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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Best SW thing ever since SW. And yeah, Disney needs to cut the crap & use freakin' Deepfake. Also, spoiler tags aren't working for me and I sad.
  2. He'a a merc, hate's Jedi, and stays on mission. Nothing we've seen here contradicts that. The Boba we've seen Previous fulfilled his contract obligations, which just happened to be evil. Since he had no issue working for Vader, we know the fulfilling a contract thing supecedes his hate for Jedi/Force users killing Jango.
  3. Why the manga instead of the original light novels?
  4. Only if they change the name to "Picard Troopers" & rework the "VR Troopers" theme in kind. "WE ARE PICARD...TROOPERS."
  5. So in otherwordd, there aren't many "real" retcons at all. Aside from the Romulans having an ancient technophobia, which I'm ok with.
  6. Wait, Data as captain of the Enterprise E? Have you guys been mad about novel events being ignored this whole time?
  7. I sat down this week & watched through the season 1 blu-ray set (still refuse to bother with CBS All Access), and honestly I have no idea where all the rage in this topic comes from. This show fit perfectly as a TNG epilogue. Seeing the Federation in the same kind of corrupt apathy as the U.N. Spacy is hardly a surprise. I can't even count how many episodes + movies combined through the franchise history revolved around upper brass conflicting with the ideals they were supposed to be upholding. When you stack that with the late TNG/DS9 conflicts (the Borg, Dominion, Cardassian Wars etc, not to mention the darkening state of things from First Contact straight through Nemesis & subsequent heavy losses, it's pretty easy to see the Federation going the way of Zeta's Titanss
  8. I think they just mean not the Rebuild movies. If we're lucky then we'll get all the content from the Japanese blu-ray release.
  9. Evangelion (TV) is on its way back to a full U.S. release. GKIDS Entertainment has snagged the Blu-Ray license. https://evangelion.gkids.com/
  10. It had a remaster in Japan several years ago thus set is sourced from that.
  11. I'd settle for minimum 3 streaming service produced movies, Warner/CN has truly crap the bed canceling the show while supposedly renewing Rick & Morty for 70+ episodes (with an even more sporadic production schedule).
  12. For those interested, Nozomi/Rightstuf just put up their pre-order. https://www.nozomientertainment.com/tylor/?utm_source=nozomi&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=2020-09-05_tylor_ultra_set_announce
  13. How have I missed that all these years.
  14. I'm hoping either Discotek or Animeigo rescue Gall Force for a Blue Ray release.
  15. Yup, maybe it's a generational thing but I'm too excited about being able to shoot pixels again. I wish I'd have been able to pick up Radiant Silvergun way back when.
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