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    CIC BSG-75
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    Macross, BSG, Sci-Fi, Cycling, K-pop, writing & illustration.

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  1. We watched this Sunday, we chuckled and with one scene in particular we broke out laughing damn near in tears. Greatest movie of all time? No, but it's a fun goofy quirky comedy.
  2. All these years later and we still have dedicated BSG fans out there, check out this 1/1 scale Viper MKII.
  3. As usual I am super late to the party, currently I'm halfway through Season 3 of FOR ALL MANKIND, so far, it's a very good show, good acting, great FX. I'm ready for season 4 & then eventually 5.
  4. Is anyone else unable to see the pictures @captain america is posting?
  5. So, is this just simply a recreation of the Toynami Beta fighter? Same size/scale? If so, you'd be better off to make a separate Fighter mode cockpit section and separate chest section for Soldier mode that can be swapped out, this way you're not repeating the major mistake of Toynami with the cockpit section simply folding down... something that CM's did correctly. I wish you luck on this project, this would be fun for customizing and most definitely creating a Shadow Beta/Dark Tread.
  6. 505thAirborne

    Hi-Metal R

    Wake me up when SV-51's & VF-11B/11C's are announced.
  7. I'm amazed that Keenan Thompson didn't break, especially all the background actors. As one YouTuber commented, "Those are some STONE-FACED background actors."
  8. That's what made it so hilarious, watching Heidi Gardner absolutely lose it was comedy gold. I'm convinced that during the dress rehearsal Mikey Day didn't look like that.
  9. For those who want the 50th Anniversary VF-1J, may the Toy God's smile upon you in getting one. As for me, I'll pass & keep patiently waiting for a Cannon Fodder VF-1A.
  10. Thank you for clarifying that, I wasn't sure if it was all 171's or just the Nightmare. I might have to get one of these revivals, if anything else it includes the Armor.
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