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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Wow, @electric indigo the shadow and depth to that paint is really well done!
  2. Admittedly not a Gundam fan, but that is some really nice bashing. Well worth the time and effort.
  3. Just spend a night there, in a sleeping bag under the wing of a P-38 or B-25.
  4. Thanks! Looks like I missed the $16 deal, but dropping 'Robotech' from the search box brought up some nice ones.
  5. That is one beast of a ship. I'll be pulling up a bench to watch.
  6. @derex3592 Sometimes you just have to test things out to see if they work. or not. Shame it didn't, but at least you are happy now with what you have.
  7. Nice shelves @derex3592 And I can barely see that F-5, what with the camo...
  8. Those bring back some Robotech memories...
  9. To be fair, that describes almost every trailer for every TV or movie out there. That being said, Chronicles of Star Dune sounds pretty exciting!
  10. Just finished watching the Rising. Very well done murder mystery where the ghost is trying to find her killer. Some great acting all around. I'd wish for a season two, but this kind of story is pretty much a 'one-n-dun.'
  11. It's from HK Models and it really just the nose of their full size just put in its own box. The price on line is from about 60 to 80 dollars, depending. I had to do some scratching (not of myself) to close up the wing roots, trying to make it look symbolic of an assembly line example, just waiting to be mated to the rest of the fuselage. As for the resin seats, those and the control yoke are from Resin2Detail, a Ukrainian company. They do some great stuff!
  12. Answered!! Cultman has the decals on preorder! https://www.culttvmanshop.com/PREORDER-USS-Enterprise-D-Aztec-DECALS-2023-reissue--11400-scale--Star-Trek-TNG--from-Round-2AMT--Price-TBA--PREORDER-RESERVATION_p_7487.html
  13. Thank you @derex3592! Good luck with the paints, hope they are good. Thank you @electric indigo! From here those crew look good! A little more update on the Lancaster Nose. I made some detail for behind the seat, clipping and moving some piping from a discarded section and making some hoses from lead wire, electrical wire, styrene rod and slices of metal pipe. Otherwise that area behind the pilot's seat would be pretty bare. I'll also be moving a fire extinguisher from the nose to here and making another to replace it up front. And I moved this panel from being mounted right beside the seat to the side. I had to cut and adjust it, as following the instructions would have it sitting far too high above the sill. Don't know if that was me or the kit, seeing how the pilot's platform it was supposed to be mounted on hasn't changed height. Oh well, I like it better attached there rather than worrying about trying to get it to sit right between the sill and the seat. Now I just need to get the control yoke ready and I can start painting! Thom
  14. That is the risk. When it's the pilots/owners of the planes choosing the take the risk, that's perfectly fine even with a bad outcome. It's when it impacts someone's home that it gets a lot diecier. Still, the thought of any of these old war birds being grounded is like seeing the last Vulcan allowed to do only taxi runs...
  15. He may think it's all magic and faeries.😉 And thankfully no one was hurt on the ground. The wreckage however did stop just short of an apartment complex.
  16. Thanks, checking that now!
  17. Necro post!!!!! Does anyone know where one could buy the DVD of 2202 without going over a hundred bucks!?
  18. Well, I haven;t posted a workbench pic in too long of a while. So here's what's currently sitting center of the mat. HK Models Lancaster Nose kit in 1/32. A pretty good kit, if I must say. Could be better, as I think Border models has better detail in their Lancaster. Plus this one is basically just the nose of the HK kit and interior dumped into its own box, which has some draw backs. I had to close up the wing roots and hack off the rearmost part of the interior, as it was hanging out the back, and I ended up wiring and piping a lot of the interior, not exact but it looks nice and busy. I have some PE to go in after paint, which paint should be soon as I think I am mostly done with the interior stuff. So, pics! I really hope most of that added detail survives paint and masking!🤣
  19. Could always wait for the entire season to run, pay for one month and watch it in a few days before then cancelling.
  20. I'm hoping this ties in in some way to Kong: Skull Island, but even if not, I'm up for it!
  21. The older kits can be made into nice looking examples, if you don't mind some shape issues esp with the nose on the older Bandai kits. There are after market decals out there is you want newer of those, or there is a thread somewhere here with scanned decals sheets that you can (with decal paper and printer) print yourself.
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