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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Cool, reminds me of my old setup
  2. I will never use the protection plan. But I don't buy from unknown sellers either, just use them for stuff like TWE direct from Bandai so I'm not worried about them screwing me other than their regular screwing.
  3. You guys are missing the obvious. It will be a 2000Y lottery exclusive.
  4. Haha, I always decorate our tree with some toys too. Carbonized Sith looks pretty badass! The figure isn’t great but that’s standard. The new blaster it has is really cool. I really love jet packs and Crimson troops. Look forward to getting Sith Jet Trooper. Or do I already have one of those...wth, I have no idea at this point, lol!
  5. I never got the Yamato version so I'm just going to pretend it never happened and enjoy this version. Fighter and Gerwalk look the best to me so I'll mostly alternate between those two modes for display.
  6. Lol, I guess it would make sense if their crappy site was purposely designed that way to deter scalpers...and all other people trying to shop there.
  7. Sucks to hear about other issues with this Valk. But I take it all with a grain of salt considering mine feels pretty good although I haven’t transformed it yet. I have just about every Arcadia release and have not had any issues, out of box or otherwise repairs needed. One of the most solid and high quality set of toys I have.
  8. Yeah, AJ shipping is 1600 for the first item, add 600 each additional. Can’t beat the price for the speed they ship but as someone recently mentioned, they ship in Kleenex boxes. But the shrink wrap and fast shipping help reduce the chances of damage. Whatever the case, this is the best looking Legioss figure by a long shot I’ve ever seen. Can’t wait to get a Tread to go with it along with the rest of the variants. And nice Spidey + Friends set @sh9000 I look forward to watching that show on D+ with my kids.
  9. Oh man, seeing this thing: https://www.hlj.com/1-144-scale-mig-31-fire-fox-plastic-kit-hma75586 Makes me wish for a 1/100 - 1/60 diecast version. BTW, preordered the Sentinel Legioss from AJ. I'm sure it is popular here but not checking the Mospeada thread to find out, lol.
  10. Not new purchases but I know some people here can appreciate these toys I just uncovered from my collection. The Ferrari in front was one of my favorites and prized pieces. Just checked underneath and no wonder, it’s a ‘79 Tomica. The Green Pullback car to the right of it is the best pullback I’ve ever owned. Still looks and works as good as new after decades of use and abuse. That is German made quality! And a glance at what else was in the box I opened.
  11. Hey @Anasazi37 is HLJ aware that their “new, improved” website is a pile of $#!+ They went from one of my top 2 foot shops to being a complete waste of time and worthless. I haven’t bought a single thing from them on preorder since and maybe only one or two sale items. Maybe if they just fixed their POS site, that would help enough. Lol.
  12. Yep. It's not worth the trouble to even consider marketing and producing Macross outside of Japan due to HG. Bottom line, preorder madness will ensue as long as Macross is as niche as it is and Bandai continues to produce it. No worries with Arcadia and other boutique shops but then people whine about the price. It's all pretty funny to me. I enjoy whatever I can get and if there is preorder madness, it's all a part of the game.
  13. Nice! Where did you get that stand? It seems extremely versatile.
  14. This is all good info. I just want to point out that while the limited stock is Bandai's fault, they probably have a really good reason for it and that being profit margins. We can already see that Macross products are extremely niche and then niche within the niche. It simply would make no sense to any large corporation to dedicate too much resource to the brand. So in the end, it's our fault for not buying more and influencing the collectors out there to buy more Macross. There is no shortage issue with Arcadia because they are a small outfit that depends and caters to Macross so they make everything pretty much to order so everyone gets a good shot to get what they want initially.
  15. DX VF-1A Max will probably jump in price after all the retail stock dries up. This has happened every time with every version of it released in the past.
  16. Still, that Luke figure is hideous. I still bought that set myself. I got some HW SW too but for me it was the Mandalorian Ship and Walker. I should have that speeder bike and shuttle from previous releases.
  17. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    I don't have pics of them together but Hikaru is definitely taller than Minmei. As for Hikaru and Roy? Yet to be seen but my gess is that they are on the same body mold.
  18. Ah, sweet! Thanks for the explanation! I’m definitely going that route then.
  19. Sweet! Was his white too? They are a rare sight and most I can remember were white. Such a cool car!
  20. Yeah, for as much of a deal was made out of it, it is pretty much a non-issue. Other than our own anal attention to it. I’m sure I could pull off the transformation but just like to have a video run through as backup. As for opening the instructions, that whole anal thing...lol! Maybe if someone can just list the difference from the Yamato transformation? I saw the posts about about just replacing the foot but I thought that involves breaking glue and regluing. If that’s the case, I don’t know if I want to do that because of this whole reoccurring anal theme.
  21. Always liked this car and it has a unique place in history. Was surprised to see it
  22. Sucks to hear some places aren't able to get the parts but honestly, it makes such little difference I may hold of on changing mine out. There are no transformation guides out yet either huh? Oh well, boxing it all back up and dealing with it al later, lol! The figure looks really sweet and at least I swooshed it around a bit.
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