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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Damn I'm in for an XL Roci, the only Eaglemoss ship I have is the XL Orville and it's pretty nice. Once BBTS puts it up I'll grab one there, add it to my Pile of Loot.
  2. Yeah that seems the gist, it's still cool to "bag" on Xbox and Microsoft for whatever reason, I know Sony has bought more small studios that already made games for them like you mentioned, but I have a strong feeling most "gamers' complaining about this would be head over heels if Sony made this same purchase. It's really odd to me how for so many people Sony was apparently the "good guy", for the gamers, they're not and never were, they're a business like anyone else and just want your money just like everyone else. I say good for Microsoft, as you mentioned their weakness has always been a lack of exclusives, seems a moot point now. For me, as someone subscribed to GamePass, I'm pretty ecstatic, that awesome service will get better, it was already announced a number of CoD and other big name titles are coming to GamePass, Diablo IV on GamePass day one will be pretty great. Let's be real here, if Microsoft wasn't going to make this purchase, someone else was, I say it's better that it's Microsoft then, say, EA or Tencent.
  3. Yup that's what it is, looks like a tank-top, like a mascot wearing a Sonic costume instead of being Sonic himself. It's a bit odd, your Photoshopped version looks better even if it's not "correct", the flesh colored arms are sort of horrifying.
  4. Got my Sonic set in, pretty neat little set, it's got a lot of charm, I like it. The Sonic minifig is a bit odd looking, but is still probably the best way to do that character in a set like this.
  5. Yeah I really enjoyed The Expanse beginning to end, just a fantastic sci-fi series through and through, I push it on everyone I can, it was an incredible ride. I liked the finale, bit of a bummer though, it's clear without knowledge of the books that there is more story, there was even a throwaway line about the missing proto-molecule, and that whole side-story about the "dog" creatures was a somewhat cruel taste of what we won't get to follow up on. I also added a one week trial of Showtime to my Hulu so I could catch Dexter's final season, not bad, a better finale then the first time, but still not perfect. That's not even what I loved and binged while I had Showtime, I got through Dexter's last season in about five days, took my time, I binged another Showtime original, which I highly, highly, highly recommend, Yellowjackets. Hot damn is that show fantastic, I've read some of the reviews and posts about, figured since I had Showtime I might as well check it out, very glad I did, I watched the whole season in two days! Yellowjackets may be my favorite new series of 2021, it was really, really good, highly recommended, if you have Hulu you can add a one week Showtime trial for free, do it, check out Yellowjackets. It's already been renewed for another season, not surprising, it's really good, it's Lord of the Flies but with a girl's highschool soccer team in the 90s, with a few supernatural elements thrown in here and there. It's got some great performances, it's just a bit slow at times, but pretty killer nonetheless. You get some flash forward bits in the flashbacks that show just how insane things got with the survivors, 19 months in the Canadian wilderness will lead anyone to do some crazy crap, it gets pretty intense.
  6. I know, I'm just pissy and want some progress on 89 Batman. Nosferatu looks cool, again, glad others got a second shot at this guy.
  7. I loved this movie, but for me personally the best moment was seeing Pete's lawyer, Charlie Cox absolutely owned that roll, his Daredevil/Matt made for the best of the Netflix MCU shows.
  8. That was also a very, very, very stylized version of Batman, meant to be over the top in every way. It was also at the end of Batman's career, who knows what his early, let alone first, Batmobile looked like. Miller Batman is specifically Miller Batman, always edgy and over the top, for better or worse. Count me in as loving the new Batmobile, it very much screams Year One like the director intended, technically year two for Twilight Batman, but it's still clearly the first Batmobile, the style and over the topness will surely come with time.
  9. It's finally happening! It's been talked about for years, and there it finally is, and it looks fantastic! Agreed, Bob's Burgers has been consistently funny since episode 1, it's almost shocking how much better it is then the rest of the animated schlock on FOX. I'm also a big fan of Archer, the little Bob's/Archer crossover was hilarious, H. Jon Benjamin just has that voice, I've loved his voice since Home Videos, he's hilarious.
