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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. WITH super parts? And a Web Shop exclusive? That's great, and as was mentioned, I like the grey on white scheme.
  2. Yetistand... it grabs your toy and doesn't let go!
  3. VF-1 Super and Strike parts, and a reissued VF-4 wouldn't go wrong. If you're asking about new stuff, well, they could do a re-jigged YF-21 or VF-22.
  4. That Draken confuses me so much... Is it a scheme All Nippon Airways thought of? Is it a tribute to Frozen? Is it some kinda Sento Yosei Yukikaze thing? I just don't know!
  5. That would work for most people I think.
  6. Mirror image: the 21 above an inverted 19 display. Bad name for it I suppose.
  7. I think some pre-set possibilities. One package for a basic Yetistand with one arm and an adapter of your choice. One package for a dual-arm setup. One package for the "mirror image" set up. Include pics with the Valks attacked so people will see them, imagine their own Valks in that configuration, think "Yeah! That's how I want them to look!", and then click one button to order all the necessary parts. They should just need to select adapters and holey/unholey base.
  8. It's been said before, but Bandai only cares about the Japanese market for this stuff. HG has a lock on our hemisphere, so Bandai can't and won't bother.
  9. Very nice site! My only suggestion might be some examples of "ready to go" Yetistand configurations with a one-click purchase option instead of just a la carte.
  10. That's what you think: http://www.nippon-yasan.com/product.php?id_product=8318 For 19,000Â¥.
  11. Wow. That's really nice of you, Yeti. Hope it helps.
  12. Ayup. 180~200 and I'd be tempted.
  13. How much did he want for that 27?
  14. Sildani

    Hi-Metal R

    Mm. Not quite yet though, since Arcadia still makes, arguably, the best VF-1 toy yet made. The Hi-Metals were superior in a couple ways, but overall Yamcadia's beat it. If Bandai did some re-engineering for this R series, though, it could be a whole new ball game.
  15. Yes, but you'd think it would have happened before now. Keeping up a steady supply of Super and Strike parts ought to be a relatively low-labor-intensive way of keeping a steady supply of money coming in. What's weird is what they are putting out - a newish 0D and the GBP which needs a whole VF-1 and a LOT more armor pieces built and painted.
  16. Well, if you want one... http://www.nippon-yasan.com/product.php?id_product=8318 19,000 yen.
  17. Paying for the new engineering and parts? I'm fairly sure that for the GBP all they did was dust off Yamato's molds.
  18. I myself don't need grey goggles. I just don't care that much. Surely at some point GBP armor was issued to non-grey Valks, and that's enough for me.
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