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Everything posted by yellowlightman

  1. I'll admit that drifting is silly and kind of a dumb sport, but it's no more boring than stuff like NASCAR or Cart. My biggest problem with drift is all the dumb kids buying "drift cars" for them to drive into walls, thusly rising the prices of otherwise affordable late 80's japanese rwd cars. That new Fast & the Furious movie looks pretty great. I enjoyed the first and third movies a lot, in terms of simple action movies. This one looks to be more of the same. Plus it has a GNX!
  2. Correct. Was an alright one from what I remember, but it's been years since I played it.
  3. L's and R's man, it'll both sound the same in Japanese either way. Buy Ley sounds kind of dumb. Just like the idiots who call it a "Tlead."
  4. Considering they sat on Robotech without doing anything with it for the 15-20 years before Shadow Chronicles, yeah they can. That said, has the gap between Macross projects hurt the fanbase?
  5. Less than 6% of Dubai's GDP comes from oil.
  6. I'm in awe of some of the stuff you've been showing off in these threads. Keep it coming!
  7. So now you'll admit I was right, but that my tone in addressing you was unsatisfactory? I didn't insult you, I just said you had problems with logic. Kind of like how you claimed my use of the word "Japanophile" was racist (hint: it isn't, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/phile). Also, please read up on what exactly "circular logic" is, because you clearly think it means something other than what it actually does: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_logic
  8. Where did Neuromancer have anything resembling a thinking cap? The cyberspace interface in Neuromancer had goggles (like VR) but was still controlled via keyboard.
  9. Your lack of comprehension does not equal waffling on my part, it just means you have a hard time understanding written English. Bravo for sticking with this for so long, though. Who knew someone could be so desperate to cling onto the defense of a remark made with no factual basis, oh wait, you've just gone back to your usual tactic of insulting people when you've been proven wrong.
  10. I never said that domain squatting didn't exist, I just said that a domain squatter wouldn't go to all the work of putting a UN Spacy kite on a domain. Considering squatters probably deal with hundreds or thousands of domains, that kind of attention for one domain is incredibly unlikely. Next time I'll draw you a graph so you don't get confused by my responses.
  11. Your gaps in logic are astounding. Why would a domain squatter go to all that work for one domain name? Why would HG or Big West try and sue for a domain name that doesn't feature the name of one of their products? Taking a step back into reality, the far more likely answer is that a fan bought the domain planning to do something with it (hence throwing up the UN Spacy kite) and then nothing did. That happens... private individuals buy domains because they're cheap and often do nothing with them, not everything is a huge conspiracy theory.
  12. Oh for the days when the forums weren't awash in spam, image macros and demotivationals, single-smiley responses and people treating threads like they were an instant messaging program.
  13. If they were squatters they wouldn't have uploaded a UN Spacy kite. Looks like some chose to have their domain registrar hide their identity/address.
  14. Kind of sad how fan's most wished for titles are just remakes or animated versions of stories that have already been told. The original MSG doesn't need to be remade, it's perfectly fine as is. And honestly the same goes for stuff like Unicorn or Sentinel... it's been done and the designs are old hat by now. Why not hold out hope for a new UC series that throws off the conventions of the other sequels and does something new? Oh wait, that would be Igloo.
  15. I'm doubtful about a Unicorn anime. It's been pretty successful as is and they've already been able to sell a lot of kits with it, I'm sure Bandai would rather make a new series with new designs to turn into kits.
  16. Probably because jungle's are a pain in the ass to make, and Vietnam is considered one of the "bad" wars.
  17. That would be about the only thing they could do to make another WWII game remotely interesting these days, but I'm sure people would throw a huge fit over it. I liked how CoD4 branched out... they should definitely do that, each game a new era. (Just not the Civil War... that History Channel FPS sucked)
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