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Haha, I was a little dissappointed that they didn't show us the actual hardware, but Diablo III, infamous, Watch Dogs, and Killzone (I'm a big killzone fan) sealed the deal for me.

I'm not very used to PC gaming, since I prefer consoles, so the graphics were a huge step up for me as well. I'll be waiting in line for this one for sure!

I can understand though, Square Enix blowing us off as they did, and a bunch of silly tech demos with little relevant information was a little annoying to say the least...

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IGN says there's a new Final Fantasy game coinciding with the PS4's release. I wonder if it's XIII-Versus, which might explain the hush-hush way SE's been going about it when asked about it's progress.

As for price, a certain Japanese newspaper also states that the PS4 will cost about 400 USD, which is reasonable, since it's actually 200 less than what the PS3 cost in 2006. All speculation at this point, though. Here's the link.

Either way, I won't even consider buying one until after a game I seriously like has been announced, and all the kinks and glitches have been found and ironed out. I only bought a PS3 after MGS4 was released.

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Haha, I was a little dissappointed that they didn't show us the actual hardware, but Diablo III, infamous, Watch Dogs, and Killzone (I'm a big killzone fan) sealed the deal for me.

I'm not very used to PC gaming, since I prefer consoles, so the graphics were a huge step up for me as well. I'll be waiting in line for this one for sure!

I can understand though, Square Enix blowing us off as they did, and a bunch of silly tech demos with little relevant information was a little annoying to say the least...

Yeah, if I'd wanted to play Diablo III, I'd have done it already. Torchlight II was more fun. As for Killzone, I know I'm a minority here but I actually can't stand any of the games in the series so far. And at the risk of sounding like a PC elitist, shooters really are better with a mouse and keyboard.

I'm not sure what to make of Watch Dogs, and I'm not even sure it's going to be PS4 exclusive. So that just leaves Infamous. And like I said, if I buy a PS4, that'd be my go to game, but by itself it's not enough to sell me a console. Give me an Uncharted, a God of War, a Ratchet & Clank, heck, even a Wipeout (wait, didn't Sony close Studio Liverpool? So maybe not Wipeout...), then we'll talk.

IGN says there's a new Final Fantasy game coinciding with the PS4's release.

That was a big incentive for me back when the original PlayStation came out. Now, not so much.

I want to like the PS4, I really do. But with a PC, a PS3, and Xbox 360, a Wii U, a Vita, and a 3DS at home for me to game on, I need a little more than, "It's the new PlayStation!" to motivate me. I'll wait and see how E3 goes before I decide.

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@Mikeszekeley: That was a big incentive for me back when the original PlayStation came out. Now, not so much.

Same here. FF XIII was a bit of a disapppointment, so I can't say I'm as confident of the franchise's ability to deliver a good game as I did back during my PS1 days.

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My vote for "new FF" game is 13 Versus. Or some other 13 offshoot. I do not expect 15.

(though, if they want to guarantee massive sales, they'll announce an FF7 HD remake as a launch game, PS4 exclusive)

Technically, the did relaunch FF7 as a PC game with DLC capabilities or something. Not exactly a hit with fans, considering it's same damn game with identical graphics and all.

As for SE's mystery FF game, it's likely to be Versus, although it could just as likely be Lightning Returns (not that anyone cares about the latter, anyway).

If it's Versus, I'll buy the game first and play it eventually when I get around to buying the PS4 a year or so later.

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Definitely like the games announcements so far. Nothing "must have" just yet but definitely good news. Still not nearly as excited as I was for the PS3. Probably be waiting for the first price drop.

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Maybe it's just me, but social media and streaming/cloud-supported games seems...consuming. The game itself can be large (game files or graphics). Then comes the DLCs. I'm looking at my installation of Battlefield 3 and it's near 28 GB up to the current DLC. If I was just starting (like if I got the game as a Christmas present), that's a lot of stuff to download. It sounds like the A-list games will still come on physical media but if PS3 or PS2 games are streaming only, that's a lot of streaming. It sounds like they'll eventually go all cloud-based at some point. I know streaming and that path is the direction of a lot of things, but gamers that play a game straight then play again, or even streaming their games or streaming their multiplayer games... It seems like were gonna need more bandwidth.

