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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. It’s siloed on the surface of a planet at the start, so air resistance does matter some.
  2. Hard to say, the MGEX Unicorn (¥23,000) didn't have all the gold plated bits, but it did have a full LED kit built in. Probably in the ¥15,000-¥20,000 range? The fully plated normal release MG kits (Phenex ¥12,000, Hyaku Shiki ¥6,800) aren't that expensive. Though the P-Bandai and Expo ones are usually quite a bit.
  3. Sounds like at least part of it is changing the head laser to a shallower angle.
  4. They seem to have been putting in a single green tea KitKat recently. Got it in 2 of 3 things I bought from them.
  5. IIRC you need a unique (japanese) phone number for each P-Bandai account, which also requires ID.
  6. That base looks way to small/light to hold a figure securely.
  7. They already re-released the 0S once, who knows if they'll go again.
  8. Try holding it in 2 hands across the body like with a VF-27, or Michael's sniper on a VF-25?
  9. Frontier and Plus 😤 Though that opinion is probably influenced by binging 7 and listening to Planet Dance every 15-20min for hours...
  10. That particular page seems to work fine for me, so it might be something on your end. Perhaps try opening in incognito mode, or from a mobile device?
  11. Luna Park has worked OK for me so far, everything came in undamaged. They're definitely not my first choice though, plenty of other shops that I don't need to email to make sure my stuff gets shipped.
  12. You and me both. Though the downside there is it only works for KC because of the amount of paint they use. Have to cast all the variants in the same base colors.
  13. Issue there is it may not be popular enough to justify a run. Even if the molds already exist, Arcadia does have to hire a factory to do the production run with a minimum production quantity.
  14. Honestly, the old version the legs were pointed upwards, which looked a bit odd. They may have done this to have the legs sit more horizontal compared to the backpack/tail. But the downside is now they're too low compared to the backpack.
  15. Oof, sorry to hear that. I guess now I don't mind so much I cancelled my direct order (via tenso) and got from HLJ instead...
  16. I'm down for one regardless, mainly I hope it has proper detents for the relevant pivots and nothing's too fragile.
  17. Well, Sheryl and Ranka are both more popular than anyone from Delta. They never even finished out most of the Walkure figure sets, did they?
  18. I’m more worried about my cats destroying it. Might have to get 2.
  19. Guess the google search returned the LD release date, not the VHS.
  20. FYI, 7 (1994) predates Plus (1995). Also OVAs usually are higher quality due to higher budget per episode.
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