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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. This will be my first 1:48 since the Yamato times, I love two seaters.
  2. The images popped up again on Instagram, and mentioned the name.
  3. I found the source. These come from the Macross SF Challenge Game on Laser Disc. It's apparently quite rare, Shawn did a post on it years ago that had some additional images.
  4. Are you scrapping the whole thing or just certain parts?
  5. Someone posted this to FB today, has there been some new that we missed?
  6. What makes you say that? Looks pretty damn impressive to me for the tiny size.
  7. Yeah, the bit of the VF-5 sounds like 50s fighter lifespan, when we were throwing everything at the wall to see what would work. The VF-5 as a budget VF probably used inferior materials and more "off the shelf" components to try and get more mass produced VFs out there faster for all the various fleets. IIRC wasn't also the only single engine VF? It is likely that this left the fighter underpowered and unable to keep up. All of that taken into account, the short service life makes sense. Still curious what it looked like.
  8. It was actually a really nice design. A real successor to the A-7/F-8. It reminds me again why the JSF should have been a tech-dev/demo platform that lead to multiple aircraft
  9. Wait are those fully variable 1:48 ride armors?
  10. Where is the best place to order these? I am way behind on them, and sellers I'm finding either gouge on price or shipping.
  11. I'm assuming that as well, just curious as to the source since it is shows so many technical details (though there are some serious inaccuracies in the design).
  12. Spotted these on FB today, anyone know where they came from? Looks like it is from some animation.
  13. Simply gorgeous, and in it's naked state, you can see how HG was able to combine Macross and Mospeada in RT. The ship looks like a melding of Zentran and Human designs.
  14. It is a great, fun, no brainer kind of movie. One of my favorite dragon movies. My biggest beef with it, the poster promised me Apaches vs Dragons: Hellfires vs Dragonfire. That I wanted to see so bad.
  15. Amazing Build, scratch, or 3D printed? How big is it? It seems just a little short.
  16. Is it the stuff that guy was selling in the FB Filament Deals group? He got like 1000 rolls of it or some such, I bought a couple rolls, but haven't tried them yet as my printers are waiting for me to install some upgrades, I've just been too busy.
  17. Still impressive, but what filament was the grey garbage?
  18. I picked up a Hikaru off a guy in Phoenix for dirt cheap.
  19. A true master of concept art and design.
  20. I'm trying to decide what they're advertising that it fits 1:60 MACROSS toys means in the greater sense, especially after the their Macross-Zero F-14 slap down from BW. Are they thumbing their nose at BW or HG?
  21. I go along with something like this. Foundling Mandalorians follow the ancient ways where the helmets are never removed except around those of their own clan. Those born on Mandalore do remove their helmets, as they are born into the warrior culture. It could also be that after the purge the majority of Mandos reverted back to the old ways in a gambit to maintain and reinforce their cultural identity. More progressive Mandos, like Sabine's clan, are the "Reformed Mandos" who are ok with removing their helmets when in polite company, or to conceal their identity as necessary.
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