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Looking at all the delay, I strongly believe that the FF title being worked on is Versus but it's going to be changed to FFXV and probably be a much different game then what we saw in the initial trailers. I still have a small glimmer of hope that The Last Guardian will see the light of day at some point. It just won't be with the PS3.

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Maybe it's just me, but social media and streaming/cloud-supported games seems...consuming. The game itself can be large (game files or graphics). Then comes the DLCs. I'm looking at my installation of Battlefield 3 and it's near 28 GB up to the current DLC. If I was just starting (like if I got the game as a Christmas present), that's a lot of stuff to download. It sounds like the A-list games will still come on physical media but if PS3 or PS2 games are streaming only, that's a lot of streaming. It sounds like they'll eventually go all cloud-based at some point. I know streaming and that path is the direction of a lot of things, but gamers that play a game straight then play again, or even streaming their games or streaming their multiplayer games... It seems like were gonna need more bandwidth.

I don't think that's how it works. You're not streaming the whole game. A PS3/server/ whatever in the cloud is running the game, and all that's streaming to you is the audio/video, with your input streaming back. Like OnLive.

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I don't think that's how it works. You're not streaming the whole game. A PS3/server/ whatever in the cloud is running the game, and all that's streaming to you is the audio/video, with your input streaming back. Like OnLive.

There goes any chance of offline-mode then. Not that we're not at that point already.
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I don't think that's how it works. You're not streaming the whole game. A PS3/server/ whatever in the cloud is running the game, and all that's streaming to you is the audio/video, with your input streaming back. Like OnLive.

So now we can have latency issues and random disconnects during single player. sounds awesome. <_<

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So now we can have latency issues and random disconnects during single player. sounds awesome. <_<


You were disconnected from PSN. Reconnect/Cancel?

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There goes any chance of offline-mode then. Not that we're not at that point already.

Sony did say that the PS4 is going to have an offline mode... for PS4 games.

So now we can have latency issues and random disconnects during single player. sounds awesome. <_<

From what I've heard, OnLive actually worked fairly well. I mean, yeah, the PSN's connection usually sucks, but Sony bought Gakkai for a reason. Heck, I'm willing to give Sony credit for trying to come up with a way to make the PS4 backwards-compatible with the previous 3 at all. Let's say that, for now, I remain cautiously optimistic about this feature.
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And I wonder for how long.

Yeah... I'd gripe more, but it's not like I can recall my PS3, Xbox 360, or PC ever being offline while I played. Oh, except when I went to Beijing. I put Steam in Offline Mode on my laptop so I could play Civ V in the evenings.
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Yeah... I'd gripe more, but it's not like I can recall my PS3, Xbox 360, or PC ever being offline while I played. Oh, except when I went to Beijing. I put Steam in Offline Mode on my laptop so I could play Civ V in the evenings.

What worries me just as much is the possibility that they might phase out physical discs in the future. It's probably inevitable, but I'd rather it not happen anytime soon, at least not within the first three quarters of the PS4's lifespan. Cloud storage and streaming might be the way of the future, but the local broadband services are far from ready for it.

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What worries me just as much is the possibility that they might phase out physical discs in the future. It's probably inevitable, but I'd rather it not happen anytime soon, at least not within the first three quarters of the PS4's lifespan. Cloud storage and streaming might be the way of the future, but the local broadband services are far from ready for it.

Yeah... again, I'd complain more, but as a PC gamer I haven't bought a game on a physical disc (for PC, anyway) since... um...

...oh, right. The Witcher II. Because it came with that big book.

My biggest concern about digital content isn't the bandwidth or even the storage, as consoles are starting to catch up to most PCs (well, maybe not mine, but you get the idea). It's with pricing. One of the reasons Steam has been so embraced by the PC community is the frequent sales. During the holiday sale, I probably bought 15 games for maybe $50-$60. Meanwhile, on the PlayStation Network, Sony's still asking $30-$40 for games that can be found brand new for less than $20.

