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Everything posted by yellowlightman

  1. Here's a random question. Right now my apartment has a crappy 13" TV, but I'd like something bigger and better suited for my Xbox 360. HD TV's I've looked at here all tend to be ~$400 or higher, which is a bit more than I have to spend. So I'm thinking I'll just get a monitor to use instead, as they're considerably cheaper and I don't watch TV anyways. My question is what should I do about sound output? If I was at home I'd just use my sound system, but I don't have one here. Am I better off buying a cheap-o sound system (no idea what they go for here) or is there another (cheaper) way I'd be able to output sound to some speakers? I don't need anything near top of the line, but I'm just trying to feel out my options.
  2. Oh, you're right... not a colony. Still, an extinction level event is what occurred with the dinosaurs and hey, look, the Earth still has life on it. A big impact won't kill EVERYTHING on the planet, just enough to clean up most of the species and give Earth a chance to settle again... which is what Char was going for.
  3. The mods have repeatedly said his spamming WASN'T the reason he got banned. I love how quickly you guys have been ignoring what the mod's have actually said, in your attempt to scream "MARTYR!"
  4. I enjoy the Macross II continuity a lot for some of its designs and the "what-if" factor, but I don't think it really needs to be put into the official continuity. It is what it is... and that's enough.
  5. Not to mention it isn't too difficult to swap in a bigger hard drive.
  6. You uh, might want to brush up on the extinction of the dinosaurs. Dropping a colony onto the earth isn't going to kill absolutely everything.
  7. Because they're not out yet. Again, do you have a source for the claim that they're "unhackable?"
  8. His posts were annoying and very much counter to the typical style of MW. No one needs to read a ton of worthless posts that just say "Wow!" with that dumb ninja icon... you can keep that to yourself. He ignored messages from mods, mouthed off to mods/admins and created a new account after he was banned... he got exactly what he asked for. No one should feel sorry for him.
  9. That's right, because you can't hack what isn't out yet. Expect it to be hacked a few days after it's released.
  10. This stuff has been covered a bit before. Notably here: http://www.ex.org/3.3/04-feature_macross1.html
  11. If you're buying it just for Gunbuster stuff, it probably isn't worth it. The book covers a lot of ships from a lot of different series, and they're all kind of mixed in together. But it's still an awesome book.
  12. He actually interviewed a couple of worthwhile sources, notably Patrick Macias and Lawrence Eng... but the article still sucks. One of my friends wrote a pretty piece about how poorly constructed it is, which you can read here.
  13. If they're licensing the title, they already know that there's fansubs out there. Fansubs aren't exactly a big secret.
  14. Yeah, looks like it's just a Chinese copy of that gun. Regardless, it looks kind of awful and I'm sure you'd get laughed at if you brought it to a game.
  15. I met him very briefly and he seems like a nice enough guy. But his site is kind of terrifying... kudos to him for making a living off of it, though.
  16. It's based on Masamune Shirow's designs, which have had a few airsoft gun modification garage kits made based on them.
  17. If I can score one here in Japan I suppose I might pick it up, awful colors or not. My 360 red ringed a while ago and I have yet to do anything about it. Isn't really feasible to send it back to the states to get repaired, so I think I might just buy one of the cheap Arcades here (a little less than $200) and swap in my hard drive. Since most American games are region free, I'll be able to play games like CoD4 and Halo 3 still, but be able to pick up Japanese/Asian releases as well.
  18. You really don't need to use all caps in thread titles.
  19. Reviews are really just opinions, the best you can do is find a reviewer with whom you often agree or just try and figure out an overall impression from multiple reviews. That said, videogame journalism is mostly a joke and a lot of games are reviewed after minimal play time. There isn't much point in putting weight to them. For me nowadays I don't even read reviews that much. It isn't too hard to tell how much a game sucks by looking at it and general impressions of people you know. Only time I've been burned was recently with GTA4 which my friends loved and reviews loved but turned out to be an awful game, so...
  20. The BMX movie, right? A friend of mine absolutely loves that movie.
  21. It probably was. Considering that Crunchyroll is a for-profit site that makes much of its revenue by providing illegal fansubs for viewing, I'm surprised more companies don't get on their case. Its probably not an indicator that it's been licensed.
  22. Except that this is a scratchbuilt model that's not meant for mass production and probably pretty fragile.
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