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Everything posted by Keith

  1. 2199 & 2202 was released in theatrical compilations followed by the blu-rays split into eps followed by the broadcast. Basically, if the episodes shared an end theme, they were all part of a compilation.
  2. Discotek just announced that they're bringing the series out on Blu-Ray
  3. I would have thought sometime in the last 3 years, but so far nothin'.
  4. We're about due for a big mecha resurgence, this could just be insanely good timing.
  5. I've been taking it (show version) as Mark getting stronger the more damage he takes. In this version he didn't get his powers until taking his first beating, with an apparent level up after each beating. In both versions it's implied that he's not at full strength yet. I'm also still waiting to find out that Cecil is just giving him Senzu Beans every time he's in the infirmary.
  6. You can't throw labels (woke) then accuse others of throwing labels. Also negative points for using the "my (insert marginalized group in a 3rd party context of something they said to me) friends) trope to back peddle. For the record, I never called "you" anything, just pointed out that your review painted ""Jupiter's Legacy" as promoting that "vibe." If that's something you're sensitive about then perhaps you should think twice about running up to post on forums dedicated to q 40 year old cartoon that's centered around acceptance & inclusiveness with "Hey, I just watched this show that bucks the inclusiveness trend with some age old ignorance that's apparently getting terrible reviews for content & production, but maybe it'll make ignorance cool again!' But hey, if you think 4-5 years of spreading hate not being popular is hard to stomach, imagine Decades of things like "all people are white" or "this white actor is painted brown, that makes him a convincing Indian" or "Just hire an Asian for an Asian part, doesn't matter where from." What you're calling "woke" is actually a much broader self awareness in entertainment media that is far overdue.
  7. Given that there is already 60+ years of "anti-woke" TV out there, I don't believe that should be any kind of review focal point. Is it good? Does it suck? That kinda thing seems more productive. I'm getting "good ole boy" vibes from your review that just paints it as super unappealing.
  8. With the Funimation releases of the first 3 going OOP it begs the question of whether GKids will grab the Rebuild license too.
  9. There's a new Animeigo kickstarter up for MADOX-01.
  10. I love Mikimoto"s quote, and he can be damn sure as soon as any of his artbooks or Macross The First show up on Kindle, I'll jump to support. It still hasn't phased me that Delta movie II will come out here domestically, I've still been in a waiting to import the Japanese release state of mind.
  11. Exactly, that thing Disney did where it struck away the Star Wars EU is what erasing from canon looks like, except for that part where they keep recycling bits for their new canon...
  12. Ah, see that's where your misunderstanding lies. I don't deal in opinions, I deal in facts. Things like "these sequels that were pretty damn successful were actually not successful because I and a few people I talked to didn't like them" are "opinions." On the other hand things like "sequels that are still supported with new continuations and a ton of people I have spoken with actually keep spending their hard earned money on are the definition of popular" are cold hard facts.
  13. You seem to be Gori Gori grasping, but that's cool bra. Batman & Robin would be akin to Macross II, it exists, but that branch was not continued. The definition of "poorly received." Delta on the other hand 5 years after release is still actively supported.
  14. So you believe a pocket (and that's being gemerous) of old men on the internet who complain about A LOT (that's an understatement) outstrips the merch, blue-ray, movie ticket, CD & toy sales that have followed each release (7, Frontier, Delta, and to a lessor extent II, Plus & Zero)? You think money would still be thrown into these productions if they weren't profitable? Plenty of unsuccessful anime series have had their episode count slashed mid production due to low ratings, Macross has never been in that boat (save for the original series before it aired). 7 hit 49 episodes, a movie (be it a short) & OVA. Frontier & Delta both have multiple movies (with new animation, not pure recaps like most Gundam follow ups), live concerts, etc You honestly think these thinga would happen without a large supportive fanbase? II Finished it's run, is still referenced by Bandai & Big West, but never hit on the popularity scale that most other Macross series & OVA's share. But I agree, there's way too much personal hate that is passed off as fact.
  15. I love that "poorly received" mythos that Macross sequels keep getting. While I haven't seen Delta nearly as many times as 7, every sequel (except II) has been quite popular.
  16. Macross II may have many faults, but "never" stooped so low as to be "quasi-Robotech."
  17. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/158377
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