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My biggest concern about digital content isn't the bandwidth or even the storage, as consoles are starting to catch up to most PCs (well, maybe not mine, but you get the idea). It's with pricing. One of the reasons Steam has been so embraced by the PC community is the frequent sales. During the holiday sale, I probably bought 15 games for maybe $50-$60. Meanwhile, on the PlayStation Network, Sony's still asking $30-$40 for games that can be found brand new for less than $20.

As I understand it, the PS4 uses an AMD APU chip (and a Jaguar-based x86 CPU/GPU nonetheless). Can't get much more closer to a PC than that.

But yes, if Sony still wants to price games as they do now, I don't expect there to be much adoption, regardless of games.

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As I understand it, the PS4 uses an AMD APU chip (and a Jaguar-based x86 CPU/GPU nonetheless). Can't get much more closer to a PC than that.

But yes, if Sony still wants to price games as they do now, I don't expect there to be much adoption, regardless of games.

I meant specifically storage, ie hard drive-wise. I mean, my PS3 has a 320GB hard drive, and my 360 has a 250GB hard drive. Most laptops see to be around 320-500GB, so that's close. It's just not close to my computer, but I stuffed 4TB into mine. So I'm ok with the idea of digital distribution, just not with the PSN's current pricing.

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Gosh, how is it that I've been able to make do with just a 40 GB HDD on my PS3 all this while? Must be nice not having to delete old game installs when you play new ones.

I wanted to upgrade the HDD, but I was kind of worried I might screw it up and wreck the machine.

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Gosh, how is it that I've been able to make do with just a 40 GB HDD on my PS3 all this while? Must be nice not having to delete old game installs when you play new ones.

I wanted to upgrade the HDD, but I was kind of worried I might screw it up and wreck the machine.

If it makes you feel better, I have that problem with the Vita. I only have an 8GB card, but I have three digital PSP games and three digital Vita games. Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus has to stay on the PS3 until I finish Uncharted, I guess.

Oh, and upgrading the PS3's hard drive is really easy. Just be sure to backup your PlayStation to an external drive first, so you can restore it later. But it's seriously as easy as opening the door on the side, removing the old drive, sliding the new one in, and putting the door back on.

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If it makes you feel better, I have that problem with the Vita. I only have an 8GB card, but I have three digital PSP games and three digital Vita games. Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus has to stay on the PS3 until I finish Uncharted, I guess.

Oh, and upgrading the PS3's hard drive is really easy. Just be sure to backup your PlayStation to an external drive first, so you can restore it later. But it's seriously as easy as opening the door on the side, removing the old drive, sliding the new one in, and putting the door back on.

That's trange. You see, I watched a few youtube posts on how to upgrade your HDD, and the guy ran into some problems with system updates and whatnot, and it took him three posts to resolve the matter. Whatever confidence I had in installing a new drive evaporated as he fiddled helplessly with the controls, wondering what happened.

I don't know; maybe I'll give it a try one of these days.

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That's trange. You see, I watched a few youtube posts on how to upgrade your HDD, and the guy ran into some problems with system updates and whatnot, and it took him three posts to resolve the matter. Whatever confidence I had in installing a new drive evaporated as he fiddled helplessly with the controls, wondering what happened.

I don't know; maybe I'll give it a try one of these days.

I had something like that happen to me when I installed a new hard drive. I ended up having to go onto the PSN website and download the latest update onto a flash drive, then install it on the ps3. Wasn't all that bad of an ordeal though, 500GB HD was definitely worth it.

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I had something like that happen to me when I installed a new hard drive. I ended up having to go onto the PSN website and download the latest update onto a flash drive, then install it on the ps3. Wasn't all that bad of an ordeal though, 500GB HD was definitely worth it.

Well, if it's just a simple matter of downloading an update onto a flash drive and installing it, then I'm willing to try it myself. BTW, what type of HDD does the PS3 use? I'm guessing the slimmer laptop type.

