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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. Man, those VF-0 shoulder missile packs are hilariously oversized in Gerwalk. Practically WoW shoulderpad level.
  2. I'm going to the showing at Eastridge, a whole 15 seats showing filled right now including the 2 I got.
  3. That's the thing, officially the Zentradi soldiers are more like 2/3rds of the Regult height than 1/2.
  4. The way I see it, the non-transforming kits like Hasegawa get to prioritize on-screen accuracy without having to make allowances for "anime magic" like the Yamato YF-21 did. When this happens with an anime so wildly inconsistent with scale and spacing like SDFM/DYRL, it's never going to please everyone. Especially the Regult which runs straight into the wildly inconsistent sizing of the pods themselves and the Zentradi piloting them.
  5. Had a local plastics place cut sheets for me to size, and bought some corner clamps, hinges, and magnets off Amazon to assemble it with. Then glued some aluminum L-bracket under the shelves to stiffen them up. Looking around, was really hard to find something the right size for the Roller Coaster and Hogwarts Castle, so just ended up designing it myself.
  6. Finally got my new display case in, so I have somewhere to put my Lego coaster!
  7. More likely that Bandai is a bigger company, and was able to get their license agreement re-written for international distribution in a shorter timeframe. Arcadia is much smaller, and Big West frankly isn't going to spend nearly as much effort dealing with them.
  8. It may have more parts, it may be bigger, but honestly the Ducati definitely looks better.
  9. The VF-4 figures were around $120, and the VF-2SS ones were around $110. I'd imagine it'll be around $130? Lots of little bits in a VF-0S, plus the larger size, plus the missiles and (extra?) wings.
  10. It sounds like it's their license with Big West that's the issue, and said license probably predates the current BW-HG agreement. So there's some hope in the future that the BW-Arcadia license is changed to allow international release (though Arcadia would likely also need a HG license for SDFM things like kite emblem and such).
  11. Contacted HLJ a while ago about the ankles, they confirmed that their entire stock has been checked and is good. Ordered one (with 20% off), and it's fine.
  12. I just put in 107' (length of SR-71) in 1:1 to inches in 1/48 and it came out 26.75"
  13. Not a figure itself, but I just built up this new display case out of Polycarbonate. Still needs some stiffeners added below the shelves and top though, going to do that tomorrow. Each level is approx 18"D x 36"W x 24"H
  14. It’s Nora, which means a huge amount of tampo printing regardless.
  15. Likely they made the attachment points deeper. This would prevent putting the supers on other hard points, but still allow using other stuff on the 31-AX hard points.
  16. Is it just me, or does that attachment look like the universal Bandai weapon hardpoints? If so, we could slot these onto the SV-262 as well. Or a YF-30, or a YF-19, or a VF-171.
  17. …I actually use the Hikaru VF-1J and Roy VF-1S stands for flight mode display, bit more dynamic than the usual Bandai stands. I would prefer yetistands, but didn’t get around to it before COVID hit and he shuttered (hopefully temporarily).
  18. Don’t think so, couldn’t have been more than 10 of us watching Ghost in the Shell when I went to the Fathom events screening a few weeks back.
  19. It bodes well that the regult is HLJ’s #1 selling a Sci-fi item for the las week, despite not even being up on pre-orders for a week. Now give us the scout, missile, N-ger, and Q-rau!
  20. That and color separation. I wonder if they're trying to get some of the gunpla builder market? World of difference between that and a traditional model kit.
  21. Ooh, hope HLJ puts it up soon, going to go through them for that 10% off black Friday code and combined shipping.
  22. Gotta do a VF-1 first, because it gets the recognition; and it gives people a stand-alone figure, rather than one that needs to go with the rest of the line.
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