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Everything posted by yellowlightman

  1. It's... Dragonball. You guys are acting like it's some work of genius being pissed on by Americans. It's a Hollywood adaption of a silly kids comic, people.
  2. You haven't played it, so you can't say that. Maybe it just doesn't have enough lolita action in it, for you? Again, you haven't played it so you can't really say how boring or stupid it is. Jumping aboard the hate train at this point is ridiculous because nobody has played it yet.
  3. There have been a couple Macross themed cars posted on the forums. One was by vfx1, I think it was an Acura Integra given the skull squadon treatment. Vaguely remember it even getting in to a magazine? And there was a member who brought their custom Macross-themed car to MWcon03.
  4. The new trailer looks awesome, anyone have a link to an HD version?
  5. Was this thread necessary? I mean, come on dude.
  6. That theory doesn't really hold up in anything beyond the original Macross and Macross II.
  7. Recently got back from a hitchhiking trip here in Japan, and on my first day came upon this poster at a rest stop outside of Tokyo.
  8. I started playing MS Gundam: Bonds of the Battlefield recently (check out some videos here: http://insomnia.ac/japan/the_dome_screen/ ) and I'm starting to get hooked. It's expensive as hell... 500yen for two games, although the impressive presentation kind of justifies it. The game itself is a pretty simple game, but you accumulate points and unlock new mobile suits and new armor so it's enough to keep people coming back to it, I guess. Over a year old and still regularly played, it isn't uncommon to see people waiting to play it... so I guess it's been a pretty decent success.
  9. A console port would be nice as it would allow to use an arcade stick, I wasn't too crazy about the way they tweaked AEUG vs. Titans to play with the gamepad.
  10. If not, it shouldn't be hard to find one once you get back to Tokyo. Since needing to buy a bunch of copies of 1 and 2 for the VF-1A offer, I managed to stumble upon a lot of stores with a big back stock. They're certainly not selling out everywhere.
  11. Durrr, I could buy it for $60 if I wanted. The point is paying decent money for a small, underwhelming toy ISN'T worth it. Feel free to read the earlier BGC thread where most people shared my feeling of being completely underwhelmed by Yamato's dinky little offering. Not to mention, you already previously stated you've never seen the anime so you would likely have much different standards than regular fans.
  12. Your post doesn't change anything. These toys are aimed at a super small demographic of people who like Bubblegum Crisis, which had a decent following years and years ago but not so much now. So finally someone decides to try and tap this small market and all we get are poo. Just because fans have waited a long time for something doesn't mean we're going to take whatever they shovel out. How about instead of apologizing for companies you try and figure out that paying $100 for a small model (or toy) that looks like garbage isn't worth it.
  13. I'm sure there are people who buy it for that reason, but the vast majority are going to be people who actually know the series. That's kind of how it works. Except that fans have already kind of turned down Yamato's latest BGC figure. We don't want a toy if it's shitty and overpriced (which the Yamato is).
  14. "Average customers" don't exist when it comes to 20 year old OAV anime. The ONLY people who will be buying this are serious fans.
  15. 22 whole sentences. Getting better, A7.
  16. Why include the name in Japanese when it's an American movie?
  17. Cool sketches, but why is the last one looking at it's crotch?
  18. There's one wildly inaccurate part of that image, and that's the silhouette of the fanboy. Way too skinny.
  19. Kind of an irrelevant argument now that you can buy DVD's with both. That said, subtitles no question.
  20. Looks very cool. Might not have the full poseability of the revoltechs, but it also doesn't have the awful revoltech styling! Very neat project.
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