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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Between their replacement policies and now their inability to fill orders I guess the honeymoon for NY is over.
  2. How many degrees of separation from the source material do you want it to be? lol
  3. It's actually been smart of them to do "sequels" that are all in different periods of time. Just another modern sequel, like we've been seeing with all of the other Marvel and DC movies can get old. The fact they're semi-period gives the X-Men movies a natural, unique look. It also helps a lot of the stories being culled are from the time periods they're being done too, so they almost look more like their comic counterparts as well.
  4. Why aren't those stealth micro-missiles still in use on the later model fighters? Sounds pretty awesome, and totally not possible once fired... Aren't all 21/22's relatively delta-winged? I'm curious what this thing looks like.
  5. Interesting they managed to pack the entire book full of 21/22 only. We all expected some filler in the form of other fighters. We've seen in some of the preview video's both the 19 and 11 flying along side, are there other surprise Valks like the 17, maybe even the 25, in some pics as well? What are some of the more odd weapons/variants? Also, are there some pretty cool looking Liveries?
  6. In an interview earlier this summer Moffat straight up said he was going to address the fact Capaldi already showed up in Fires of Pompeii directly.
  7. Can't wait to check this out, and for the much appreciated bits of translation from this thread.
  8. Depends on the toy, and which bracket you're referring to (there's a Gerwalk bracket and a Battroid bracket.) Only one of my toys needs the bracket for Gerwalk mode. Both of them need it for Battroid. Some other people seem to have no problem with either modes.
  9. The Max 1S only had an initial release before they fixed the crotch lock mechanism. As such it will be a bit loose. Depending on which release of the Kaki 1A you have it might be the first edition crotch lock. Is the canopy clear or tinted? That will tell you if it has the old or new locking mechanism.
  10. This is my most favorite thing ever. It's so much cooler looking then the DYRL version.
  11. I would agree. The trick with Macross is that the show is pretty laughable by today's standards in the animation department. DYRL still looks damn good even today... unfortunately it's hard to follow. Speaking of which, Brooklynwolf touched on this (I think, not skimming it back over), the animation in Frontier looks amazing but the dogfights are so effing fast that I feel it's practically impossible to watch. Plus had really fast fights but it was clear what was going on. 90% of the scenes with fighters featured it's just blurry streak after blurry streak. I think the mecha choreography needs to be adjusted as well.
  12. Holy hell, has anybody seen the trailer for Final Fantasy XV? The art direction... where is it? It looks like such an awful clash of popular games. Grand Theft Blade Runner Monster Hunter. Ugh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT3dyanB3pk#t=14
  13. And that was always my argument about why it's a bad movie for a newbie to Macross to watch. Jenius disagreed which is why I said what I said.
  14. Her feeling, honestly, makes tons of sense. Japanese design aesthetics are interesting/beautiful. I'll go ahead and say with zero authority that while their philosophy can be fascinating, that about 95% of their stories are unsatisfying and in many ways they will ruin their own designs (Mechs) by under-utilizing them or ignoring them in favor of less interesting ideas. However, Western audiences aren't going to appreciate most of what Japanese culture is about. I used to be an anime watching fiend in the 90's but I grew tired of the tropes (not that the West doesn't have their own tropes, you're perfectly free to be tired of those as well.) In the case of MacF, Sheryl looks f**king hot and her costumes are interesting and that whole image is played up big time. Women are going to like that and will want to look like her. Hell, if I had a GF/Wife I'd want her to doll up like Sheryl too. She'd look hot. Speaking on DYRL, bridge banter to fill in a giant plot hole like "we're lost in space, oh the Earth has been vaporized, etc" is not a good way to tell a story. And the feeling of just being dropped in really loses all agency in that regard. Unless you KNOW earth is gone and the last of humanity is on the SDF-1, none of the scenes from anywhere in the movie will have any weight and it isn't very clear. When Hikaru and Misa return to Earth, that could be anywhere. Planet Zweedoo in Omicron 9. Nobody cares. It's desolate but at a glance nobody would look at it and say, "oh crap, Earth was destroyed." It has this nice eerie vibe to the whole thing, but it loses it all because the presentation is muddy.
  15. There's an entire multiplayer mode on the 3DS version that isn't in the WiiU version. Plus levels are different, which can make proceedings feel different too.
  16. I think the two of you have convinced me to take the plunge on one of these.
  17. I see that early 2000's cover of My Boyfriend is a Pilot has become one of your favorites.
  18. Or those of the readership... I've always been puzzled by people who feel none of the Macross movies since Plus really hold together. I've always felt DYRL has never made a damn bit of sense unless you already saw SDFM. I would argue, of all the movies, Plus is the odd man out in that it is the ONLY one that makes sense on it's own without a bunch of additional television episodes/manga/etc filling in gaps. That being said, I think I need to read an explanation of every Macross series from Seto prior to watching. He gleaned far more from Macross 7 than I could ever hope to. It almost makes it passable, if it weren't for the fact that on principle I don't like the concept of the Protodevlin or Basara's character.
  19. The original Macross Monster was never able to transform. Why would the Not Monster be able to?
  20. Why was she stark naked in her coma? "Hey, Sheryl is in a coma... wanna strip her?"
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