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More colour Monster pics


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Guess i´ll be stoned for saying this but actually I like the dengeky picture much more than the proto. The proto looks very stiff, it´s legs are very static, the colored version looks more posable, it has more life to it.

I´m so getting this toy!!!!

Well, that´s my 0,02 cents :D

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I don't know. Regardless its not so accurate transformation, the sculpt can still be significantly better than that. That head just look really weird, and the overall proportion is still off. Torso too short, upper legs too long, hip too high, shoulder too wide, claws for arms, weird head...etc.

If Yamato can find such a fine balance in all 3 modes of VF-1, they can do better than this if they try. Like I said previously, even the transforming Lego one looks better proportion-wise.

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Please tell me it was just transformed wrong.

*UNGH* THAT's gotta be one of my NUMBER ONE pet peaves: Promo pics with horrible poses and incorrectly-transformed toys.

You're right, the earlier proto looks much better than the Dengeki pic. It's possible, but unlikely, that a later version would actually be inferior. Hopefully Yamato will release some publicity photos of their own to set the recrod straight.

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It's refreshing to see Yamato release a Macross toy that isn't a VF-1. But, that doesn't give them luxury of releasing something so ugly that I'd confuse it for a Toynami product. The latest pic of the Konig Monster, at best, only bears a passing resemblance to the lineart. Please note:
  • The rat claws that are supposed to be hands
  • The positioning of the legs. They're supposed to end at the "crotch." Instead, they go up as far the Battroid's chest, not to mention they're spread so far apart that it looks like they attach to the shoulders.
  • The head looks like it's sunken into some sort of backpack.
  • The missing gun from the chest.
  • The slumping shoulders.
  • Hate to draw so much attention to crotch :p ,but just compare the two.
  • The colors are way off, but this is just a prototype. Hopefully the final product will bear the colors from VFX-2.

The toy is not without its merits. Shuttle mode looks fantastic! But the Battroid is complete mess. Had this been one of Yamato's early ventures, like the YF-19, I would be more forgiving. But it's now 2004, and we've seen what Yamato is capable of doing. Unless Yamato is going to market this as an "economy" toy, ala the VF-0, I cannot understand why they've done such a poor job with Battroid mode.

A lot of your complaints can be addressed from the difference in angle of the two shots... the line art is looking up at the thing, it's going to appear longer and the torso will look longer.

the "claws" are correct, if you look at the line art, the thing only has two fingers and a thumb... the placement of the claws is a bit off though.

the legs are in the right spot, the pic of the toy is shot from a slightly top down angle , foreshortning is causing it to look off.

that is not a backpack the head is in, that's the bulge that makes up the rear lower portion of the head.

yes, the gun is missing, this is distressing to me as well.

shoulders aren't sloping IMO, the proto picture, taken from a more of a front shot shows the shoulders are definitely not sloping.

without seeing the thing in person, hard to say that the colours are off... consider the orignal picture, we don't know how it was lighted, we don't know if it was a digital or film shot. we don't know how it was printed and we don't know if the scanner affects the tint or shade...

I really think "complete mess" is a bit harsh.. granted I don't think battroid mode is looking that great and yeah, the line are does look better but you gotta admit... there's a lot of fudging that can be done in a drawing to make something look good.

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It's amazing how much the posing makes a difference; the Green Pic makes me want to pass on it. The Proto Pic makes me want it bad, like a lonely sailor who's been stuck at sea for 48 months without shoreleave wants it bad. lol. TMI

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Looks pretty cool. Panel lining and detail are a must, but I'm not thinking we're gonna be disapointed.

I would like for a limited version of the Destroid Monster in 1/60 scale, as we were originally hearing about. I was probably gonna pass on it, but it would be a very cool toy.

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Like what some people mention already: the pic from Dengeki Hobby and the pic from Yamato's early prototype seem to be different. Not sure if this is a transformation error or changes that were made to the factory proto.

At the end of the day, I am just hoping that the price for this will not be too outrageous. I for sure am not willing to pay more than $150 for this Monster. <_<

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There's an August 2004 Japanese Hobby Magazine that just said... "Hobby Magazine" on the front cover that I was reading today. It had a picture of the Monster in Destroid mode. Looked pretty nice. Didn't want to buy the magazine though, so can't scan it.

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Does anybody know the release date for the monster??

as far as i know there isn't a release date scheduled

No date as such, but they were saying "Winter" before, and now this has changed to "end of the year".

So... we're looking at, what, 2005? <_<

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I hope Yamato are not giving up on Macross, but to be honest, there doesn't seem to be many new products on the horizon and I'm pretty sure the YF-19FP and non-transforming Destroid Monster are now vapourware :(

There is still so much stuff Yamato could do. Personally, I think that is this year is the 10th anniversery of Macross 7, it would be a good chance to release some high detailed, accurately proportioned, perfect transformation Mac 7 toys. I'd definitely buy multiples of the following toys if Yamato made them: -

Macross 7 Toys, either 1/55, 1/60 or 1/48 scale (1/72 is too small)

VF-22S Max Colors

VF-22S Milia Colors

VF-22S Gamlin colors (D7)

VF-19Kai w/Sound Booster

VF-19S w/FAST Packs

VF-19F w/FAST Packs

VF-19P (D7)

VF-17S w/FAST Packs

VF-17D with optional Radome

VF-17S Milia colors

VF-17TKai w/Sound Booster

VF-11C w/Space FAST Packs

VF-11C w/Atmospheric FAST Packs (from Nightmarish Invasion)

VF-11C Full Armour

VF-11D w/Sound Booster FAST Packs



I deliberately didn't include Mylene's VF-11MAXL Kai on the above list as there is only one version of it that Yamato could release, so they would probably loose money on the tooling. However, all the other toys; VF-11, VF-19, VF-17 & VF-22 have multiple versions which could be released, mostly just involving a head and color change and some minor resulpting, thus making it more likely that Yamato could recoup their costs and turn a profit.

