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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. I should've added pre-order again, I actually already had all four up for pre-order on BBTS the day they went up. I cancelled telling myself I didn't need another Figuarts Avengers team, but the full team shots look good so I'll probably be caving.
  2. It's also available on Hulu. In fact, season 2 starts tonight, and the new episode will be up on Hulu tomorrow, Hulu gets all Fox and FX stuff next day after it's on TV.
  3. Definitely looks cool but not really my thing, when the hell is the Mezco "modern" Wonder Woman dropping? I thought I read it was soon, I need her to finish off my One:12 Justice League.
  4. For anyone else playing Monster Hunter:Rise, the 3.0 update drops tonight at 8pm. Apex Zinogre, a few other odds and ends, but most importantly, Valtrex, the jet powered Elder Dragon is being added! That's frakking awesome, Valtrex was always a really fun, challenging fight, and he's just a cool monster overall, I'm excited to slaughter him multiple times over and make his Gunlance!
  5. I had no idea DC Animated made a movie based on Gotham by Gaslight, I'll have to check it out!
  6. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    I used to have a quite sizeable Hi-Metal R collection, I've sold off everything but the M&Ms, VF-4, and Monster. They were definitely fantastic figures, I loved them all to death, but space became a severe issue for me, and my whole "army" took up far too much room. It got to the point that I only had room to display less then half what I actually had, and that's no fun, I had boxes of doubles and triples that weren't even open. I'm pretty content with the few figures I kept, I decided as far as Macross goes, I'm fine with the couple figures I kept, and the Bandai DX VF-1 Vermillion Squad, as soon as the Kaki TV is announced I'm all set.
  7. For some reason that's just the color that was decided, Vegeta is more red. On another note, Bandai announced MosnterArts MechaGodzilla from Godzilla V Kong, and he looks fantastic! Another must purchase for me! Tamashii recently had a poll on most wanted MonsterArts and this guy had a chunk of votes, since they obviously already had him in the works I hope the most voted on below this guy get the go. I wasn't a fan of the 98 Zilla film like most others, but I'd absolutely take a MonsterArts 98 Zilla figure, and in general, more showa stuff, baddies and buddies, not Godzilla.
  8. Grabbed a pre-order for 00 at BBTS, looks fantastic! That yellow is gorgeous! I'm waiting on a few more items to arrive before I ship my Unit 01 from BBTS, I'm pretty excited to get it in hand and check it out.
  9. Venture Bros getting a movie is definitely cool news, but Metalocalypse finally getting a real ending as a movie is frakking fantastic news!!!!
  10. I'm pretty surprised nobody posted this yet, but Bandai finally announced, and put pre-orders up, for GT SSJ4 Goku. Pre-orders already went up, and promptly sold out, on US and overseas stores, I didn't even get the BBTS email saying orders were up before they sold out. This has to be the single fastest selling Dragonball Figuart ever, crazy stuff, I know A LOT of people have been waiting for this thing ever since it was teased years and years ago but damn! That's crazy! I lucked out and got one on Toy Dojo, which still has orders up at the time of typing this out, they also have the most strict limit set, one per customer period, no doubles, no extra orders or they will cancel ALL orders. I like it, they really want regular collectors, not scalpers, to get a crack at this long sought after form of Goku. I'm happy to have gotten one, I didn't like most of GT, but it had some cool designs, including Super Saiyan 4. I really want a red hair SSJ4 Gogeta? Or was it Vegito? Whichever, I want that as well, Vegeta seems a no-brainer eventually as well. The hype is real, the looks fantastic!
  11. Definitely a cool design but I don't need it, I never even read Gotham by Gaslight, and the proposed game never happened. I'm guessing he'll sell out quick, and being a Mezco exclusive, he'll blow up in price, best grab one now while you can if you're even slightly interested.
  12. I slogged through all of Jupiter's Legacy and, yeah, it's getting bad reviews because it's bad, not some silly agenda. It's boring, derivative, and uninteresting. The show also looks like crap, the wigs, makeup, costumes and special effects are all awful, the show looks CW cheap most of the time. The pacing is awful, the origin of how the original six Union members get their powers is terrible, it's stretched out over every single episode, that crap could've and should've been condensed to one episode. The current timeline story suffers because of this, it's a drag, at the end of the first episode it seems to set up a conflict between old and new, father and son, but that story doesn't pan out until the last fifteen minutes of the last episode, the friggin son just straight disappears for episodes at a time. The show has nothing interesting to say, gives you nothing interesting to think about, it's paper thin, been there done that, and from what my one friend that read the source material has told me, Utopians idiotic code isn't a thing, it's a dumb new addition for the show. More time should've been spent in the current timeline, the flashback origin story is a slog, it takes up so much time in each episode, it's terribly stupid. I'll be truly baffled is this gets another season, it's boring, ugly, and really forgettable. If you want a superhero fix, watch The Boys or Invincible on Amazon Prime, skip this turd. edit: Also, the real villains identity is crystal clear from the first episode, the show tries and fails to make you believe it's one character, but once again, this show isn't well written so the real big bad is terribly obvious.
  13. I'll definitely check this out but I'm going in expecting very little. Honestly, after the final season crap the bed I'm pretty baffled ANY spin-off series, let alone several, are even still happening.
  14. BBTS notified me my ThreeZero Unit 1 is getting ready to release, I've got Unit 2 pre-ordered as well, absolutely grabbing Unit 00 too. The Metal Builds are nice figures, but I hate the aesthetic, they're too busy, I'm so glad ThreeZero got into the game, their Evas are pretty much exactly what I was looking for in a modern, high-end Eva figure.