BTW, I bought MGR yesterday, and while I still don;t know how long the game lasts, it's definitely a great game as far as gameplay is concerned. Slicing sh!t up was never this fun. The GEKKO's are a bit of a pain if you're not very familiar with parrying, and the camera angles aren't helping either.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure this is going to be my next Fall of Cybertron. Short campaign mode, but awesome replay value.

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Well, if it's just a simple matter of downloading an update onto a flash drive and installing it, then I'm willing to try it myself. BTW, what type of HDD does the PS3 use? I'm guessing the slimmer laptop type.

BTW, I bought MGR yesterday, and while I still don;t know how long the game lasts, it's definitely a great game as far as gameplay is concerned. Slicing sh!t up was never this fun. The GEKKO's are a bit of a pain if you're not very familiar with parrying, and the camera angles aren't helping either.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure this is going to be my next Fall of Cybertron. Short campaign mode, but awesome replay value.

Yup, it's a laptop SATA drive, the hardest part in the process depends on what generation PS3 you have, i.e. the "really" old models (like mine) have screws that strip if you breathe on them. Aside from that, it's an incredibly smooth process. Just make sure to have that thumbdrive with the current firmware ready.

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Yup, it's a laptop SATA drive, the hardest part in the process depends on what generation PS3 you have, i.e. the "really" old models (like mine) have screws that strip if you breathe on them. Aside from that, it's an incredibly smooth process. Just make sure to have that thumbdrive with the current firmware ready.

Thanks for the info! Now I just have to find a place that sells SATA drives.

BTW, just finished my second playthrough of Metal Gear Rising, the first playthrough which took about 10-15 hours or so, NOT counting cutscenes.

- Collected all ID chips.

- Found all MIB's.

- Unlocked Armor Breaker.

- Unlocked wooden longsword and HF machete.

- Unlocked Wig A and Wig B.

- Completely leveled up skills, life and BP gauges.


a very addictive game, and much more than your regular hack-n-slash. The Zandatsu system adds a certain depth to the gameplay that DW games and even Tenchu doesn't quite equal. The story, while convoluted, doesn't distract you from what's important: hacking limbs and grabbing "nano-repair clusters" from the enemies' guts.

I'd say it's just the right length for a game of its genre, and VR missions is a welcome feature, adding tons of replay value, not to mention unlockables, trophies, harder difficulties and numerous Easter eggs.

To anyone who's still on the fence about getting this game; go buy it, you won't regret it.

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Well, I'm still working on Dead Space 3. First play through clocked in at 21 hours, second play through brought my total up to 37~38ish hours.

I'm really loving the game, I think it's my favorite Dead space game yet. I need to find some people to play co-op with, that's really all I haven't gotten yet. (well, I do need to beat classic, hardcore, pure survival and impossible mode. that last one is looking pretty easy given how stupidly upgraded all my weapons and rig are).

I've got to say, I love the new weapon crafting setup, but the degree to which you can build stupidly powerful weapons is absolutely astounding.

I'm super looking forward to the DLC that's coming out. the achievement list for it alone has got me excited.

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Some of these VR missions in MGR are a real pain. The combat oriented ones basically require you to perform perfect Zandatsu's on damn near every enemy in order to make the time for ranking. Kind of hard when you've got a f*cking GEKKO trying to kick you to death. Parrying is probably the best way to do it, but the window is so fricking narrow that I could only connect maybe once in every 10 parries.

Upgrading doesn't make the task any easier since it doesn't influence Raiden's stats at all in VR missions.

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BTW, I desperately need a proper headset... I can't get a co-op game because none of the mics I have seem to work properly.

I just ordered this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008EQ1FVU/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

they look cool, had some good reviews online and where (relatively) cheap.

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If I used to like GEKKO's for their design, I now HATE them in MGR. Biggest f*cking annoyance in almost any VR missions.

If these existed in the real world and I saw one of them, I'd spit on their sensors and take a leak in their fuel tanks! ...a dormant, powered down, or damaged one at least. :ph34r:

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