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Everything posted by Graham

  1. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Forget gunpods and micro-missiles, we've got Mexican and we're not afraid to use it!!!! LOL
  2. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Here's the email I received from CD Japan today. I guess they jumped the gun by offerring it.
  3. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Vortech..........did you get the cancellation email too?
  4. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Damn, just got an email from CD Japan that they are cancelling my order for the VF-31J kai, as the item is unobtainable
  5. Artificial gravity........err no wait they already have that. Maybe it helps deflect phaser shots Ah, I got it. It's a giant centrifuge for those hundreds of science experiments they said they have running simultaneously.
  6. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They better not announce the VF-31S and VF-31E in the next couple of months as pay now exclusives, as my wallet really can't take any more.........hahaha It's already going to be difficult enough explaining to my wife and son why they are NOT getting any Christmas presents this year
  7. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They charged 2,700 Yen for EMS shipping to Hong Kong.
  8. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, the VF-31A Kairos and VF-31J Kai really came out of nowhere suddenly, no prior announcements or anything. My wallet is gonna need a long, long time to recover
  9. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks. Just scored one of the VF-31J Kai from CD Japan. One left..........go go go
  10. Awesome movie, loved it. Will definitely see it a second time and buy the blu-ray when it's released. Those of you saying it's too long, bah humbug! I wouldn't have minded it being even longer. You can tell a lot of love went into thee creation of this movie as well as a lot of respect fro the original.
  11. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So are the pre-orders going to go up at 4pm Japan time?
  12. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Damn, didn't check Macrossworld for one day, and look what I missed..........haha. Definitely gonna order 2.
  13. Watched episode 3 of Discovery on Netflix last night. I'm actually enjoying it, it's something different to what we've had before. Although if given the choice, I'd still rather see a series set post TNG/DS9/Voy than one set in the pre-TOS.
  14. Graham

    Hi-Metal R

    Can someone remind me when is the release month for the VF-2SS?
  15. The fact that the technology looks way in advance of TOS era and that the Klingon ships look completely different to anything we've seen before doesn't bother me at all. As I mentioned, I'm just a casual fan and I just rationalize it as an alternate reality where the Federation and the Klingons developed differently. Anyway, I'm interested enough after the first two episodes to continue watching and see where they take this show.
  16. Although it's a great fighter, I never really liked the pregnant swollen belly look that the radiator gave it.
  17. I've decided I'm no longer referring to the Discovery Klingons as Klingons. From now I am going to call them Space Orcs.......LOL
  18. Have recently gotten into 1/72 scale diecast WWII fighters. At the moment, just buying my favorite British planes, as I'm British.....haha. So far just have a Corgi Spitfire Mk V, an Oxford Tempest Mk V and a Corgi Hurricane Mk I. Planning to add a Typhoon Mk 1b to the collection soon. Eventually, I'll add my two favorite American planes to the collection, the F4U Corsair and the P-47D Thunderbolt. Probably add an Bf-109 and an FW-190 at some stage too.
  19. Watched the first episode with my 13 year old son last night. We both enjoyed it. I was actually quite impressed by it. Will watch the second episode tonight. I'm more of a casual Star Trek fan (although I've watched all the series and movies, with the exception of Enterprise), so things like continuity conflicts with the other series don't really bother me too much. Glad we get it on Netflix here in Hong Kong, along with all the other Star Trek Series
  20. The Lil'Drakens are nice as standalone toys, but yeah I don't think they look good attached to the 262 and I'd be worried about stress on the wing joint. A standalone pack of the sword, missile pods and shield would defintely been a good idea.
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