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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. They’re pretty good, but different depending on which one you get . I’ve enjoyed the ones I have so far and prefer the variety in the moderoid line compared to the lack of variety by Bandai lately
  2. They look like custom stuff using 30 minutes missions parts.
  3. That really was an amazing moment. It’s not only an anniversary for Southpark, but Primus has been on tour doing Rush songs and then Getting everyone one together was such a great moment. It was an amazing surprise for sure and took two drummers to fill in. And two really great Bass players at the same time.
  4. I’ve seen a lot of complaints scrolling through YouTube about She Hulk being a 30 minute comedy show. I haven’t actually watched any of them since I’m trying to avoid spoilers, but I don’t think it was advertised as a serious show to begin with. So at this point I’m not sure why they’re complaining, but I guess I’ll find out later
  5. Hasbro hasn’t stopped these third party companies surprisingly enough and sometimes they end up partnering with some of them. I’ve seen quite a few third party toys and models from transformers and G.I. joe and other oddball toys and they’ve rarely been stopped. There’s even third party companies doing star wars and with all those big properties I kinda wonder if the strategy is to see how popular third party items are and then release the official item later since the demand is still there for the official one even when some third party items are better
  6. I was watching a bunch of these videos over the weekend. I loved the story behind the different versions of the south park theme and this with a reunion of the surviving members of Rush were my favorites
  7. I feel the same about Gomez. I do believe Guzman is a great actor, but it’s hard to picture him in a role like that. Although it’s probably closer to the original concept than the other live action versions
  8. If you checked out that early in season 3 , you’d probably absolutely hate season 4. This show likes do overs and they do it over and over. They tease and amazing concept in season 2 and they end up in a boring direction instead of the awesome direction things could’ve gone. And then there’s season 4 that after realizing they didn’t have a great direction just clones everybody to redo it all again but stupider. At this point it leaves off with a possibility of the next season just being a virtual reality. I’m more curious to see how they try to write a follow up season than I am about an actual 5th season. Like a story about writers trying to write a tv show that got too ambitious and then overly pretentious and now trying to follow up their mess for another season that’s probably doomed to be worse than any previous season. They have had pretty great talent as far as actors, but the writers are overwhelmed with this concept and trapped by the circumstances that the third season left them with. They just didn’t know where to go.
  9. I think they should still wait until after his trials are over. There is still at least one active warrant out for his arrest on break in charges
  10. I just finished off the new season. I really liked the first one, but I feel like ideas are running low season by season on where to take the show. Season 2 kinda dragged a little just hoping they could finally leave the park, then after leaving the park it got kinda dull. And then it just seems like they copy the entire cast anytime some one dies, so it takes out any tension there was and just kinda feel like the old version was better. I don’t know if it’s the last season, but I wouldn’t be sad if it was at this point
  11. Definitely deserves some help right now. It’s sad to see the aftermath that horrible actions caused to innocent people. I really feel bad seeing all those burned items lost memories and even the items to keep herself in business. I’m glad the pets were all ok though.
  12. Everyone was joking about that as an option for her during the trial, it’s pretty funny they actually offered it
  13. After hearing about batgirl, I didn’t have much hope for supergirl
  14. I watched the videos of her crashes. That’s some crazy stuff. It’s too bad she didn’t just get out of the car after the first one. I really feel bad for the woman that lost her house. That’s such a tragic thing to happen. So many things lost in an instant. I really hope that she gets well taken care of.
  15. I think the best course is to release the films other than the Flash that are bigger like the Awuaman sequel, Black Adam and the Shazam sequel and then just completely reboot the dc franchise. I don’t think Ezra can bring in tickets, even with the help of Michael Keaton. The DC stuff needs a fresh start with good movies, not just meh or total crap with an occasional gem .
  16. The top picture doesn’t inspire confidence. I guess behind the scenes Joes take no prisoners. That “here take this you’re gonna need it” makes me think this guy knows that this thing looks cool, but won’t last on the battlefield.
  17. I’d probably feel ok if this service had more to offer. They do get the big marvel movies, but as far as shows, they really only have one big show every couple months. And that doesn’t mean they’re great shows. Obi was garbage and Ms Marvel was ok , but mostly forgettable. If the shows were all great I might feel different, but they need some real quality control and something more for content to justify raising the prices. She Hulk is looking good and I really hope it is, but it’s been a long gap between this and their last big show, ms marvel.
  18. I’m gonna wait to decide what to do about d+ . I like the marvel shows for the most part and the Mandalorian, but they should’ve waited on price hikes, because that’s about all they have that I’d want to pay for. Netflix honestly at this time seems the worst as far as price and quality. The shows that are good aren’t in a high enough quantity to justify the price. I’m a bit uncertain about hbo max. Amazon seems the safe bet, but that’s mainly with the ordering discounts. I don’t own the paramount one or whatever it’s called, because so far there’s only one show I want to see see over there
  19. The knee joints waist section and elbow joints look like the ones that Captain America did on his renditions of the bioroids
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