  10. One12Day huh? Maybe they'll announce the status of 89 Batman, or announce a cancellation, or something, damn, any news or progress would be nice.
  11. I'm a bit baffled here, I just watched a review for Takara MP Cliffjumper, and yet, the figure isn't even announced yet? How are these prototypes getting out so easily, and early? I guess I must've missed something, apparently several of these prototypes are out and in the wild already, that's crazy. Figure is ugly as sin, but I'm sure it'll make plenty of other folks happy :).
  12. RIP big buy, I played varsity all four years of highschool, football was my life for years, JM was truly a legend.
  13. Agreed unfortunately. I expected more, and I'm not usually one to complain about the various 110lbs women in the MCU doing impossible things, but this was a stretch too far IMO. We'll see, it was a fun season overall but I think they dropped the ball on the ending.
  14. Binged season two over the weekend and loved it, definitely ready for season 3. I'm not too sure about all these announced spin-offs though, more animated stuff, a prequel series, an animated special for the prequel series, I hope Netflix doesn't stretch this Witcher stuff too thin.
  15. I got about three hours of the Halo Infinite campaign in and hot damn, it's a ton of fun. I was a bit worried when I heard about the open-world sections, but it's not just some lifeless Far Cry 6 nonsense, it's pretty densely packed with interesting things to do and see, lots of little side story and narrative stuff. Plus it's all just really fun to do, I'm not getting the GAME IS A CHECKLIST thing like I do with Ubisoft open-world games like Far Cry and Assassins Creed, it's handled really well. You do some linear stuff like in previous games, then return to the open-world every few linear missions. The game is gorgeous, looks and sounds great, runs really solid and is pretty damn stable on Series X, the only thing it's missing is campaign coop, and that's a shame, every Halo game ever, even the RTS Halo Wars games, launched with campaign coop.
  16. Unfortunately Vicious was not that Vicious, and I feel overall there was just too much of him, too much screen time overall. I enjoyed the first season, it was fun enough, production values were solid, most of the time... I'm in for a second season, but that seems a big if, the series already dropped pretty low on most popular since it released, and the overall reception, professional and us regular folks, has been pretty mixed to say the least.
  17. Watched it last night with the family and really enjoyed it. Lots of nostalgia, some relatable grade-school antics, it was a fun little movie overall, part Christmas Story part 80s kid movie. I actually really liked the ending, it was pretty realistic and had a solid message.
  18. Just started Succession Saturday night, it's really good, definitely going to keep binging it.
  19. Right? Where the frakk is my Endgame Iron Patriot? That's pretty much the last Figuarts Endgame figure I want/need, Bandai is probably going to drag their feet on the release like they did Iron Man MK-I.
  20. Caught this Friday night on HBO Max, I just grabbed a new TV too so it looked real good. Movie was interesting enough, my only exposure to Dune was the Sci-Fi/SyFy series, so I wasn't exactly hyped for this. My main problem is just getting lost in names, names of people, groups, chosen ones, I guess? They throw around really crazy names a bit too often and a bit too quickly. The house names are weird, the witch ladies names are weird, the Fremen chosen one's name is weird, I admit I got a bit lost in the names, it was a bit distracting. I enjoyed it overall but I really didn't think it was that good, entertaining enough, but nothing too special.
  21. Yes, Bronx comes with the folded wings for Goliath. Works for me, when these pics dropped some people were worried they were a two-pack and you'd have to buy another Goliath just for the folded wings, Bronx just coming with them as an accessory for Goliath works for me as well. Now I'm wondering about Demona, will the release after her come with her folded up wings?
  22. Metroid Dread is frakking fantastic, that's all I really need/want to post about it. If you have a Switch, get it, it's phenomenal.
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