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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. Wow! Is this for REAL?! I think this is the city base for that non-scaled mini SDF-1. Y21000 worth of plastic/resin with a diameter size of 22cm? Is it worth it if they also included painted in-scaled Hikaru and Misa on one of the island? http://arcadia.ac/products/detail.php?gid=178 The limited items you can sell during conventions...
  2. Wow. How's your wallet so far? Hope it's not bleeding.
  3. Cool! Looking forward to it. 25F Tornado will be your current favorite? Hmmm... That's one less 4G now... Care to sell one of those 4G's to me? Hahahaha!
  4. Sexy indeed. GN-U Duo are 'non-scaled' figures since all the MPlus figures that came out stand at 13cm. Knowing that VF-11B should be shorter than YF-19/21. But computing on the 13cm against their actual height, it shows that VF-11B is 1/100.6; YF-19 is 1/119; YF-21 is 1/120 scaled. Hope that helps. Super cute.
  5. I'm tempted too because of that paint scheme. Esp the white underside too. But thinking of this release, I'm sure the next Zero valk will be the (renewal) VF-0S which for sure it will look bad-a$$ with a Ghost Booster, which I might get it. Just hope it's not $300. And they might release this time a Reactive Armor too. But don't quote me on that. Hehehe.
  6. Thanks EXO. Actually, I already cleared the cookies so it just went back to the mobile version. Though I lost all my opened tabs. But that's ok. What's done 'clicking' is done 'clicking'. I haven't tried the touch the top frame. Will do that next time I browse on my phone. Thanks!
  7. Great purchases everyone! Nice Emerald Force. The only valk I want to buy from M7 Yamato releases is the VF-11C. Wish it was just released with a bayonet gun from 11B.
  8. Just 1 unit is all I'm asking. No plans on buying multiple VF-25's. Besides, I don't want to pay that much for VF-25S knowing that I will change the yellow stripes to red. So might as well wait for a reissue or unless there's some good samaritan out there who's going to sell his for a good price. Thanks XFJ-01A. I always think positive for the VF-25S. But if there's none, I'm still good. The prices I see on Mandarake for the VF-25S is crazy. With that amount, I could just save add more and look for that VF-4G instead. Though I need to sell some organs to get that VF-4G. Hahaha! You have 3 VF-4G's, right? Wow. I remember there was that Y70000 something over Mandarake that has all the packs. Can't believe it was already sold. Did anyone from this board get that? I know that feeling too, Saburo. Esp everytime I received packages. And as for you taking photos of a VF-4G... any volunteers?
  9. The VF-25S is well loved. Too bad, i still don't have one...
  10. no3Ljm

    Macross figures

    You're welcome Saburo. Looking forward to your Sheryl magical photos in case you decided to purchase one.
  11. no3Ljm

    Macross figures

    I measured some photos online since it mentioned that the height is 32cm. Width should be around 27-28cm. Hope that helps you decide if it's going to fit in your bookshelf.
  12. One factor perhaps is cost of production too. Price increases on materials, oil, gas, labor, etc adds up on the equation too.
  13. True. Budget first. (Thinking of next month's YF-30.) Hahaha! For me, this is one of the few Valks I want to have a multiple copies. Since my YF-21 already suffered from the exploding thigh syndrom, that one will remain in Fighter mode. And the one that I'm waiting is for Battroid and Gerwalk. But definitely it will stay in Battroid mode as long that I don't need to rotate the thigh. And good thing with YF-21 is once you rotated the thigh, you're good to go for Gerwalk and Battroid. So I still have something to play and transform with. Btw, did you notice that all the Valks from MPlus kinda look like birds esp the in fighter form and the shadow they cast? Not sure if that's already mentioned but it's cool to notice it.
  14. One big beautiful blue bird, isn't she, spanner76? Any plans on getting another one for Battroid mode?
  15. I believe Arcadia's YF-19 Battroid mode stands about 23.5-24cm to the tip of the head. Same height as the VF-19's from Yamato. I'm guessing that 1/48 VF-1's stands around 27-28cm. And 1/60 VF-1's around 22cm to the tip of the head. That's all 'guess-timate'. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
  16. The secret is just assumed more so you're always prepared for the worst. And be glad if ever they charge you less after the transaction. In case you haven't tried this on the Buyee site. They have a link on getting Total Estimate on the upper part area where the Current Price is displayed. So it's somewhere between the My Page link and where the Current Price text is. In there you can put the total cost of the winning bid item. If you know or estimate the weight of the item, just type in the box. If you have no idea on the weight and it's already a released items, you can browse Hobbysearch, HLJ or Amiami and search for that item. Some sold out items is still in their database so you can check the item details and sometimes they include the item weight. Just add some for the packaging to get an idea on the total weight. Then check if the seller on the Buyee puts a shipping cost table. Remember this first shipping cost is for Japan only. This shipping cost range from 700-1000yen. I always put 1000yen to be safe. Then just put your country location and it will show you the total estimate. In there you will see also how much is the shipping cost internationally. They're just using EMS for international. Anyways, congrats on your Buyee purchase and have fun on your next bidding.
  17. This looks cool. Does the yellow shoulder strips lights up too like in the movie? Or like glow-in-the-dark?
  18. It's a risk. But you can still try and do that if you want.
  19. True. But would you agree first that this is better proportioned looking than the current one? If they can pull off something like this without looking as fat as the 1/72 releases, then I'm good and happy. Last resort would be is, they can do a 'parts-former' releases. I don't mind swapping parts as long tat it will make the figure looks great and perfect. Make the thick legs optional added part. For a renewal $300+ releases, they can do this option and ignore added missles and stand if ever. (But I still want a Mighty Block stands, Arcadia. ) Besides, they might still go with the inclusion of the 'delimiter' mode, so there's still a way to swap legs and reattached the bottom bay doors to the optional legs and vice-versa. Assuming they will correct the exploding thigh thing so changing and rotating legs is not as fragile as the first one. It's a win-win for everybody. I agree. Since they changed something with the YF-19 releases, what's stopping them to do this (what I suggested) on the renewal YF-21? But... at the end of the day, all we can do is just wait if ever they're going to decide to do a renewal first. Arcadia, please just do this before my son turns 10, ok? He's 5, btw. So that's plenty of time to rethink.
  20. I don't know if it's just me, but somehow the Ozma head is kinda look small for the body? Was it because of the laser turrets / antennae? Time to check my Isamu 29 once again if he has a small head too. Been in the fighter mode for awhile now.
  21. I have a feeling that the only solution for this is buy a cheap Super Packs whether V.1 or V.2 and modify the wing slot on the boosters to fit it ok, if not perfectly, since the plastic is kinda lighter than resin so that it won't give any problems on the YF-19 wing and the metal swing bar. And wait if someone's going to work on the missle pod over Shapeways. I want to have this Frontier mode on my YF-19, but not too crazy to get the TREX version since the price is too steep.
  22. These two for me. Only to realize that this one shows Hikaru's 1A instead of the 1S. Hehehe. Either or, both Hikaru's DYRL Valks looks the same except for the head but atleast it compliments Isamu's 19's head lasers on this photo.
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