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Everything posted by yellowlightman

  1. Uh, yeah, because it has the best games worth playing and a three year warranty. Not sure how that's "flushing money."
  2. And this is where the thread goes from typical MW fanboy whining and blowing things out of proportion into the realm of the jaw-droppingly stupid. Never change, MW.
  3. Because comparing a toy company to a facist regime that caused the murder of millions of people is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Because pocketing a bunch of money is probably worth more than a presence on a message board, I'd expect.
  4. Since you're not keen on the idea of letting others edit your stuff, maybe a wiki isn't the way to go. Since seems to implement a wiki design when you won't be using it for it's intended purpose. What about a content management system? Templates would help you cut down on the hand editing of HTML and make things easier, but allow for easier searching and all that good stuff.
  5. I love how people on MW will go on and on about what a genius Kawamori is, but as soon as he does something that isn't under the Macross name everyone says it's crap and won't even give it a chance.
  6. The 360's layout works a lot better than the Playstations, as far as I'm concerned. Thumb sticks that don't bump into each other, and overall better ergonomics (which you get from not recycling the same design for 14 years). But the 360's d-pad sucks, so if you're going to be playing 2D games it wouldn't be very good. For 2D games, you'd want to go with a USB Saturn pad.
  7. You really need to respond to a thread that you last posted? With no new information or worthwhile input?
  8. A company worth millions and millions "needs love?" It's not a charity, man. I've never understood people having such a strong affinity for companies like Sony or Microsoft, since they're boring technology companies with tons of money. Nintendo or Sega I can understand (kind of) since they at least make/made games for their system and so many people grew up with them. Fairly certain Sony has stated they plan on the PS3 being around for 10 years.
  9. The first Patlabor movie is about as linear as a Oshii movie as you're likely to find. It's a pretty straightforward detective story with an action pay off. Patlabor 2 is much more difficult to get into, especially if you're not aware of it's real life basis... but once you understand it I think it's a far better movie.
  10. Yes, releasing a Japanese-language movie in an English-speaking country with no subtitles makes so much sense. What the hell where they thinking?
  11. If I had to name one single part of the Patlabor franchise it would be Patlabor 2, but that's not really indicative of the franchise as a whole. I think the TV series is great, just not when it's doing the lame Griffon stuff. It's best when it's being slow and pointless and has an entire episode about fishing or other mundane stuff.
  12. Gotta love how some threads get locked down so quick for being "off topic" but this kind of inane banter can go on for pages...
  13. All the price drops and free online play in the world won't save it if it doesn't have the games people want to play... and right now those games are on Wii and 360.
  14. The Griffon saga is the absolute worst part of the entire Patlabor series.
  15. Bit of advice: use a different font. It'll make it look way better.
  16. Use Play-Asia. Assuming you have a Japanese 360 (and if you don't and live in Japan, you might as well get one) you can order the Asian versions of games which come out the same time as the US releases and are usually ~$10 cheaper as well.
  17. But if you do paint it, make sure it looks nice. I have a hard time deciding which is worse, a guy with a primered car part or one that has a terrible rattle can spray job on it.
  18. There are stacks of MGS4 at used game shops around Japan for under 3000yen. The game was so great people were rushing to sell them back just to give others the opportunity to play it.
  19. And how many VF-1 toys/models have been made from the same molds? Of all the things to hate on Bandai's Gundam kits for...
  20. Heh, they're playable. It's just that the games are the in the US and the system I found is here with me in Japan.
  21. I have a hard time comprehending why anybody would want to imitate all the "angry video game reviewers" on youtube. They're just a bunch of awkward dorks in their mom's basements who think cussing about an old video game is funny. The best is when they keep throwing up f-bombs like they think they're Pacino or something, but they just come across as forced and pathetic.
  22. Ironic that you of all people are criticizing other people's 3D models.
  23. Yeah, let's totally discuss this in a thread about Bubblegum Crisis on an anime forum.
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