  15. Hot damn! Finally! She's the last piece I need for my Mezco One:12 Justice League, I think I'm going to pass on the new Supes, I'm fine with the original release. Also, when in the hell is 89 Batman coming out?!
  16. Oh I definitely agree, there absolutely should've been a tournament, I expected one, and it seems basically everyone else that watched this did too, I just personally wasn't too bummed it didn't happen. I blame the marketing, it definitely seemed like we were getting the original MK1 tournament, but nope. Agreed on Cole too, There were a number of odd disappointments, but I liked it enough I hope we get a sequel with the big 9/10 tournament from the first game, with some Johnny Cage.
  17. I liked how he looked. He's looked far more reptilian then he's been another generic palette-swap ninja in green. He was really only a palette-swap ninja for the first three games, when they still used sprites, and still palette-swapped characters. Reptile has been reptilian for the majority of the games, usually a reptile-like person/monster thing, in various forms of ninja-like clothing. But he's also been a straight-up reptile person like he was in this, no clothes, I liked it.
  18. I've seen it twice now, and I really enjoy it, it's not without disappointments, but I liked it overall. It was announced long, long ago Cole would be the new, main, original character, it's a bummer, but I was ready for that. It's the same thing the garbage Resident Evil movies did, all the actual main characters are in the film but relegated to the background while some new, totally random nobody comes in and does all the cool stuff, and is stronger, and has plot armor, and does everything the actual main characters are supposed to do. My issue with Cole was what I had already figured from the first seven minutes that got released early, I'm not bummed there wasn't a tournament, I don't know how many of you actually play or know MK lore, but the vast majority of the story and fights happen outside the actual tournament. In fact, the tournament usually gets glossed over within the first couple hours, only in the first three games was the tournament a real factor, and once again, the vast majority of the fights and story happened outside the tournament. MK9, MKX and MK11 blew past the tournament quick, Liu Kang wins, someone from Earthrealm beats Goro, then Liu beats Shao Khan, the only death was Scorpion killing the original Sub-Zero, Bi-Han, who then becomes Noob Saibot. I hope we get a sequel, there was a lot done right, and from what I've read, WB were the ones that got involved and demanded Cole be a part of the film, hopefully if this film is successful enough they can just drop him entirely and give us a remake of the original film, covering the events of the first tournament and everything around it. I was interested to see how they explained people's powers, I think they did decent enough, but agreed that, Overall I liked it, it was quite MK, lots of little easter eggs and nods to various games, some decent choreography throughout, but agreed the first and final fights were definitely the best. I'm hoping it's success will lead to a Cole-less sequel. We need our real heroes to shine, and Johnny needs to be in that group.
  19. Yup, there's a new demo out so giant vampire waifu hype is back at full steam.
  20. Man that looks fantastic, I'm hyped for Friday, MK has always been my go-to fighting game. Pretty awesome levels of authenticity too with the proper nationalities for Bi-Han and Hanzo, Bi-Han is Chinese, Lin-Kuei clan, Hanzo is Japanese, Shirai-Ryu clan, they weren't both made Japanese like in the fan-made MK:Legacy series, and like some people have always presumed. Small details like that make me smile, they even mentioned they don't speak each other's languages. I'm excited because this looks like a fantastic MK movie, but also, there's a lot of much needed representation in this film, the cast is amazing, Joe Taslim is and always has been a top tier action star IMO. He was amazing in The Raid and The Night Comes for Us, he needs to be in more things, he's looking great as Sub-Zero/Bi-Han, the hype is VERY real for me.
  21. You should check it out, it's fantastic, the final episode is this Friday. I'm in for US Agent, Falcon and Winter Soldier did a fantastic job with John Walker, he's a very compelling and relatable character. I'm still gonna pass on Bucky and Sam's default outfits, but I'm absolutely in whenever Bandai announces Sam in his Captain America suit.
  22. I think I need MP Skids. Not because I like the character, and I even set myself to not buy anything MP after season 1, but because he just looks like the Hasui MPs of old. The shot of him with the Datsuns won me over, he looks really good, and the price is right.
  23. Looks pretty much the same as the one from the Classic Batcave set to me, and I've got that set so this is a pass for me. I finally ordered my Discovery, I'm excited to check it out, I'm also pretty surprised it's stayed in stock as long as it has since it released. With double VIP points going again, I'm glad I waited to grab it, the Lunar Lander is on the way too.
  24. He's really shown himself to be a pretty solid actor with DP. On the surface it's absurd, it's easily one of the weirdest comic properties turned live action, Guardians of the Galaxy looks like The Brady Bunch in comparison, but that's just DP, it's frakking out there. DP is also one of the finest live action DC films or shows period. It's better written, acted, paced, and has a better, more engaging story with better characters then the vast majority of comic turned live action properties out there, DC, Marvel or otherwise. I push this show on everyone I can, it's absolutely brilliant. As for Brendan himself I can't really say, he's a solid actor, he's no longer George of the Jungle or in Mummy shape, but he's funny, and can nail some serious material, even in ridiculous situations like his roll in DP. It's great though right? Also, Flex Mentallo was pretty perfectly cast, I was worried when he was announced because he's a beyond absurd character, but DP really nailed him. Not related to DP, I caught up on some more Bill Burr standup, absolutely hilarious guy, love his stuff. I decided to check out his original animated series on Netflix, F is for Family, it's pretty damn funny, and very relatable imo. Bill is hilarious as always, the family is great and their relationships and struggles are very real, Bill as the father Frank is pretty spot on for quite a few traits of my own father, and I'm sure many others would agree. Highly recommended, there's a final, fifth season coming eventually, looking forward to that.
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