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Valkyrie Hunter D

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Hunter D

  1. Self transforming OP for $700 This would have made my head explode when I was 9 yrs old. Aw hell, my head still blew up when I saw the video.
  2. Yep, I'm stoked as well. The next new character will probably be Max ver 2.0. I can't make out the third silhouette.
  3. Well that was quick. Now who's gonna do a 747 shuttle carrier?
  4. I'm digging the new tail on your shuttle, Chronocidal. I'm in the same boat; I'm willing to give up working features for a better shape.
  5. Dang, that was quick-my shuttle just arrived too. I won't get to build it for a while, but I'm glad it's here.
  6. Preordered my Sentinel Iota at HLJ-I'm getting real spoiled by these easy preorders!
  7. Woo hoo, got my order in for the new shuttle. I might get that moc shuttle that Chronocidal linked to as well just to have one that is more in scale with the Saturn rocket.
  8. Deedlit + Symphony of the Night = instabuy for me: Gonna buy it on Steam shortly.
  9. Will do, good luck on the Star Destroyer, it's quite a beast.
  10. Nice-if Arcadia or Bandai won't make a TV SDF-1, make your own!
  11. Personally, knowing what I know now about the different valks, I'd choose a minty 1/48 Yamato Hikaru 1J if I had to choose just one VF-1. I'm a sucker for fighter mode which Yamato did better IMO, and Hikaru's IJ is what first pops in my head when Macross valkyries are mentioned.
  12. I got nothing against COBI. I have several of their kits waiting for rainy days, but so far I have built one of their King Tiger panzers. Like renegadeleader1 mentioned, the treads are bothersome to assemble, but they seem to hold up just fine. The latest kit COBI kit I built was their Huey. It uses curved pieces in dimensions that LEGO hasn't even made yet, so that was cool. I built it with my boys cuz they wanted a Huey for their own after seeing me build mine. Overall, it could use some sprucing up since it's kinda chintzy in a few areas, like the main rotor and landing skids. Y'know, I take it back, there is one thing about COBI I do not like in general and that is the sculpting of their minifigs. I just do not find them charming at all, it's something about their head shape. The next build for me: This from Jonah Padberg's F-14 design, I'm just making some edits and tinkering around with it for now. Once I'm done, I'll try to give it a corporeal form.
  13. I don't mean to derail all the excitement for the new shuttle, but I changed up my Huey helicopter from a few months back using Daniel Siskind's latest model: More pics here.
  14. Someone's gonna do it. At least in digital form.
  15. Thanks for the heads up, it is sooo bought!
  16. Thanks guys, I still have work to do on improving it, and it's a little disappointing to have to use friggin' Velcro on a behemoth like this. Regardless, I'll post more updates as I go.
  17. Neee ha-made it to last issue without breaking anything! I posted more pics here. It's not perfect, and there are couple of issues I'm still trying to improve, but it's still a great model.
  18. I totally agree on all counts. The SHF R.Mika figure is tops in my book. Storm has yet to nail a good femme figure. But that may change with their Mai from KoF.
  19. A starfield background would be dope! But yeah, any info you find would be great. Ugh, issue 104 is a doozy.
  20. It is time: Lol, a few of these boxes are twice as thick as the regular issues.
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