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Valkyrie Hunter D

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Hunter D

  1. Sorry, NOT an update on Aygo's project which has seemingly fell off the face of the earth, but a heads up on Robert Woodhead's next endeavor: It's not live yet, this was a just preview shot!
  2. Woo hoo, the last issues are in the warehouse-time to ship 'em and finally finish this big bastard!
  3. 1/43 scale Ingram for your dioramas from Aoshima: (Photo from TagHobby)
  4. Nice-thanks for all the alerts! I'll definitely be posting victory shots here, and here too.
  5. Yeah, but I'd prefer to see an attempt for a perfect transformation toy. Studio Halfeye was on to something with their Dangaioh, and that was ten years ago. I can only imagine what the designers from a company like Sentinel can do now for it now.
  6. I think the only figure representation the SRX got was the VOLKS kit from way back. It's a treat to see Sentinel's take on it. Now if only Sentinel could work their magic on Dangaioh so I could stop fawning over the Studio Halfeye kit time and time again.
  7. HLJ just filled my order for 105 today, hopefully they pull through for you as well. Arrgh, I am 7 years late for this one.
  8. This is only the second super robot partworks kit I've heard of: That's a big hunk of metal.
  9. Lol, well it doesn't have to be a partworks kit. I've seen small figurines of the UX-01, but to have an in-scale sub stalking our big Yamatos would be sweet.
  10. Still hoping for 1/350 scale kit of the UX-01 dimensional sub-it's my second favorite ship from 2199. My rough numbers would place such a thing to be around a foot long.
  11. I'm so tempted to go for another 60 issues, but I ought to cool it. I still have other partworks kits that need attention.
  12. This can't be right: My guess is that this one of the preorders for the Andromeda issues...?
  13. Labor carriers and Peacemakers-awesome!
  14. Nothing yet, but I'm stoked for it as well. I put the pics up in my Zillion thread too. Any more info I find will be in there.
  15. New pics of B2Five's Ride Armors at TagHobby
  16. Thanks Dobber! I was intimidated as well and I didn't have a stock pile of bricks when I began looking over the custom builds out there. The hardest part is recognizing pieces, and how they are classified, i.e. bricks, plates, tiles, wedges, slopes, and modified. On the other hand, some designs can be loaded on the Studio program and from there a complete parts list can be generated. This list can be uploaded to Bricklink and parts from the list can then be bought from vendors who are registered with Bricklink.
  17. It was a great time building one of my favorite planes-it's finally done! I posted more pics here.
  18. Dang, $3.97 from Toys R Us. Cherry finds there, fifbeat-congrats!
  19. In between projects, I got to modify Sluban's Viper model: I added bulk and changed the proportions a bit. I also added lot more detail and a full weapons loadout. More pics here.
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