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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. I see. Thought at first that all the Valks from all the series will be included here for celebrating their hyped 30th Anniv celebration. It's a bummer since some of their old PSP games featured those awkward looking valks. Hehehe.
  2. Finally unlocked the Double Strike Packs. Loving it. By the way does this game features the VF-4G for the latter chapters?
  3. I think you're right. Sorry Saburo for the color change. But it really looks like a Ferrari Valk, doesn't it?
  4. Great purchases everyone! Love the chest and hips on that fig, anime52k8. Nice VF-1S Hi-Metal, connor99. Hope to get one soon for my boy. I like Galvatron too, Bahamutzyro. How's Maniaking, btw? How's the quality on those third party Transformers toys? Are they really worth it for their MSRP prices? Thanks!
  5. I love this shot! It looks more bad-a$$ looking than Alto's Durandal. Makes me really want one now. Bandai please release Mei's custom color VF-27y and reissue Ozma's 25S and I will forgive you for the YF-30 Battroid support bracket. Hahaha! Saburo, are you sure you don't put wax coat on your Frontier babies? They look so 'shiny'. So shiny it rivals Char's red mobile suits. Hehehe.
  6. Nice video. Thanks antibiotictab! I'm just glad that it's still an option to keep the intakes still lock in place (traditional) when in enteres Gerwalk mode so it won't use the swiveling pelvic joint so much. I don't want that part to become very loose over time. And I don't need to use that Gerwalk support arm. Though I think we really need to use that other support arm for Battroid mode since I didn't see any locking tabs when the head part rests on the canopy area. Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissapointed or what, since I know that the support parts should help the toy stays in place during those modes and makes it solid, but now I'm thinking those promo photos are kinda misleading for not showing the extra support braces at first. But I'm still glad for my P.O. Edit: And I agree with Mommar. Bandai should have somehow copy what Yamato did to the VF-4G canopy area and tweak a little so that they will not say they copy the whole mechanism 100%. But if they want us to be satisfied again, just reissue Ozma's 25 valk, ok.
  7. True. Or if ever, a black and purple scheme looks bad-ass too for the VF-27y. And keep the 'alien-looking' canopy too.
  8. So would this look good side-by-side with the DX VF-25G? I assumed that this is a DX VF-25G? If so, I guess, it looks good together displayed even if they're not exact same scale.
  9. Not bad on the AoT YF-19 scheme. That green cloth looks great on him. Hahaha! I know I like to have a set, but if it's going to cost around $200-300, I rather save the money and buy a VF-25S or save more to buy a VF-4G. But that might take awhile to save. Hahaha!
  10. Great shots. Didn't know Ikea already re-released the 'white' Detolf. Thought it will be available by Aug/Sept. Anyways, love the VF-1J! So classic and clean looking. Also, I noticed that you didn't pushed back the arm to release the guns on the forearms.
  11. Great hauls, everyone! "Play now, Pay later", Old Man. Good catch on the 25S.
  12. Great photography skills, Saburo! Now I want to have a VF-27 too. I know I told myself that I will just buy Red and Black stripe scheme. But if Bandai releases this variant... I might buy one.
  13. Thanks VF-15 Banshee! Didn't know at first what's that 'small bar' under the Valk's portraits is for. Hehehe. Thanks again.
  14. True. The VF-1's is like a mushroom. Or better yet, like 7-11 or McDonalds. They don't stop growing. Lucky you, Loop. I'm sure everyone's wives will be like that, so understanding, as long that everyone also have unlimited funds. Hehehe. I wish that all the time so I don't need to explain why I keep and will keep on buying. Hahaha! Does the Arcadia releases still suffers from the bad shoulder syndrome? But it's true that all the replacement parts at Shapeways is superb.
  15. I'm not a mod here so I guess it's ok to ask. But I think you will give members here a favor if you post your 'wanted' list on the WANTED thread just to be safe. Here's the link: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=10 Good luck hunting.
  16. This is an old photo I found via Google from @plastik on his For Sale Thread. The original file has already been deleted on his Photobucket album. But basing on the lowres photo on the Google search, you can visualize that it somehow in-scaled to each other. You can pm plastik or wait for his reply or any other members who have both figures to verify on the scale. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi1051.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fs439%2F6mmDistrict%2F20130614_123546.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.macrossworld.com%2Fmwf%2Findex.php%3Fshowtopic%3D39532&h=768&w=1024&tbnid=vsjcHCAn8Rey5M%3A&zoom=1&docid=Vb8eDHK1XklmTM&ei=PtG0U-qtL8S6oQS1KQ&tbm=isch&client=firefox-a&ved=0CHIQMyhLMEs&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=606&page=3&start=68&ndsp=41 Hope that helps.
  17. You can try and use a pointed Q-Tip. And just use the pointed area of the tip. Just be sure to dab lightly with alcohol. For safety, better put a Tamiya masking tape and apply it on the edge of the blue painted area instead of applying the tape on the top part. Then apply the alcohol-dipped Q-Tip. Hope that helps.
  18. Alleluiia for this! But... wait... where's the booster attached to again?
  19. Loving the Fighter mode with this add-on parts. And kinda weird looking to see the boosters pointing down in Battroid mode. But I love the shoulder missile pods in Battroid mode though. I can't remember who posted a photo of the Arcadia YF-19 with the DX VF-25F Super Pack's boosters. But I was trying last night the same thing putting the boosters on my YF-19. Kinda worried on scratching the paint so I just extended the wings and let the booster rests on the metal hinges.
  20. I also told myself the same thing. But that was 2 Valks ago right after I said I'm not gonna buy for now after purchasing those Alto's expensive 2 Packs. Hahaha! Just like the famous quote from a well-known snack: "One you pop, you just can't stop."
  21. Am I the only one hearing voices when I look at Saburo's photos... "BUY ME! BUY ME! BUY ME NOW!!!"
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