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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. According to Wikipedia, Rinko Kikuchi, Charlie Day, and Burn Gorman are confirmed to be back.
  2. It's recent, for sure. Looking at Dalong scans, it seems to coincide with the season 2 IBO kits (both HG and FM Lupuses), Gouf Revive in the HGUC line, and Guncannon First Type in the HG Origin line.
  3. Did these not sell well or something? Anyone have any numbers?
  4. Enough with the stupid Phoenix already. They've had three tries at it now and only the first one was any good. Come on. There's 60 years of material there, SURELY there are other ideas they can use. Or at least other ideas that won't cripple them quite so much.
  5. Playing through Dark Souls right now on Steam, and I'm not liking it as much as DeS. I think I need more of the structured level design of DeS. I've never been very good with open world games, and Dark Souls is right up there in that regard. Then again, it could also be that I'm not going into it blind like I did DeS. Maybe DS2 and 3 will whet my appetite better. Or maybe I should finally get myself a PS4 and Bloodbourne.
  6. Man, to heck with what I said earlier about a Hase 31 never coming out. You see that little W-shaped thing in the bottom right-hand corner there? AWWWWWWWWW YEAH HYPE BABY ANTICIPATION!!! (watch my original prediction come true now)
  7. I'm wondering if the cockpit is different at all. I don't see any changes to the instrument panels/seats to accommodate the EX Gear, but then again the pics I've looked at of the YF-19 aren't big enough for comparison. I was thinking that maybe Hasegawa included the resin cockpit parts from the VF-1EX kit.
  8. I dunno. I'll have to see said tech in real-world action, not in Nintendo press releases, before I'm convinced they're a good value. $50 for a single Joycon, more than a Dualshock 4. $70 for the Pro Controller (again, DS4 for <$50), $30 for a Joycon charging grip thing (which really should come included with the system)... The price quickly gets ridiculous. At least the steering wheel comes in a 2-pack for the $15 you spend.
  9. I second this. When I last burned DVDs, I used a program called ImgBurn. But the software options may have changed since then. With ImgBurn, you could pick and choose files and sort them however you want before burning. It wouldn't randomly spit out disc size errors like that. I've never used W7's built-in burning feature, but I sure do hope it's not burning a file the moment you click-drag it to the disc. Rendering 99% of your storage space unreadable would not be a fun time. Yikes. Hope he got to it in time.
  10. Well, the 31 is the protagonist mecha, and tends to be more popular for it. I know we here like the 262 more, but general audiences are probably more exposed to and more likely to like the 31 over it. That has to count for something. For a lot, actually, by my guess. Then again, it could also be that Hasegawa simply prefers the 262 design and/or hates the 31, too.
  11. I think it might be that Bandai got an exclusivity deal on 1/72-scale VF-31 models. There's nothing to back that up aside from the fact that Hasegawa didn't get the rights to Frontier and release their VF-25F kit until 2013. I'm not sure how all the merchandising rights get strewn about, but at least with Delta it seems like things are a bit more evenly/fairly distributed among the various companies (Bandai, Tomytec, Minimum Factory, Hasegawa, etc.). I wouldn't be surprised if a Hasegawa VF-31 doesn't come out until 2020, shame as that might be.
  12. What program are you using? How big are your file sizes? @Shadow Today (Friday)'s Shell Shocker deal at Newegg includes a 480GB Toshiba SSD for $99.99. Link to the product page in case you're interested (Shell Shocker deal page hasn't updated to reflect product/price yet): https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820228143 (I'll PM you too just in case you miss this thread.)
  13. Nintendo charging up the butt for hardware and accessories is the reason I felt nothing about hacking my Wii. Controllers are stupid overpriced, plastic covers are stupid overpriced, the CHARGING STAND is stupid overpriced... It's just some connectors and a fan. There's absolutely no way it costs anywhere near $50 to manufacture/ship, much less $90.
  14. Oh yeah, how did that turn out by the way? Good, I hope. My guess is the instructions for the Lil' Draken will call for the the right-angle connector to correctly situate the wings, then drilling a hole in the wings that the peg piece pegs into for the Lil' Drakens. They could just provide extra wings with the Lil' Drakens molded with holes, but drilling it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. Of course, this is all speculative, so meh.
  15. The 262Hs has two pairs of extra parts: a pair of right-angle wing joints and a pair of peg joints. This points to an eventual Lil' Draken kit. (Alternatively, you can use the right-angle joints to simply pose the 262 with wings up for storage or maintenance or whatever.)
  16. No, she's Mitochondria Eve and she'll be leading mitochondria on their usurpation of the human cell. Sorry, I've been playing Parasite Eve again.
  17. Ugh. Uplay is the absolute WORST. So much so that I actually went to the trouble of getting cracked versions of the Ubisoft games I already bought just so I wouldn't have to deal with it. What's worse is that Ubi still sells its games on Steam, too. EA at least has the decency to not crosslist its games so you don't have to deal with two DRM programs running at the same time. That being said, I don't have much interest in The Ubisoft Game anyhow, so it's not much of a loss. The games I've bought from them recently(ish) have all been UbiArt games. Rayman, Child of Light, etc. And those couldn't be farther removed from The Ubisoft Game.
  18. Aw, what a shame. If only you had something that could play all three games AND modern games AND older games-- Oh wait. That would mean having to install Origin. Screw that. Never mind, you keep doing you. EDIT: Actually, apparently only the third game (aka The Worst) requires Origin. The second, if bought through Steam, will prompt for an Origin login to access its online features, but if you're just playing the single player, you can safely ignore it.
  19. What IS Macross the First? Retelling of SDFM?
  20. Ah, thanks. I searched around there for the Ba as well. Shipping to retailers Feb. 23, product available Feb. 26.
  21. 1) So... do the VAs/singers kayfabe as the characters, or are they just themselves in a group that happens to share the same name as their anime counterparts? 2) Do they release their own songs, or are they just doing the same ones they sang in Delta? 3) I remember Zero having a sort of environmentalism edge to it, with Kadun symbolizing environmentally (and/or just generally) destructive technologies/character aspects of mankind, but it was always tenuous and got swept aside to make room for more robot bang-bangs and giant alien flower gods. EDIT: Also, since I'm still having a good time here in the past: It's another idol group cosplaying as their characters, so it's sort of topical. Yes?
  22. Loving this post too much right now. EDIT: Oh, I like jazz just fine, it's just what I heard from (admittedly only the first episode of) Thunderbolt didn't hit my ear well. I was talking about this Seatbelts: And boy, what a fun trip it is so far.
  23. Has anyone played this game? Noitu Love 2: Devolution - http://store.steampowered.com/app/207530/ I'm watching an LP of it and it looks really REALLY cool. If any of you have any impressions, I'd love to hear them. Thanks.
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