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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. I didn't know the Cobra Kai kid was cast as Reyes, that's solid casting and works for me, I'm in.
  2. I enjoyed season 1 overall but my god was it all over the place, super inconsistent. Agreed on the B plot, it had some relevancy, eventually, by the end of the season, but for the most part it was a pointless drag, all the B plot stuff could've and should've been covered over the course of half of one episode. I'm in for season 2, but I'm really hoping to see some changes and improvements.
  3. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    I think there's zero reason to worry about that. BBTS is one of the biggest US-based online toy retailers, all the Macross items already on there are still available, and BBTS is too big to "screw over" with some last minute stock shenanigans, they wouldn't allow it, it would be beyond unprofessional and would just make no sense, they've already got skin in the game so to speak, BBTS always comes through, Bandai are obligated to as well. If Bandai are serious about WWM releases, screwing over BBTS would be beyond idiotic, Bandai would be shooting themselves in the foot. I already decided to wait for BBTS myself, the first legit Bandai Macross item they put up was the Anniversary VF-25, then the Max 29, the 0S will be their first Macross Hi-Metal item, probably at a slight markup compared to overseas stores, but the convenience and no expensive international shipping should offset the extra price. I buy as much as I can from them due to convenience, the 0S will be my first Macross item from them, it's pretty cool that we're at the point that that's even a thing.
  4. Hemsworth looks insane, good lord. Portman looks great as well, she definitely looks good bulked up. Looks like a lot of fun, Taika is absolutely one of the best directors in the MCU right now, he found the winning formula to making Thor fun! Remember Thor 1 and 2? Good lord, those were a couple of stinkers for sure, hard to get through, very boring.
  5. I loved it! Easy 8/10 for me, 9/10 if I'm being generous. It was hilarious, well written, both new voices worked IMO, I've been a fan of Samberg since SNL, Lonely Island and Brooklyn 99! I really enjoyed it, it subverted expectations at times, poked fun at lots of little things, parodied some tropes, it was really well done. My only complaint is I couldn't help but think BIGMOUTH whenever Chip spoke.
  6. Mini Dead was frakking awesome, and hilarious, agreed on season 3, much better. My favorite episode was about the crustacean, yikes, that crap was scary! They had me fooled on the captain too, he seemed malicious, turns out he was the only half-way decent dude on the ship!
  7. Letterkenny spin-off Shoresy drops May 27th on Hulu, looks fantastic! Keeso apparently did a really good with this first season, many thought Shoresy wouldn't be enough to carry his own show, he's just not multi-demensional enough, but Keeso apparently pulled it off. I'm hyped, Letterkenny is absolutely one of my favorite comedies ever, this latest season was back to form IMO, better then the several previous seasons by far, and much closer to the older seasons. I'm excited to check it out, only six episodes is a bit of a bummer, but I'll take it! Keeso is hilarious, a great rider, dude just makes some great comedy overall, he's making Canada proud. https://www.ign.com/articles/shoresy-season-1-review-letterkenny-spinoff
  8. She Hulk looks pretty damn fun, I'm excited! The CG is a bit meh, but Disney has been phoning it in for MCU effects for several movies and shows now, even No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness had some really, really questionable special effects. Looks fun though, solid casting, Tim Roth is back as Blonsky/Abomination, I guess this is after his stint on Shang-Chi, or maybe this is before that?
  9. For everyone interested in the series I'd also recommend the actual original comic series, it's been finished for a good while now, and the show isn't a 1:1 copy of the source, so you wouldn't be spoiling much if anything. It's still an insane read, not for the faint of heart, not for the squeemish, and not for the easily offended, it was one of the most over-the-top superhero properties I've ever read.
  10. MP Trailbreaker looks pretty good, but I'm definitely in the camp of Terraegis being plenty fine. Trailbreaker isn't a favorite character of mine, he was always meh, so I have zero interest spending any amount of money on another MP of him when I like what I've got. As others have said it seems the totally toon accurate crowd will be happy, seems Skids was a fluke, I liked that thing more then any of the past half dozen official G1 MP releases, he looks like an MP from the good ol days.
  11. Damn, that pyramid is really, really, really cool. I didn't see any leaks or hints at this thing so this is a surprise, I think I need it.
  12. Moon Knight was easily the best of the Disney+ MCU shows, head and shoulders above the rest IMO. It's absolutely not your standard-fair superhero show, and it shouldn't be, Moon Knight isn't straight forward, and I'm very glad it was allowed to do it's own thing instead of shoe-horning in an appearance from one of The Eternals like I read they were planning. It's just not necessary, it's in the MCU, and that's good enough for me, Moon Knight is weird, let it be weird. Too many people read he's basically Marvel's Batman, and figured they'd just get MCU Bruce Wayne and Batman, luckily it was much more true to the character then that, and we got an honestly quite faithful Moon Knight adaptation, I'm happy, I just want another season.
  13. Saw it Sunday and absolutely loved it! Best film in the newest MCU phase by far! Sam Raimi still has that horror touch, I really liked this film quite a bit, it was a fun ride beginning to end. Definitely interested in seeing where things will go given the ending, pretty crazy stuff. I enjoyed the hell out of it, I'll definitely be grabbing it on 4K when available, it was a fun film.
  14. The first one was fun enough, and a great test for if you get a new TV or sound system. I'll definitely check this out, that upcoming Avatar game sounds pretty interesting too.
  15. Looks awesome! I'm excited, the Inquisitors look fantastic! Another excellent transition to live-action, like with Ahsoka and Cad Bane, they look great IMO, better then expected. The thing I'm worried about is a possible Vader v Obi-wan duel. I know a lot of people want and expect it, I don't. I've seen a lot of discussion in the last few weeks about Vader's line to Obi-Wan in Episode IV on the Death Star I, how there's possibly more grey area then most people expected, that there could, technically, be a confrontation after Episode III and before Episode IV if you squint hard enough, but to me it would just be a bit too retconny. I'll be happy if Obi-Wan and Vader just briefly sense each other, probably when Obi-Wan has to draw his lightsaber to deal with Inquisitors, a full blown duel seems too forced even in this modern Disney age of Star Wars retcons.
  16. The B plot/story is killing this series, I think it's universally disliked, even by people like me that still like the show overall. Everything comes to a halt with Kwan and the Madrigal stuff, it's just not interesting and I don't care about anyone or anything going on, it's killing the pacing of this season.
  17. I've got two episodes left and I'm at the end of Ozark, it's been a helluva ride, great show.
  18. Spoilers and leaks are popping up like crazy right now, be wary folks. I just had a major, major cameo spoiled by some idiot trolling in a totally unrelated article on another site, some people just want to watch the world burn I guess.
  19. Really good episode today, easy 8/10 for me. Pretty tense episode, solid pacing, and best of all, no B plot at all. I hope the rest of the season keeps up with this trend and pacing, this was a solid episode.
  20. Ew Mafex. Their comic stuff looks good but I'm not really into any of that and I'm not a fan of any of their live action stuff, it never looks better then Figuarts IMO, just different. I've gotten way too many garbage-tier figures from them over the years, I fired them long ago.
  21. I'd love to see an official Thunderjaw set, a Frostclaw or Fireclaw would be really cool to see as well.
  22. Daaaaaamn, that Doom is, dare I say, fantastic! Easily pre-ordered, he looks great, will look good with the FF whenever they drop, I read they got delayed, but that's just standard operating procedure for Mezco these days.
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