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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. I hope so! The Mexican post never failed me before
  2. I will experiment eye combinaisons later !
  3. @Metal Man I can have a look, I doubt shapeways would be cheap anyway. Perhaps if you are ok with a version without the supers it can be affordable. I was playing lego with my kids and couldn’t resist to modify my ghost so it could have swappable colored eyes! Unfortunately the original eye hole was a bit to tight so I had to slightly adjust the LEGO antenna to fit in. No glue required for this mod!
  4. @tekering thanks a lot for everything but of info here Additionally, these figures are so sharp, there is no way I could imagine there was one or two hand painted in the lot!
  5. Ho! Nice info there I was going to tell to avoid the TS-clear/matte coats because they have a tendency to react to anything that is not tamiya TS and AS paints. Like making bubbles and even worse. I use cheaper acrylic coat in spray that I can found in car shops. So I can put how many layers I want to obtain a thick and glossy finish. But I am curious about the Mr hobby different cans you got @tekering, can you tell me what one does differently to the other ones? The super smooth one calls me! Also another question to experts: I used in the past TS-47 spray from tamiya, it is called “chrome yellow” and I totally love it’s formula because you can spray a thicker layer of paint and it will “magically” self-level itself when drying: it was perfect to smooth any 3D print surface. I would love the same behavior, with a clear coat. Does that even exist?
  6. I decided on a colored paint theme for my last VF-9. It was sitting in my detolf for so long in grey primer, I almost forgot about it.
  7. Woah, that’s a menacing one for sure!
  8. I would rather convince them to make the 31A instead of the 31J!!
  9. Nice!
  10. Hello @ErikElvis, I am sorry but this time i won’t be able to take direct orders. Perhaps you can ask @valhary if he can find someone for the paint work. Depending on the base red of the resin, you will need to paint only the grey parts to add more realism to the X-9 and Sharon mini too
  11. I have painted only the grey parts in metallic gun color and I am impressed by the display-ability of this kit, great work @valhary! I plan to replace the missile doors with the stronger printed ones. I also broke the H-shape part that holds the opening latch, I will add to my toprint list. I noted that the wings won’t hold their position well when swooshing the X-9 around but enough to be successfully displayed in any angle.
  12. Not lost, shapeways need to review the product before it goes online, so maybe in a few days it will work
  13. I have put the landing gears and opening missile bays in a single file at shapeways for whoever want these upgrades for their resin kit (I do!). If you need anything else in white plastic, please ask me so I can put the replacement part on shapeways https://www.shapeways.com/product/MQ77KH6NW
  14. Hoho I did give it a thought, and at least I was thinking of making the inactive body which is stored in the Asuka II since it is a bit smaller
  15. Hi yeah, these display are unique and amazing. @derex3592 I would love to see more of that grey custom VF-31! I have just move in a new house and couldn’t unpack my Macross official boxes. I just realized that I could already fill a complete Detolf with my own customs figures!
  16. I am also thinking of making a few parts available on shapeways/stl version as upgrades. First thoughts for the landing gears because in resin they won’t sustain the weight of the ghost, so in plastic PA12, they will hold better for a permanent display. If you have any ideas, they are welcome as always, i would do my best!
  17. Hi guys, I wanted to thank warmly @valhary for his help in this project. He is taking over for the distribution of the resin kit because I have been very busy since 2020 (moving homes, new job, a lot of work in the house etc) and couldn’t even design a single part since a couple months. And I think he is great at promoting! Even I wouldn’t have done as well as he does @Bolt the material is described in the assembly Manuel and for the magnets, their dims are diameter 5mm x 3mm height. I have grabbed a few on eBay. I think they were N50 grade, but N35 would also work well, don’t worry.
  18. Thanks for the kind words! Unfortunately the model is high def and I don’t know how I could make a simpler model of it.
  19. I would play chess everyday with such a board ;)) thanks for sharing and happy new year everyone!
  20. Amazing build, you have achieved a true master piece here!
  21. That’s a great mod!
  22. These parts are looking great, the resin printers have a really nice finish imo! I didn’t know of these Vallejo paints, I should also check how good they are compared to the Tamiya TS and As spray cans
  23. There are a few skp files to grab on sketchup warehouse. I made some time ago the Beatrice tank from frontier.
  24. These 2 are really good looking together!
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