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Everything posted by nightmareB4macross

  1. Very cool. And looking great!! in the days way back, I recall this beautiful specimen created by Nick. Sure it used double sided tape, but damn it looked really good.
  2. Oh boy, so much. Take a trek through this thread and start at post No. 1.
  3. Very well aware of this. I was hoping for an updated version that could be used with either the HMR or DX. But yeah, I concur it’s more about proportions than anything else. I somehow know this…there are reasons.
  4. But, if this is considered a 1/48(?). It should work with a DX or a Yamato. But clearly by looking at the pictures the 1/40 Orguss is the better choice. So it looks like Bandai fiddled with scale too much?
  5. That’s actually a great way to entertain and introduce kids to transforming robots. I salute you good sir.
  6. Does the pilot match up to the Yamato 1/48 or the Bandai DX? I guess combining this figure with a HMR VF-1 is a no go for the Orguss Valkyrie.
  7. As cool as that figure is, I just don’t see the allure. Sure it’s self transforming, but if it has no power it has no playability. Still an awesome figure.
  8. Based on this display, wouldn’t we be celebrating 36 years and not 40?😒
  9. They do have a sturdier and higher quality feel, for sure. would be cool if they made armor for these. Anticipating more of these to come out soon just not as an onslaught of too many at once.
  10. I definitely agree with you there. They have just enough paint apps, but could use a little more to bring out the details. Hopefully, Bandai announces more upcoming releases for this line…soon.
  11. Finally! These are just too cute and too awesome.
  12. I’m not even sure why this is a thing.
  13. Looks like your kit. The booms are connected and there are parts for limited articulated arms.
  14. @strikevalkMark those are really excellent finds. Thanks so much for sharing. you could right about that mismatch being a leftover compilation build from the factory. You guys are on fire!!
  15. This is pretty cool. I only associated this color with the SBS TV types. I had no idea Joon’s had two color types. Were these released at the same time as the 1980s set?
  16. As many times as I see this picture in great detail, the head just looks like casted resin. The finish is not smooth at all. Almost like release spray pattern on the surface. The gates are like those of casting. Details are a bit blurry and double layered at the rear under the vents. Sure wish I had one to compare it in person. These are just my observations. I am once again ever so grateful. Thank you deeply.
  17. Thank you. I really appreciate you doing this. Do you happen to have a Bandai VF-1A for a side by side comparison? Now the hunt begins, again.
  18. Would you mind opening the head to see the inside? I wonder if these were recasted resin. It has a very different finish from the body. And the green head version does as well. Finally, I can now rest assured I did see a VF-1A Blue and Red Joon’s. Years ago I had seen the listing on eBay and figured the heads were custom colored resin so I passed them up. The pictures I saved are on an old hard drive that crashed years ago. I was able to recover thousands of pictures but have never been able to locate the ebay listing. Many times I have made mention of those VF-1A and no one recalls them until now. This is so vindicating for me.
  19. So, here is an interesting tidbit. Joon’s was an importer of goods located in Koreatown in the 80s and 90s. Joon was actually the name of the owner. He and his wife had a stall in swap meet inside a former Jon’s Market on Western Avenue in Los Angeles. The items were produced by another company with name JOON’S on the box (Could be Popye Corp Toys). The original VF-1J set in grey, red, blue, and green all were released at the same time mid 80s. 1996 is when the AngelBird-esque VF-1J came to market. During their release there was a proposal made to Joon to create the VF-1S and VF-1A head with the original four color schemes. Head of a VF-1A sculpt was handed to Joon, but it cannot be confirmed if they were ever made or commercialized. Long story short. Joon was just an importer who had no idea what Macross was with an over seas friend who had access to these molds in S. Korea. All he new was he could make money selling these for 20 bucks each at that time. This just blew my mind when I heard the in depth story, first hand.
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