Of course a VF-11 and VF-22 toys should be all new resculpts and not based on the existing Macross Plus toys.

Of course there is so much other Macross stuff that I'm convinced would sell if only Yamato made them with decent sculpts, such as Mac Plus resculpts, Mac Zero Perfect Transformation toys, M3 mecha to name but a few.


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I hope Yamato are not giving up on Macross, but to be honest, there doesn't seem to be many new products on the horizon and I'm pretty sure the YF-19FP and non-transforming Destroid Monster are now vapourware  :(

I'm hoping that too :(

I think Yamato should venture a little more in the 1/60 SDF Macross line. It was stated in the old forums that this line was pretty much done apart from one or two more releases (Q-Rau and GBP as they turned out to be).

I guess the Q-Rau is doing good (hence there's a Max release on the horizon). But Yamato shouldn't stop there. They should test the destroids and enemy mech arena in 1/60. We have currently one DYRL? type enemy mech (Q-Rau). Why not the male armor (Nousjadeul-Ger)? I know it's not amongst the favorites (it's surely among mine ;) ). DYRL? Glaug does not exist, and the green Regults are a bit of an obscure mecha, but the TV version of the Regult would sell like hotcakes.

When talking about destroids (excluding the vaporware Monster) they are a safe bet to complete the 1/60 line.

Then as Graham pointed out we have other licenses such as M7, 2012 Flashback (the VF-4), VFX-2, M3 to name a few.

Edited by Ignacio Ocamica
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Yamato hasn't made a release date on time in what, two years? Practically everything gets delayed at least a couple of months from what was initially announced. Often for no reason, as they NEVER tweak the sculpts after the proto is released. I was amazed when they adjusted Max's 1/48 color. The GBP had no revision, the VF-0 is obviously not getting any of it's formerly promised revisions, so really there's no reason for the delays. But true to form, the only reason the VB-6 might make it for christmas is to take advantage of christmas season. Wouldn't surprise me though if it became Q1 2005 anyway.

I'm not holding my breath on what's after the VB-6 anymore. I will be gleeful when stuff gets announced, but I'm done pleading I want a YF-19, VF-4, or new VF-17.

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VF-17S w/FAST Packs

VF-17D with optional Radome

VF-17S Milia colors

Join me in the dream, brother. I prefer to dream about realistic stuff, like transmuting nitrogen into solid gold via the power of my mind.

But, oh what a wonderful dream a Yamato VF-17 is...

Then again, if we're seeing cool, hyper-obscure mecha from VF-X2 being relased, who knows?

Edited by Gyges
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Moved this post to the other thread/Poll about Yamato Toys in General HERE.

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WOW!!! I'm impressed with your analysis redemption!!!

Lol, thanks. Would you like me to print a hardcopy version and autograph it for you? Hehe.

Btw, looking at that chart again, I realized you can roughly apply that same graph to the design lifespan of just one toy, even. I think most modelers out there would even agree this fits with even building up a model:

You get your raw materials, make good progress on it early-mid way through it's buildup, and then the closer you get to finishing it, the longer it takes to finish the final touches (like decals and little details.) I think the same goes for creating just one valkyrie toy for consumers. That's why the trend with Yamato products as we've seen goes like this:

1. first we hear about a possible future release of a toy

2. Then several months later we see prototype pics surface

3. Then more prototype pics seem to appear with increased frequency

4. Then we see a surge of painted protopics appear in magazines...the thing looks like it's practically finished

5. Then it there is a HUGE long gap between the almost-finished toy and the time when they actually release it (marking the completion of the design-to-production lifespan; this would be where the chart reaches its peak and levels off.)

I read a buildup of a scratchbuilt millenium falcon that echos that theory:

"I find there's always one "problem" when you build a model from scratch: When you first start it, it goes real fast. After a couple of days you already have something that looks like an unfinished Millennium Falcon. It's very rough, but since you've been working with big parts, you have an impressive model. Then, as you work along, the parts get smaller and smaller. You put more and more hours into the model but you don't really see as much progress. And weeks later, you still have an unfinished Millennium Falcon model. And months later: an unfinished Millennium Falcon model! "

--Tim Ketzer (not me), professional modeler of www.ketzer.com

The shape of this 2-dimensional graph can change here and there, as life, like these toys, are actually 3-dimensional, and can embark on new and different planes. In other words, within each 2-dimensional plane an entity can either reach (or near reach) its potential gradually, quickly, or not at all, but it can also change planes and still succeed on different paths.

And now I find this simple post about a plastic toy called a "monster" is beginning to jump into a new plane itself along the lines of Stephen Hawkings and Plato, lol. Who woulda thought a plastic toy could inspire this much thought and ponderance of reality and philosophy on my part? LOL@Me.

And now I've gone cross-eyed.


(ChristopherB, I think with my return I have reclaimed from you my old title of being the most word-endowed (I am long winded) MW member. Thanks for keeping my seat warm whilst I was away. lol. Muahahahahahaha!)

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