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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. I first saw DYRL at a Creation Convention in NYC in November of '86. A dealer was showing it at his table and I happened to notice it while the first battle scene was playing. Having seen Robofech before, I recognized the Valkyries, but not the scene, plus the fact that the animation quality was significantly better. The dealer informed me what it was, but I sadly didn't have enough money to buy a copy at the show. Needless to say, I went home and asked my parents for money and ordered a bootleg copy of the movie. I've been hooked on anime ever since then!
  2. Wait, I thought that Robotech was alive and profitable! This KS project seems to say otherwise. Okay, I couldn't type that first part with a straight face at all.
  3. We still have quite a few arcades here in NJ. Most of them aren't dedicated to solely video games, however. They're also mostly located in the beach towns, though there is Yestercade in Red Bank.
  4. Saw an Osprey in person for the first time. I was actually a bit surprised on how it sounded different depending on its position from me. When it was headed toward me, it sounded like a large helicopter (which is what I first thought it was until I actually saw it). When it was moving away from me, it sounded like a jet. It was also a bit louder than I thought it would be.
  5. I'd only buy this release if it was on bluray since I already have the ImaginAsian release.
  6. In "Firefox", it was only the weapons that were thought-controlled. The pilot still had to physically fly the plane.
  7. Macross Plus, anyone? http://www.nbcnews.com/science/weird-science/flight-fancy-piloting-planes-mind-control-n124566
  8. I hope it won't be too too long before we get a completely brand-new chapter!
  9. Finally, I'm sitting down and watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes in its entirety. In the past, I'd only seen up to the mid-30s. I'm still missing the last 26 episodes, though.
  10. I'd actually want to see something that takes place during the huge gap that is 2013-2039. That's a whole almost 30 years that's only been given a few scant mentions in the Macross timeline.
  11. It's really weird seeing Gundam models in my local Barnes & Noble!
  12. Thanks, Gubaba! I didn't think to try and go to the actual website instead of using the app. It's a little disappointing that they yet to have new content for Macross The First. At least now I won't have to wait for the tankoubon to see the new chapters when they do come out.
  13. Why do I get the feeling that we're not going to be able to access untranslated manga on the Comic Walker app here in North America?
  14. That's where you're wrong! I actually liked Zero more than I did Plus.
  15. We know that this new series will be out before HG releases anything for Robotech!
  16. There is no Mospeada movie. If you mean Love, Live, Alive, it's more of a music video than it is a movie.
  17. I just started rewatching Aura Battler Dunbine earlier this evening. Since I'm only 5 episodes in, things are pretty tame. I can't wait until I get to the part where the bodies begin to pile up!
  18. I can't believe that I didn't see this news until today! Macross fan fail!
  19. I've never seen so many different places responsible for the various parts of that Delahaye! It looks like it was for sale in NJ at some point in time!
  20. I've had the original soundtrack for X ever since the game was released, so I know the soundtrack practically by heart, which is why I noticed the difference right from the start. I spent something like 100+ hours on blitzball my first run through and will probably spend the same amount of time this playthrough as well. I'll probably level my characters to max like I did last time, too. What can I say, I find this game to be very addicting!
  21. I just bought the regular edition of FF-X/X2 HD. My only real complaint with the new version is the remixed soundtrack.
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