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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Sorry David, if it doesn't highlight or shoot at me it's probably not going to get my attention. Though I will check it out next time I play.
  2. My hopes and dreams were just irreversibly crushed.
  3. That was my first 1/48 and I was blown away by it when I opened it. I just got my GBP-1S armor in today and it's epic. I also have Hikaru VF-1J on the way. If you want an awesome display 1/48's are the centerpiece.
  4. That "fun" boss battle irritated the hell out of me. Stupid curving lasers. I'm not at the end yet, but I was curious, are the endings simply picked by a dialouge choice? I'm up to 5000+ so I guess I met the requirements for the Green ending.
  5. I'm really envious of you guys. My hands shake a lot. I used to have food fall off my fork all the time. It's gotten better but I'll never be able to do this.
  6. I agree, they would be cool for your desk. HOWEVER, not at that price. I'd rather find me a toothless squirell hunter and pay him $10 and 6 pack of PBR to whittle the exact same thing.
  7. Awesome Kurt. Do you have set fees for your work?
  8. Are you talking about the clear three pronged Flightpose stands?
  9. There is nothing whining or nagging about your posts. We spend a lot of money on our collections and unless you're a trustfund baby you probably worked hard to get what you have. I'll be damned if anyone thinks they are taking anything from me without a fight. I'm glad things look like they're gonna work out for you.
  10. I hate being stuck at work right now. All I want to do is open the spoilers and see what you guys are talking about. Can someone give me a mission name for a good spot to save to get the various endings? I think I might be about 3/4ths of the way through the game right now. I just picked up Legion and doing his Geth quests.
  11. Awesome. Looking forward to it.
  12. That is pretty clean looking. Great job bro.
  13. Be careful when you import your save files from 2 to 3. I saved everyone in 2 and then played another from my savepoint at the end of the game again to mess around. Tali got waxed and I didnt think anything of it. Now I'm halfway through 3 and I noticed Tali is on the Wall of Shame by Kaiden on the ship.
  14. I didn't have any issues importing my ME2 character at all. What are the issues?
  15. I just ran into Jacob in my ME3 game. Pulled him out of a nice little "situation". I never really used him in ME2 unless I had too. In fact, I didn't really care for any of the ME2 characters except for Jack. Legion was kinda cool but that was it. I pretty much just stuck to the original ME characters as much as I could through out all three games.
  16. That's pretty sick. I'd rock that hoodie.
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