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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. Thank you, guys. I really appreciate all the help. I think I'm gonna just have to print these myself. First order of business is to get me a copy of Illustrator. I'm ordering up some decal paper per MechTech's suggestion. I'll keep you guys posted.
  2. I'd like to get a set of custom decals made. I have the 1/72 Black Aces kit which I would like to scale up to 1/48 scale. I've never done this before so what I'm asking for is this: What graphics program do I need that I can make and edit the decal set in the appropriate filetype? Who is the best person/company to contact to have these printed in high quality? I'd like to get a small run (about 20 or so) made up to offer here on the boards at cost. The reason I'd like to do this is because of the considerable interest shown at the last MWCon. I feel it would really benefit the community.
  3. I really, really wanna complete the 1/72 enemy mech collection. I would move heaven and earth to get a good 'ol Cap'n version Q-Rau and N-Ger. Yes! N-Ger! Sounds good!
  4. These are an excellent representation of the valkyrie
  5. My jaw dropped when I saw the video. I can't even begin to praise you. I wouldn't know where to start! I'm supremely impressed.
  6. Challenge accepted. Seriously, that is some major productivity. My goal is to get two builds in this year. Just two. Your awesome work is seriously motivating me. They all look great.
  7. It just blows my mind knowing that it's totally scratch built. That is some serious talent you got there. Amazing work.
  8. You could lend it to the local swat team so they can use it for a 'Daedalus Attack' door entry battering ram! In all seriousness, that thing looks awesome. I remember drooling over this thread every time you posted an update. I'm glad to see it so close to completion.
  9. I missed out on the cat's eye kit because I had trouble checking out and paying for my order. I was bummed out about for a week.
  10. They love to milk those molds... Seriously, even though there are lots of differences between the DYRL and SDFMacross versions, if they just released a palette swap version with Daedalus and Prometheus arms, I would just look the other way and buy it!
  11. I agree that there seems to be a lot of existing parts being used. The backpack has the little antenna sticking out. Besides that, it looks like the existing backpack from the battroid kit.
  12. I'll be selling a ton of model kits. Hasegawa, some vintage kits, and some resin.
  13. She looks beautiful! Congratulations on a great job. You did a great job on those upper intakes. They're pretty tricky.
  14. I seem to recall that there is a difference in the forearms of the DYRL vs SDFM valks. I'm not sure though.
  15. It's great to see your setup. That sure is a lot of kits you have there. I'm thoroughly impressed. Thanks for sharing!
  16. Thanks for posting this review. It makes me want it more but it's out of stock at Starship Modeler.
  17. It looks sooo good! I can't even begin to wrap my head around the fact that it's scratch built! Great job.
  18. Dang! Missed it too. Does anybody have any idea if/when these will be restocked?
  19. So badass... I love the little figures. Looks like you've done a great job on those.
  20. That was awesome! Thank you for that, I really enjoyed it.
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