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Everything posted by nightmareB4macross

  1. Wow! Nice fill, Will. Enjoying every step of this build. The part I really liked the most is how eventhough you received a subpar kit, you never seemed to complain. You just kept on going and doing what you do best...Amaze us all with you talent.
  2. It's SCOPEDOG... There have been two other threads I have seen on these forums about this build. Still nice to look at.
  3. QC Issue? Yamato was good up until now. Oh crap, did Toynami just buy out Yamato and then become Toynyamatomi?
  4. I thought Cap and Samurai M still had a few in their stockpiles.
  5. While that may be true the VF-0 does stand on its own accord. The design is supposed to be the forefront to the VF-1. I know how you feel about the design, but up until recently I have really become quite fond of the VF-0. Something about it is just so appealing, I think it has more to do with the style of the mech itself. A definite must have for me.
  6. Would they still retain their original shape over time? Or are you plannig to reinforce them somehow? I think replacements would be a better and more suitable solution.
  7. Rest In Peace, Don Adams (Yarmy), Agent 86 You will be greatly missed.
  8. That VF-0S is fantastic!! I just hope this doesn't become (gulps)....vaporware.
  9. Like this? 330730[/snapback] Nice shots, thank you.
  10. Holy Cow, Kurt. You have incredible speed when it comes to building and painting. Awesome Job. You know, I think you really have completed and submitted (MW Customs Gallery) more customs than anyone else.
  11. Awesome Job, Kurt!! You never cease to amaze me with your skills. One comment though, the hip joints would look a little better if you had some grease streaks or a bit or chipping in there. They really stand out all in white.
  12. Those battroid stands are really, really nice.
  13. That's Mr. Tachogokinoma to you... 330650[/snapback] Ms. Tachogokinoma...baby got back!! 330651[/snapback] "I hope she's got room in her trunk, cuz I'm gonna put my bicycle in it!" 330653[/snapback]
  14. That's Mr. Tachogokinoma to you... 330650[/snapback] Ms. Tachogokinoma...baby got back!!
  15. Good Luck. Take care of yourself and your family and friends.
  16. Damn QC! If the CF heatshield is not available as a replacement, you can always get a heatshiled from another valk. I know it's not the same thing, but at least it will be complete. Just a donor heatshield and paint, that's all you need.
  17. Actually it wouldn't be a bad idea. Covers to go over the feet to make them bigger and also a slightly larger. It would look more anime. NB4M
  18. Incredible job. I'm lovin' that paint scheme! If you ever get around to building a battriod, I would suggest you begin with this scheme.
  19. Awesome pics!! Being that this is the TV CF your last pic should be this... ...the fate of all CFs.
  20. So where's my 1/48 Ostrich? It got more screen time than any valk on DYRL... 325709[/snapback] Debunked someone's logic. Or could it all be just a marketing standpoint of re-using the same mold to create many of the same type VF valks. Hmmm, could be. I mean look at Bandai, they actually did make the ostrich only modifying parts ever so slightly while keeping thr original Taka design.
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