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Everything posted by yellowlightman

  1. Sorry, but the Japanese film industry sucks. It is amazingly terrible. They might squeeze out a decent film once in a while, but by and large it's in terrible shape and the notion that they'd be able to make a better film than Hollywood is laughable. Sure, but it might appeal to the Japanophiles... but as an actual film it wouldn't be any better than the worst of Hollywood.
  2. Just tackling stuff like BGC and Megazone could take up a fair amount of time. I was kicking around the idea of a BGC fansite now that I've got all these old magazines and sh*t, but it's 2008 and no one gives a crap anymore, so... meh.
  3. Plenty of canon stuff is crap too, so that's a dumb attitude to take. The screens look impressive for a fan effort, but the designs are terrible. But hey, more power to them for trying to tackle such a big project.
  4. Sounds like a cool idea, if I had a scanner I'd help out as I have a ton of old ARTMIC materials. I would say avoid free web hosts, as they tend to suck nowadays. Much better to just find a cheap host and pay a few bucks a month. That said, I might be able to help you out with web space as I've got some to spare... PM me.
  5. Something a bit different... Picked up these Z'Gok vinyl toys today in Akiba, about 850yen each. They're from UFO Catcher machines, so they're not available for general sale although they tend to make their way to used shops pretty easily. Not super detailed, but decently tall and all vinyl so you can get drunk and throw them at a wall or whatever and not have to worry about them breaking.
  6. I'm down to go. How hard was it to get him to sign something last time?
  7. Exactly. People put up with rampant errors in the original edition of the book for 20 years, no reason they can't keep doing it.
  8. Yeah, you won't be able to play these unless you have a Japanese cell phone. The upside is that as they're cell phone games... they no doubt suck and aren't worth trying to get anyways.
  9. Patlabor is a really underrated anime series, not just because it combines comedy and drama does so with a subtlety and grace you don't typically see in anime, but it's also the most "real robot" real robot anime. Beyond any other mecha anime series I can think of, the labors in Patlabor are simply tools that exist in the background. There are entire episodes and movies where they play a role, if any at all. One of the guys on Colony Drop wrote up a pretty good post about Patlabor, although it doesn't cover everything I think needs to be said about the series, it brings up a lot of points you don't see in most reviews of the series. Here's the link: http://www.colonydrop.com/index.php/2008/0...n-televi?blog=1
  10. More like SSFT2T with flash-game graphics. The illustrations for the backgrounds are absolutely atrocious, terrible perspective and figure work. Looks really amateurish.
  11. If Macross World had been around in 1983-84, you guys would have hated Macross: DYRL. "Oh, man, the fingers aren't round anymore!" "Those costumes look way too different!" "They RUINED the Fast Packs!"
  12. Just in case anyone is wondering, David lives in a hermetically sealed bubble-room. Anyone who wishes to visit must go through a 7-stage sterilization and detoxification process.
  13. There's still a lot more Palladium could do, namely update their terrible system. I mean, compare any licensed Palladium product with stuff like R. Talsorians Bubblegum Crisis RPG from 10 years ago (or hell, ANY licensed RPG product of the last 15 years) and Palladium's efforts look woefully amateurish. If it weren't for the diehard Palladium losers, Palladium would have gone under long ago as they're the only RPG company nowadays who have yet to realize the 80's are over and their half-assed products don't cut it.
  14. Dude, they're jackstands... Just go to a store and buy some. As long as they can handle the weight of your car it doesn't really matter.
  15. Almost happened, but Nintendo and Microsoft couldn't agree on how to split the profits. I would have loved to see Goldeneye on XBLA arcade though... or even better, Perfect Dark with a decent framerate.
  16. But it's better than any "new" series of the past few years, so...
  17. Gamestop and EB Games are the same company now.
  18. You did that in MSPaint? I'm seriously impressed.
  19. I think he was talking about the gigantic potato chin on Shammy in that picture, not so much her post-SW1 fate.
  20. Well, he directed the two Appleseed movies and Megazone 23 Part III... not the best track record.
  21. I grew up with Brosnan Bond, and for a long time he was my favorite... but Craig blows him out of the water. So many Bond films just became unintentional parodies of the genre the series helped to create or were only worthwhile in the context of the series as a whole. Casino Royale really did a good job of not just standing on it's own as a great movie, but ditching all the ridiculous crap that had been bringing down the series. I just hope Solace doesn't drop the ball like the post-Goldeneye films did.
  22. I'd rather see him just designing rather than directing, but here's to hoping it turns out interesting.
  23. Animedownloads.us is just as illegal as torrenting or free downloads. If you want cheap anime legally... use netflix.
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