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Everything posted by nightmareB4macross

  1. When viewing the side profile of the pod, the shape of the body looks a whole lot like the VF-A1 head!!
  2. Trully Inspiring and Amazing Work John!!! ...Hey Dorothy, I mean Myersjesse, why wish when you can just hone your skills and be the best you are. Like clicking your ruby red heels... NB4M
  3. Earlier post was for Max...I just located Milia and she is also #12 of 15000 going for the same BIN $450.00!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5913151378&rd=1
  4. Holy Crap!!! The guy auctioning this item is insane, but more so would be the buyer. I can understand wanting a low production number (this one is #12 of 15000), but c'mon, let be realistic about this. Bragging rights is one thing but stupidity is another...BIN $450.00!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5913182165&rd=1
  5. Well, it seems he is only using it as the base to befin making his custom. You can see he is adding material to the parts to make them actually fit. By the way did you happen to check out his "How To" Section and his VF-1A M&M(s) they're pretty cool. (Max looks a bit metallic, not really to my liking, but to each his own). Still great work. NB4M
  6. This is a custom being created by an unkown modeller...or at least unkown to me. But he has a few great looking customs. Take a look. http://f11.aaacafe.ne.jp/~gazouup/gbp.html
  7. If the pieces would be cast that would be great...maybe even extra panel lines, and other details.
  8. I know cost is a factor, but would anyone consider making recast resin parts of the entire FP set? One for Original Taka and the other for Bandai re-issues? The FP of Taka fit a little loose on the Re-issues, and the arm armor are different, thus two casts. Anyone?
  9. Sorry, but it isn't. I just found the site....I have recenlty began modeling. Purchased a gundam gb-02 1/60, finished the paint, I just need to complete the weathing and details...I figured on starting with a gundam rather than a VF. The gundam offers a lot of room for error and I can learn a lot from what I have done so far. Not to mention, the vast knowledge I have gained from all the member posts. This is only the beginning. Thanks, for the welcome!
  10. Helllo All, I am new to this forum. I have been observing and reading the posts of many MW members...man do you guys know your macross of what!?! Well here is a link that might spark your interests...especially for the bored-out-of-thier-mind members who have nothing to do all day but mash valkyries together until they form something. Enjoy! www6.airnet.ne.jp/ f104/vf1/vf1s.htm Thanks, for letting me be part of all this....
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