is... not as good.
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