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Macross Δ (Delta) - Mission 26 -Finale - READ 1st POST


Mission 26: Eternal Walküre  

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Welcome to the Macross Delta series finale Talkback Thread


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As an episode, I would say it was good, but as a finale you can definitely tell it was rushed and they pulled a Macross Zero on us and had them fly off into the sky :/

I feel sorry for Mirage, she never really got to prove her self as a Jenius, not much character development and she still stuck all alone.

Edited by Laundro
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No spoiler tags? That's different.

Roid is Grace 2.0 with his Hivemind scheme. Mikumo brainwashes the cluster with Do You Remember Love... In Protoculture.

Note: If you are not Lynn Minmay don't sing that song as those who sung it other than her don't go right. Mylene makes some Meltrans go berserk. Ranka Galaxy hologram mind controls the Vajra. Mikumo controls Sub-Protoculture races.

No evidence it goes beyond the cluster as no Earth or Eden.

To emphasize that Windy's are like Vajra drones their Drakens turn white.

Having been betrayed Heinz works with the enemy... For now. Not that he can do anything as he is trapped like everybody else.

Roid's plan gets ruined thanks to Freyja's determination and the three way teenage confessions going around.

Keith joins Delta squad in taking down Roid as they rescue Mikumo who has been unbrainwashed. I know Kawamori always wanted a sword wielding VF but he finally did it with the SV-262Hs Draken. Keith kills Roid with his sword but is engulfed with him in the following explosion.

In the war over? Not really as Heinz the, little crap, still wants to continue it. They just retreat back to Windermere as the cluster is freed during the fight from mind control. Turns out grandpa cat leader was right. Wait for them to die to out. Heinz doesn't have long. Keith is gone. No line of succession. Heinz can't sell mind control anymore to Windermere's people as they've experienced it. Using it means civil war. Windermere doesn't have the industrial capacity to conquer the galaxy. Epsilon probably said goodbye to them with a thank you note for the data.

Also super fold drives negate their Fold Fault protection. I'm sure surrounding planets will start buying them for protection and maybe payback.

Oh Mariane is alive and so is Scarcat.

Hayate and Freyja fly off in a cramp cockpit as Mirage watches from below.

Edited by RedWolf
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Action scenes were great but they tied what lose ends they could in the time given.

The best part of this episode was the vf-9 cutlass and kid Mirage.

Just imagine if we had small flash backs with Max/Milia showing a young Mirage around the valks.

Ultimately we didnt get to know enough about these characters well enough to care about them.

Remember when the Immelman dance was a thing.

Nothing announced post credits? I was too busy having a rib cracking sigh to continue watching the stream.

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Haven't watched it yet either.

It is nice to hear that Mirage got a flash back scene that shows she'll actually a Jenius. For a while I assumed Mirage was just any unrelated character at first that they gave her the Jenius afterwards to tie the series together. Wait a minute is now the time to show a flash back? I think I'll enjoy watching it but isn't time use very important in finale episodes?

So the big final fight is between Keith and Roid to the death? I don't remember them having mecha duels before? Are there any other mecha duels to the death between Delta team and the other nights?

Oh yeah do they cure Windermere of the aging disease through the power of song or are they all still doomed to only live around 30 years?

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Haven't watched it yet either.

It is nice to hear that Mirage got a flash back scene that shows she'll actually a Jenius. For a while I assumed Mirage was just any unrelated character at first that they gave her the Jenius afterwards to tie the series together. Wait a minute is now the time to show a flash back? I think I'll enjoy watching it but isn't time use very important in finale episodes?

So the big final fight is between Keith and Roid to the death? I don't remember them having mecha duels before? Are there any other mecha duels to the death between Delta team and the other nights?

Oh yeah do they cure Windermere of the aging disease through the power of song or are they all still doomed to only live around 30 years?

Nope... pretty much everyone lives except Roid and Keith.

Freya does get more scales on her hand.

Edited by Laundro
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The mecha fight was like a re-skinned Frontier vs Galaxy Fight. Xaos did lose an arm on their Macross after they fired their gun knocking out SV shields so they then performed a Daedalus Punch.

Edited by Heron
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Haven't watched it yet either.

It is nice to hear that Mirage got a flash back scene that shows she'll actually a Jenius. For a while I assumed Mirage was just any unrelated character at first that they gave her the Jenius afterwards to tie the series together. Wait a minute is now the time to show a flash back? I think I'll enjoy watching it but isn't time use very important in finale episodes?

Goes back to the comment I had months ago...

Mylene, onee-sama, are you sure she is yours?

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