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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. 1/60 VF-1 v.2's have the best sculpt. I prefer the 1/48's myself. I did however preorder that VF-1D. How can anything so ugly be so sexy?
  2. I know it's about $170 at iShop2go.com. Does anyone know any cheaper places?
  3. That sucks. Nothing is worse than having to hunt for pieces.
  4. Ahab, this is awesome. I'd never be able to do this considering how much my hands shake. I'm really impressed.
  5. You know who doesn't suck at life? ------------->Ignacio Ocamica (This guy right here) Well played Sir.
  6. Note to self, change avatar to something manly so Kicker doesn't pick on me because I don't want to have to cry in a dark bathroom in the Concept Cube building.
  7. The only problem I have on my Android is sometimes I get double posts.
  8. Yeah, but can your Vita change into a GERWALK Armored Messiah? I think not....
  9. Will anyone be making anything special for this event? Something similar to SDCC exclusives but for MW Con.
  10. Dude your work never ceases to amaze me.
  11. Was there pre order for the last Ozma/Armor bundle?
  12. I love these toys but I just can't afford to be laying out $200+ for a toy no matter how badass it is. I'd love to have an Ozma Armored Messiah and I'm considering pre-ordering the Armored Parts but not if I can't get Ozma himself.
  13. Personally I think it's an awesome idea. Unfortunately I won't be able to go but I am planning on going to the upcoming MW Con.
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