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Everything posted by yellowlightman

  1. Mellowlink is awesome. A 12-part revenge story about a guy who for various reasons (won't spoil it) won't use any ATs himself, but has to kill lots of dudes in ATs. One of those few anime series that takes place in a world with mecha, but doesn't actually focus on mecha (kind of like Patlabor). Worth watching even if you've never seen the original Votoms series! And yeah, he has a motorcycle.
  2. I love how it says: Back to the Future created an entire generation of kids who grew up thinking the DeLorean was actually cool, instead of the huge pile of crap it actually was.
  3. Meh. I'd take an Ariel Atom over that any day of the week.
  4. Well, the Bubblegum Crisis books are a pretty good source of actual art from the series. I think aside from one or two drawings, it's all ARTMIC artwork. A lot of the background in the EX book is just translated from various artbooks as well, again, the icon system the book uses will tell you what's official and whats been modified or written by them. He did the Tread, Invid and ship designs in MOSPEADA, pretty much everything for Gall Force and a few things on BGC.
  5. Read the beginning of the book, they outline what the material comes from and they even have an icon system showing what each particular design is from. Well, the original Garland was by Kakinuma, not Aramaki. The transforming speeder bike was Kakinuma, too.
  6. The artwork in the EX book was all from actual ARTMIC designs. Either pre-production or unused designs, or official stuff that was used in art books but never use in the actual animation.
  7. While Shadow Chronicles' animation is laughably bad, I would have been okay with it if the designs didn't suck and there was something resembling a decent plot. That said, it still could have been a lot worse. And I managed to make it through proportionally more of Shadow Chronicles (50%) than I did with Frontier (30%). Not to mention that hating on a guy like Tom is pretty tacky, especially considering some of the "winners" chiming in with their hate for the guy.
  8. Ahhhhh, that makes more sense. A Japanese friend kept calling it "Z Anime," so I wasn't sure.
  9. I'm a big fan of magazines, which means I tend to buy way more than I should. Most of my stuff is back in the US, but here's a few magazines I've picked up here in Japan. A few issues of Ji (Z?) Anime, picked up in a random used book store. All are from 83-84, and feature Macross, Southern Cross and Orguss. Coverage isn't that great, as it's just typical new anime stuff so some lineart we've seen a thousand times by now and some screen shots. The smaller books are supplements. The Orguss one on the left is a collection of lineart, some story digest and some interviews. The thing in the middle is a set of cassette tape labels with Macross pictures on them, which seemed to be a pretty common supplement back then. The Macross Blueprints is just line art from the TV series, nothing special. I'm a huge fan of the old B Club magazine, and I've been collecting a lot of them for old ARTMIC (Bubblegum Crisis, Gall Force, etc) coverage. Save just helped me find these issues today, as they're the ones that cover Macross II. The Bandai Model Journal on the right has a bunch of pictures of the B-Club VF-2 resin kit, plus some line art. More B Club issues. The one on the left is just a robot anime retrospective issue, doesn't include much about Macross save for the VF-1S on the cover. Issue on the right covers Macross 7 and Macross Plus right around the time they were first released. There's a feature on the CG production on Plus with some photos I haven't seen elsewhere. Didn't bother to take pictures of my Macross Chronicle stuff since everybody knows what that looks like anyways. Post up your magazines!
  10. Pictures of the Boomer figure I got today. No Knight Sabers were on duty, so Mellowlink had to fill in.
  11. They're the 2nd gen suits from episode 8 of the original (well, 6 for Priss). Same designs were used in 2040, I believe.
  12. Haha, yeah that was kind of the problem with this one. I knocked out the initial translation in under an hour, but spending much more than that on an otherwise uninteresting comic like this didn't seem worth it. My Photoshop guy was like "Okay, let's do a good comic next time!" That said if anyone has any suggestions for a short Macross comic I should try translating next, let me know. Trying to figure out what (small) project to tackle next.
  13. If you do, let me know if you have any suggestions for the translation. There were a couple parts that even after checking with a Japanese friend, had me scratching my head, simply because the lines seemed out of place and random.
  14. I promised a guy years ago that I'd try translating this comic, but never really got around to it. I've long since forgotten who asked me to, who knows if he's even still on the boards. I also have no idea what book this came from, as he provided the scans for me. In any case, it's a pretty lame comic. Not very well drawn and not very interesting, but hey. Some parts of it don't make too much sense, which is probably about half my fault and half the fault of the original artist, as this comic really isn't that good/funny/interesting. Yes, I realize my translating skills suck but I wanted something to practice on. A friend of mine did the Photoshop work and he did a better job with that than I did with the translation, I think. Anyways, comments and suggestions are welcome.
  15. Except, you're not doing that at all. Tatsunoko "licensing issues" in this case doesn't mean fighting over licenses a la Macross, it means they have 30+ years of cartoons under their belt and a ton of different series all with different licensees and distributors in the U.S.
  16. Meh. I'll take an F-22 over an Ariel Atom any day of the week. Five billion times on Monday.
  17. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45849.html Announcement trailer for Lost Planet 2. I'm pretty excited... I was a big fan of the original, so definitely looking forward to this.
  18. The only character Mikimoto designed for Part I was EVE, the rest were designed by Toshiki Hirano.
  19. Currently trying to work my way through Orguss for the third time or so. Watched the Highlander anime on a lark the other day, and it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. Reviewed it here: http://www.colonydrop.com/index.php/2009/0...ghlander?blog=1
  20. I can't do birthday parties anymore, at least not kid's parties.
  21. Now it's gone... gone... gone.... Whoah oh oh....
  22. A balloon they were handing out after the concert.
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