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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Well, I haven;t posted a workbench pic in too long of a while. So here's what's currently sitting center of the mat. HK Models Lancaster Nose kit in 1/32. A pretty good kit, if I must say. Could be better, as I think Border models has better detail in their Lancaster. Plus this one is basically just the nose of the HK kit and interior dumped into its own box, which has some draw backs. I had to close up the wing roots and hack off the rearmost part of the interior, as it was hanging out the back, and I ended up wiring and piping a lot of the interior, not exact but it looks nice and busy. I have some PE to go in after paint, which paint should be soon as I think I am mostly done with the interior stuff. So, pics! I really hope most of that added detail survives paint and masking!🤣
  2. Could always wait for the entire season to run, pay for one month and watch it in a few days before then cancelling.
  3. I'm hoping this ties in in some way to Kong: Skull Island, but even if not, I'm up for it!
  4. The older kits can be made into nice looking examples, if you don't mind some shape issues esp with the nose on the older Bandai kits. There are after market decals out there is you want newer of those, or there is a thread somewhere here with scanned decals sheets that you can (with decal paper and printer) print yourself.
  5. Just saw this today. Very good and exciting movie, IMO. I'd be up for a sequel.
  6. A couple days old, but a Mig crashed at the Thunder Over Michigan air show. Both crew out with injuries but recovering, and no injuries on the ground, thankfully.
  7. @electric indigo It looks like you got the Resin Guillotine out for this one!
  8. Having never watched Prom and Cov (basically because nothing past Aliens really exists...) apparently there was a whole dialogue scene with the Engineer at the end of Prom that explained pretty much everything - and it was cut. Probably because a scene like Theron trying to outrun a massive rolling donut was more important than the story line, I guess...
  9. Sequest DSV had a really good first season. That's when all the promise of hope was there for a good sci fi drama, before they decided that tank tops were in for most of the women on the cast, they needed a teen hearthrob on the show (which did not end well for that poor kid...) and they wanted to copy every single sci fi gimmick there ever was, rather than just sticking with what worked. Not surprised Scheider wanted out after all that. Too bad they had to wait for this guy to retire rather then being able to side-line or force him out. But as Straczynski stated, 'the speed bumps they've gone over are the speed bumps they've gone over.' For the most part, I liked Babylon 5. Sure it got super hokey at times, but it was a good story an well worth a renaissance.
  10. @Urashiman And not just any kit, the Zero! That is a very promising start!
  11. That cat is going to have a drinking problem!
  12. If they want to play that game, so can we. Cancel your subscription, wait for the entire season to be out, reup for one month and binge the whole thing. Cancel et al.
  13. The color modulations and weathering are outstanding! Wow.
  14. I hope that means there is a release date coming soon.
  15. Despite what is said 'back stage' it would be easy to say that maybe it wasn't her voice at all. For the whole voice thing at the end of RoS, they should have left it with just Annikan, Obi-wan, Quigon and others rather than all the rest as well. Just another poor decision...
  16. That's a good way of looking at it. We may not like where the sequels went, but that's not the entire SW universe. We certainly don't see any of Thrawn in the later time frame. I'm sure they'll be some nuggets throweing some bones towards the sequel trilogy, but the main story will hopefully keep it small and forgettable.
  17. Leave'm wanting more! Already up to 10 and I am sad. Five more episodes per season, just five more! Anyway, I watched 'Under the Cloak...' and 'Rhapsody' as a double feature, and really enjoyed both ends of the dramatic/whimsical spectrum that was displayed. This crew really can handle it all! Seeing the musical numbers was like watching one of those movies from the 30s and 40s, and I really liked the explanation for it. I also liked how the Klingons felt dishonored by singing their feelings. Thinking about it, I'm surprised they were able to function without killing each other! Then 'Under the Cloak...' That was a good one! And very ambiguous at the end as to What the Heck Happened?! Did Mbanga murder him? Did Chapel lie about what she saw and didn't see? They certainly lied about who owned that knife! Definite total gray-going-on-black area. Not to say that the guy didn't deserve it, but there had been better ways up until that point to handle the situation, but there was clearly a lot of stress and PTSD going on. What a way to leave it too. Now, I just need more of those types of episodes rather than too many fun ones. They did teas in the premier that there was growing tension with the Gorn, but then there was nothing else, which is a shame.
  18. Just finished watching Secret Invasion and *except for a few points, I liked it. I'm not much for espionage shows, but this was pretty good. Good action and characters, Fury definitely looked down and trodden. I liked G'iah, though I think they could have had more of her and Talos together. I felt Gravik was a good antagonist, though I felt the fight at the end robbed him of his character. If G'iah could be fighting in her human guise then so could Gravik. Doing it this way, they should have had more of him looking like a Skrull than a human, to keep less of a disassociation with how he looked at the end. Sonya is awesome! If she's a 'stand-in' for Fury, then that's great cause she is a bad-ass! And I liked how Fury got his groove back on at the end. Overall, a good show. *That the Skrulls could not find a new home in the entire universe is too far fetched. We are shown a universe teaming with life and life-bearing planets. Yes, the Skrulls have a bad rep, but there should have been somewhere out there where they could have found a place. But then again, apparently, they only tried for two years... You have to give it more time than that! Just off the top of my head, I would have had them find a world and start to get settled. Then the Snap** happened and with Danvers too busy to keep watch over the Skrulls, they get attacked, either by the Kree or another race either blaming them somehow or for revenge. The new Skrull home world gets blitzed and the refugees sneak back to Earth. Kind of easy after the Snap and the chaos it caused. But they are frightened even more now of reprisals and angered over losing another world and more people, so they end up being more fanatical and militaristic and seeing enemies everywhere. This makes them easily led by Gravik who now just wants to take Earth, more in a need to do Something rather then seeing more of his people becoming disaffected and dying off. Go from there... **I hate the Blip. It sounds stupid. Snap sounds so much better and it's actually in line with the actual event.
  19. Nice! I'm in the minority in that I did like 1984 a whole lot, and am certainly hopeful that Gadot's WW can continue on the big screen.
  20. I'm odd-guy out and thought it was (without shame) pretty good! I had fun watching this movie. The only problem I had was that Batman and Supergirl were killed in the end. Repeatedly. It could have been saved with the original ending but they didn't do that either. h well...
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