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Macross World Podcast - feedback & comments


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  • 3 weeks later...

The latest ep is up!
We visit a live drawing session by Macross Frontier Chief Animation Director Hirotaka Marufuji, before sitting down to discuss the trailer for Alita Battle Angel.

Adrian meets voice acting legend Akio Ohtsuka, and Renato travels South America with gains co-founder Hiroaki Inoue.

All this and more!...er...FB7...



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Got up to date with the podcast recently.  From recent developments with Delta, I still think it has more in common with Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress than Frontier.  By next February both will be at very similar positions in what I guess is their overall production and maybe story lines (original series, compilation film, and an unspecified future project sometime in 2018).  You guys also bringing up a couple of times that little to no in-universe supplemental information for the mecha and setting has been released to makes me think there really was a long term plan for all of this.  Saying very little about the Chaos mecha and organization beyond Walkure I can understand, since it might be plot breaking (Lady M).  That being said, except for the Bird Human look alike I can't say the same about the Windermere Epsilon Foundation funded mecha.

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Woah! So Renato and Hiroaki Inoue where here in Argentina? And they come right in the middle of one of our anual social and political crisis.... Yay! (December is always a bad month to visit Argentina, we like to overthrow our government in the Holydays)

Sorry that both of you have to endure the Airline Strike, at least the travel from Rosario to buenos Aires maybe was interesting? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Tochiro said:

In our last episode for 2017, Mike joins us as we chillax and discuss recent Macross news, Uta Macross, and Mike and Adrian's Deltalk panel.
But why is Adrian having a sh#t attack?
Tune in to find out (at your own risk!).



An epic Podcast to close out 2017, clocking-in just under 3 hours!!! Looking forward to listening.

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  • 1 month later...
20 hours ago, Tochiro said:

I hope people like spoilers because we just dropped a 4 hour podcast dissecting Passionate Walkure :-)


Congratulations on the 100th Podcast! Listening now, but at 4 hours...it's going to take some time. Thanks in advance for the detailed review of Passionate Walkure!

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That's an interesting fact about the clip films being a short-hand for people who missed the series.

Given that the series are so effing expensive is streaming a big thing in Japan?  Presumably you can watch a whole series of something without having to drop $150+ on a series.

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3 hours ago, Mommar said:

Given that the series are so effing expensive is streaming a big thing in Japan?

Delta was streaming on the Asian version of Hulu at one time and the every TV series has been or still is available on other legit sites.  I think they mentioned it on the podcast before.

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Question is this episode of the podcast spoiler-iffic? I know, that sounds like a stoopid question, especially since we've all seen the series, but if there are big changes from the show, that might lead to big things, will they be spoiled in the cast?

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8 minutes ago, Mazinger said:

Question is this episode of the podcast spoiler-iffic? I know, that sounds like a stoopid question, especially since we've all seen the series, but if there are big changes from the show, that might lead to big things, will they be spoiled in the cast?

Oh yeah, not just spoiler-iffic...but spoiler-tastic and spoiler-normous. Definitely avoid if you don't want to know everything in detail.

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Anyone else get the feeling that the studio kinda went to Kawamori and said "Well... its time for another macross series, your budget is a 10th of Frontier and you got one week to do it. Thanks Shoji!!!"

Hopefully he gets to tell the story he wants to in the next series.

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On 2/13/2018 at 1:00 AM, Tochiro said:

Anime News Network weighs in with a review of Macross Delta Passionate Walkure!

(Listeners of the SpeakerPODcast will already have heard some of it ;-)


Isn't she the reviewer the same guest who was with you in the podcast? The review makes many of the same points.

Good podcast guys (a tad long though!!).

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22 hours ago, Tochiro said:

This episode - the SpeakerPODcast Crew checks out a Macross exhibit located 500m above the ground! And has a not-so-successful experience recording there ^^;
Tune in to learn more!

Thanks for the excellent photo gallery. Much appreciated!

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After months of anticipation, Walkure's 3rd concert "Walkure Won't Betray You", has finally happened! This episode we grab as many fans as possible to talk about it. The result was utter chaos - so it's just like being there!


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On 2/26/2018 at 8:25 PM, Tochiro said:

After months of anticipation, Walkure's 3rd concert "Walkure Won't Betray You", has finally happened! This episode we grab as many fans as possible to talk about it. The result was utter chaos - so it's just like being there!


About half way through the Podcast, and it sounds like the concerts were a blast: May'n, the floating/moving see-through stage, pen-lights galore!

When you have a moment, and if available/possible, what other upcoming Macross and/or Macross related events are currently scheduled that a fan should keep an eye out for?

Also, is anyone out there currently keeping a calendar of Macross-related events that they'd be willing to share? Thanks in advance!

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8 hours ago, RDX17 said:

About half way through the Podcast, and it sounds like the concerts were a blast: May'n, the floating/moving see-through stage, pen-lights galore!

When you have a moment, and if available/possible, what other upcoming Macross and/or Macross related events are currently scheduled that a fan should keep an eye out for?

Also, is anyone out there currently keeping a calendar of Macross-related events that they'd be willing to share? Thanks in advance!

There’s no calendar that I’m aware of, primarily because many events use different ticketing services and most will not sell tickets to people without a Japanese address or credit card. 

And it’s almost impossible to just walk in off the street as many dont have tickets available on the day, unfortunately. 

For any major events though, we mention them in they cast when announced and also tweet them, for what it’s worth. 

Interestingly, there’s no major, Macross-centric events coming up at all in the next few months -not that have been announced anyways. Presumably they’re giving the fans some time to recover after the craziness of the last two months.

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13 hours ago, Tochiro said:

There’s no calendar that I’m aware of, primarily because many events use different ticketing services and most will not sell tickets to people without a Japanese address or credit card. 

And it’s almost impossible to just walk in off the street as many dont have tickets available on the day, unfortunately. 

For any major events though, we mention them in they cast when announced and also tweet them, for what it’s worth. 

Interestingly, there’s no major, Macross-centric events coming up at all in the next few months -not that have been announced anyways. Presumably they’re giving the fans some time to recover after the craziness of the last two months.

Thanks for all the detailed information Tochiro! I'll be sure to keep a closer eye on the twitter feed and listening for upcoming events in future Podcasts.

I think I'm most interested in getting a chance to see DYRL in a theater one day. Very jealous of GiantRobo's 35mm screening sometime back.

Had a chance to finish up the Podcast tonight, and hearing about everyone's experiences from different sections of the arena, of the separate shows, and their favorite songs was great. Thanks for getting everyone together to share their thoughts.

Also, glad to hear that GiantRobo is coming around: Kaname's always been the best.

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