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Everything posted by yellowlightman

  1. I found a VCR-rip online a few months ago, and that's probably the best you'll do. Hell, I saw the used Japanese VHS for about 3000yen last month, so I guess it hasn't seen a DVD release here, either.
  2. For sure. As long as you keep the paint thin enough and apply it in thin layers, brush painting will often look just fine. Certainly better than leaving bare plastic, anyways. Downside is that it tends to take longer to apply, and I find the slightly "rougher" look of brush painting looks better on more weathered kits.
  3. I think emulation has certainly helped (or hurt, depending on how you look at it) the extreme prices of some rare games. Because for 98% of people it's just easier to download a game and play it on your computer than it is to fork out $100+ for some old obscure game. With Saturn emulation now becoming viable I think the market is pretty much being left to the hardcore collectors.
  4. Video game prices can be weird. Especially when you're talking with more recent games that have gotten scarce, prices can skyrocket and then when a game gets reissued the prices will fall back down. Not a market I'd want to speculate on, or fool myself into thinking I was "investing" with. The most expensive game I think I've bought used was about $100 for a copy of Judgement Star Silversword for the Wonderswan, which is admittedly pretty rare but probably not worth $100. Seemed worth it at the time as I was on a Wonderswan kick and trying to pick up all the games I wanted for it, but looking back maybe not the best idea.
  5. I've actually heard the reason why 0080 brought out so many variations was because Bandai insisted on them being designated as entirely new units to sell more kits, originally the design staff had just planned on them being retcons of existing designs. Not sure how true it is, but it makes a fair amount of sense. Ultimately I don't think any of the spin-offs manage to get away without messing up the continuity in some way, but I think that has a lot to do with trying to make an "epic" story (the colony drop in 0083) or other outside pressures of development. MS Igloo manages to do a fairly good job of it though, but the flipside of that is that the stories are largely inconsequential. Which is actually a good thing, for the most part.
  6. 0080 has other problems though. Like the extraneous amount of new MS designs they threw in, which comes back to the problem of how Zeon and the Federation managed to produces some 200+ different types of MS during the OYW.
  7. I'm less interested in seeing a direct sequel to Macross II, I'd much rather see a new sequel without any involvement from Kawamori.
  8. I've also heard it's absolutely packed with fanservice, which makes the anime a bit more impressive as they seem to have cut most of that out.
  9. The Antarctic Press comics were really unfortunate, good production values but it was pretty clear that most of the writer's barely knew Robotech, as per the weird characterizations and continuity changes. I believe Ben Dunn actually said in an interview he didn't care about the established Robotech mythos/continuity, so none of that is surprising. Some of the comics had really good art, others didn't... but despite the overall better production values I still liked the older Academy and Eternity comics more. One of the most frustrating things about the Antarctic switchover as a Robotech comic fan at the time was how they axed the Sentinels. To give you an idea, the Waltrip brothers had been working on the Sentinels for nearly 8, 9 years? They'd put out about 70 issues and were definitely in the home stretch, so it was a real shame that they didn't get to finish it. At the time the rumors going around said it was due to bad blood between Ben Dunn and the Waltrips, or that at the very least Dunn offered them an insultingly small amount of money to finish the Sentinels so they turned it down. The two or three issues of the Sentinels that were eventually put out by Antarctic were a total mess, the art was so bad you couldn't tell who anyone was and the writer didn't have any idea what they were doing. The Antarctic Press comic with the DYRL designs was actually done by a MW member, although I'm not sure why he chose to use those designs. Maybe he could chime in here.
  10. http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b84255148 I hadn't seen these before, although technically "toys" they're not that impressive (to say the least).
  11. Just to give you an idea on how ignorant that statement is, the people who make anime are not "rich." A few might be, but when you have 80% of voice-actors forced to work part time jobs, it's safe to say that the rich aren't getting richer when they sell anime... they're just making a living. Anime producers are Japanese and their largest and most immediate fanbases are in Japan, not America. In recent years there's been more of an acknowledgment of overseas fans, but anime is still made for Japanese audiences first and foremost. Anime isn't a right, dude.
  12. Can we stop playing it off like moé is something that appeals to uniquely asian tastes? Showing a regular Japanese person your moé hug pillows and creepy posters is going to weird them out just as much as it would weird out a "westerner." Akiba culture and this moé sh*t isn't widely accepted in Japanese culture like you guys would like to pretend.
  13. Apologies for ignoring the ridiculous comments you made and instead just focusing on your personal attack against me. Next time you make a statement about westerners not being able to "understand" asian culture, I'll try and give it more attention. But considering you found words like "Japanophile" offensive in previous threads, I expect you won't deal well with hearing any sorts of legitimate criticism about Japanese culture.
  14. Probably because it goes hand in hand with the topic of moé. But hey, it's a different country so if you say any aspect of it is bad that's being unable to "understand" a foreign culture.
  15. Cover price is 480yen, so it should be cheaper.
  16. There's no need to call me names, just because I happened to point out someone's ridiculous (and incorrect) statement. Sorry, I was hoping that by rereading it he might realize what a dumb comment it was, considering it's just a small step away from the old "she was dressed sexually, so she deserved to get raped" line of thought. You people.
  17. Yeah, why even have discussions on the internet anymore, at this point.
  18. Says the guy with a Ranka avatar... The origins of moé certainly go back a decade or two, but the current fad is pretty revolting. Not just for the sexualization of young girls, but because season after season they're churning shows with no creative value, except to pander to moé fanboys and get them to buy hug pillows and whatever other cr*p.
  19. Probably better off picking up a DS or 360, then.
  20. Invid War was easily one of the better Robotech comics. It had the same artist throughout (Tim Eldred), but the guy who was doing the inks changed half way through. Invid War Aftermath was a mess, artistically and otherwise. Not sure what Bruce Lewis was doing with that comic. Also not sure why I remember so much about Robotech comics despite not having picked one up for 4+ years.
  21. It's a model kit... so it's whatever color you end up painting it.
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