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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. This is a job for a Yeti detolf adapter.
  2. I love the beefy 1/48 GBP too. If you are going to sell, please LMK. I wouldn’t mind another one. Thanks!
  3. Yeah, I got a bunch of Hikaru 1Js too, it’s not that I don’t like it, just not as much as almost every other version. Again, except with GBP which puts it on a whole other level.
  4. Yeah, I was never a fan of Hikaru’s 1J...Except with GPB, all covered up, which is then probably my favorite all time.
  5. Damn, I know I am insane but @Kicker773, you are a pure madman! I mean that in the best way possible.
  6. Ah, that's also good to know. You got pics of your setup that you can share?
  7. Oh cool, but only in brown huh? Either way, good to know.
  8. I’ve been searching for an off the shelf solution like that but surprisingly I never found one. That looks good but I don’t think it’s available in US ikeas but I’ll look into it. Thanks!
  9. Nice! For someone who didn’t have Super Robots on the radar, you have me, who has loved and collected Super Robots since childhood drooling over your collection. Thing about Getter Emperor that bugs me most is how tiny it is. I could live with the lack of tabs and fiddlyness but what’s the point of a Super robot collection where the one that should be the biggest is one of the smallest. It’s like having a Transformers collection with a minibot sized Unicron.
  10. So, here is the adapter for a Lego Star Destroyer that should weigh in about that range: https://www.yetistand.com/product/75055-lego-star-destroyer-wall-mount-adapter You can see it connects two arms together for extra strength.
  11. Nice collection of Super Robots you are building up. I just got my SOC Getter Emperor today but I'm scared to open it based on reviews. There is a clamp adapter for yetistands made for 1/6 style figures. There are also adapters for stuff like big LEGO sets (I remember specifically for the UCS Slave I). The acrylic arms are super solid and bolted together so they will hold anything that you feel is stable on them. You could also configure them to use multiple arms with multiple attachement points for really big items. basically, the possibilities with these stands are endless with everything modular and custom attachment parts fairly easily created and made. If you have any ideas or needs, contacting @ChaoticYeti is very easy and he will most likely work with you or advise based on existing parts.
  12. Yeah, I want it all! Light color would be cool to match my old original toys better but overall I like the darker deco that we got. Vader and Tie-Interceptor are high on the list. It’s just a pain to see them stacked on shelves at msrp and then completely disappear when they are on clearance. Just price them reasonably to begin with! It’s funny though, my wife was happy for me for finally getting one but after she checked it out, she was impressed with the cockpit detail and said that part was worth $10 but the rest is junk. Lowest clearance price was $10 Nice!
  13. Thanks for the refined details! I love all this stuff but just can’t keep up with all the releases, lol! I’m glad I waited for this last one to get it for a deal. The current msrp for TVC is ludicrous.
  14. Definitely! Thanks! The Vintage Collection. They are for use with the 3.75” figures and this Tie is around 13” tall. This basic toy has been around for years releases in different forms and lines but I think this look with the tall wings has only been released once before. All the various ships have been released in some form in the past with higher end versions being either The Vintage Collection, Legacy Collection or Trilogy Collection. Two versions of the X-Wing just opened for preorder or release last week. Only problem with this line is Hasbro is milking people with the MSRP. This Tie was MSRP $80 and the same mold with different colors came out maybe around a decade ago for $30. The X’s are MSRP $100 when they were also $30-$40 before and come with less this time. You can almost always get these on clearance because I suspect most people aren’t down with the ludicrous MSRP. For instance, this Tie went down to $20 and even $10 clearance but I wasn’t lucky enough to find any at those prices. The kicker for you is, a few years ago, Hasbro actually made a Black Series Tie-Fighter for their 6” figures. The thing is monsterously huge! I think it was msrp $150 and also went down to clearance of I think $40-$80. I have one too but haven’t opened it yet. You can find pics of how big it is on the webs. I did exactly something like that to raise my detolf shelf’s. Haha, thanks! I think all the figures on that shelf are roughly 1/100 scale so they look good together. You’re the one who sold me on the Re:Edit line and I’m glad as it is one of my favorite lines ever. Their Hulkbuster is still my most prized and favorite figure in that scale range. To know that I’ve been able to help convince you to buy things is a bit ironic now but you know what you are getting into with these lines. They are fantastic figures. I think you’ll especially like the Zuku.
  15. I finally got these! I was going to every Walgreens around everyday (still am to find Dani and ObiWan) for weeks to find Emma. What a pita just to find whatever figures. I mean I want them but it's a stupid amount of time used up for it.
  16. Looks good! That is the first MCU figure that really tempted me but ended up passing. Got BW instead.
  17. Nice! Yeti stands are the greatest display accessories ever made.
  18. The circuit is now complete! Got my RX-78-2! No time to arm it up yet but it is sweet! I know, late pass but this is the 40th edition
  19. Yeah, I bet that could suck. The good thing is if you want what you ordered from NY, they will deliver and you won't need to deal with it.
  20. That's a beauty! One simple way is just putting some pads under the shelf where they are supported. Depends on how high you need them to go but definitely an easy and effective way to add small amounts of height.
  21. That rule you are referring to is your trump card. Since you know about it, you know where to find it. I would just sit back and if/when PayPal tries to say they aren't going to cover you, refer them to that policy and they will have to oblige you. This is all learned from experience.
  22. There is nothing worse than a crusty old Macross collector
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