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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. Oof, $44 shipping on top of $200 for the Roy w/ supers, or $34 for the bare version?
  2. Odd, just had an EMS package hit LA after going into a container in Tokyo on the 16th. also, it used to be that EMS to my area would go through SF, not LA.
  3. Interesting, I'm guessing the leg fix will be even more necessary with the FAST pack installed. Maybe I'll wait another year and have the full 150 here before I start...
  4. I'm still waiting on the last few, but here's issues 1-97 on my bookshelf/display shelf. It's a lot of space. (There aren't any hidden behind the SV-51 box)
  5. Yup, though we may get a DYRL version, rather than a TV. Chances are fairly low though, and won't be any time soon.
  6. I'm guessing they did the re-design with a different team than handled the original DX design? (internal vs T-Rex??) Just my take as a Mechanical Engineer. This sort of thing is a bit expected when you have new people working on an existing design.
  7. Hobby saw might work? Or grab an old SD kit and get the replacement parts there.
  8. Yeesh, about to poke them. Mine still reads as "shipment information received", as in it has a tracking number, but hasn't actually shipped yet.
  9. Just because they're in storage, doesn't mean there's no rubbing/moving/vibration.
  10. Pretty sure @jenius did mention styrofoam causing issues via friction wear.
  11. So, the strike packs just go on over the top, or do they need some disassembly?
  12. @davidwhangchoi I feel you, running out of storage space in my hobby closet (walk-in), probably going to start putting up some of my spares soon as well... Much as it pains me.
  13. Nin-Nin is not a new company, they've existed for a long time alongside NY, so the chances they're the same is low. Much more likely they bought the domain to use to snag NY customers.
  14. My girlfriend has started working on kits out of my backlog. Hope she ends up my wife some day.
  15. Netflix certainly seems like they're going venture capital route: spam a bunch of shows out in the hopes one or two are hits (Stranger Things, Arcane, Etc...).
  16. Eh, might be at a better price-point and quality than the KC one, at least.
  17. They are not, there’s new attachment points in the wings not present on the older VF-31 figures.
  18. Kinda makes sense that Spartan would be the last one to come. The other 3 Desdroids all share the entire bottom half, reducing the number of unique molds and the design work required. The Regult also shares a lot with possible missile/scout variants, plus being an enemy mecha which (in the US) means army-building.
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